Don't ever think that others are better than yourself, no one are perfect. Learn to believe in yourself, do what you wanna do, don't ever give up and; as long as it is harmless, just keep doing it. If you believe in yourself, grasp the opportunity, don't waste a minute useless, keep struggling, never step back, learn from failure, be self-motivated and these is where the success comes from. Live your life as if there's no tomorrow.
it's all about LOVE!
Quote of the Day by
Office relocation!!!
Our current address:
No.48BEo, Street 240,
Sangkat Chaktomuk, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh
New address
No.176, Main road #370 corner Norodom blvd.
Sangkat Beoung Kaeng kongI, Khan Chamkamon, Phnom Penh
Should you need any further assistance, feel free to contact me at any time.
Best wishes and regards,
Ms. Virac Sisocheata
Senior Consultant acting Manager
Office: (855) 92 928 666
Mobile: (855) 12 495 666
A thank you saying to my teacher...

Dedication to Frank Felser - ACE diploma teacher lead:
I am one of the student in Public Speaking and Presentation class at ACE.For the last two years, I've completed 13 diploma courses while, this public speaking class is the last class for me. The result released and i got 84 for total score :) lolz... that's cool enough for me.
With no hesitation, i really enjoy studying this course, it's been a very challenging ones. Among the difficulties i have faced with, standing in front of public used to be a number one fear before i registered for this course... but , hahaa, public speaking is not what i am afraid of no more, due to going through and completed this course, i've learn alot from my wonderful teacher, Frank Felser, whose is very skillful and with over 20years experience of his career path as a professor and a teacher lead of ACE diploma courses. I am taught to be more confident and i am proud to be.
Last but not least, i dont'think that hundreds page are enough for me to thanks him and how amazing he is. So, I would like to express my gratitude to Frank, and I want to let you know that this is always been my great honor ever, to have chance joined in your class. Under your professional tutor; i am no more just a student sitting in a public speaking class but a mature ones who is ready to stand infront of hundreds of people with no shaking hands and dry lips and yet, Public Speaking is no more my number fear!
P.S: Wish you and your family all the best and have a very happy health family on this coming Christmas and New Year! God bless you...

Sisocheata Virac
SMART = Self confident, Maneuver, Ability, Readiness, Tactics.
SUCCESS = self-improvement, Ultimate, Certify, Compatible, Elite, Superior, Satisfy.

Find your own wills, develop your talent, don't give up at your own commitment. Go for the destination, move on for success. Your life is meaningless without facing any obstacles. Never give up, coz nth would stay for eternity, so the problem you are facing with will also pass away. Life is goes on...
How do we choose between Love and Career?
If you feel that you are now staying in the middle and doubts of which we to go while both job and love just arrive at a very important stage, hope the below article could help give u some

In these increasingly stressful economic times the choice between love and career has become even more difficult than in the past. Statements such as, “I have no room in my life for a relationship,” or “I was so focused on climbing the ladder of success that I missed the relationship boat altogether,” or even worse, “My marriage ended because I was never home,“ are regular topics in many therapist’s offices. This very black and white thinking has forced people to one side or the other and they are finding it nearly impossible to strike a healthy balance.
It is true that today employers expect more from employees in terms of time and dedication. Professional careers that were once fulfilling adjuncts to a whole life now seem to suck people dry leaving them with little to give to a mate or a family. Family dinners, let alone date nights, have become a luxury reserved for those at a high enough level to make their own choices, those who are self-employed or those who are unemployed. Of course there are still jobs that have set hours and allow for a more balanced life but they are becoming less common. It seems to be an issue that is faced by many across all of the socio-economic spectrum.
So how do you manage this opposing pull? How do you continue to pursue your career goals while not losing sight of your interpersonal ones? In short, it is not easy.
If you are in a relationship there are things you can do to make sure that you don’t actually have to make the choice between love and career. Make sure you are on the same page with your partner. If your job requires frequent travel–which can be extremely hard on relationships–carve out very specific times to be together when you are in the same place at the same time. Make a commitment to the time you do have together by focusing on each other. This means setting aside specific times that can be for answering emails, returning phone calls, or attending to work at home. The other times are time off from work periods that are for your partner and or your family. With technology work life has crept into home life like never before. Use your time at work as efficiently as possible so you can get home for that ever important family dinner at least 3 times per week. Take a close look at what your priorities are and try to honor those priorities by living your life accordingly. [healthy relations support group, 2009]
Fun test- how attractive are you?
1. Which place do u want to have a travel most?
A. Beijing ................................go to q.2
B. Tokyo .................................go to q.3
C. Paris ..................................go to q.4
2. Have you ever cried when u see a touching movie?
A. Yes......................................go to q.4
B. No........................................go to q.3
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend still has not come after an hour of your date with him/her, what will you do?
A. wait for another 30 mins.................go to q.4
B. leave immediately...........................go to q.5
C. wait until he/she comes..................go to q.6
4. Do u like to go to see a movie alone?
A. Yes......................................go to q.5
B. No..........................................go to q.6
5. When he/she asks for a kiss in your first date, what will you do?
A. Refuse...................................go to q.6
B. light kiss on his/her forehand...........go to q.7
C. Agree and kiss him/her...................go to q.8
6. Are you a humorous person?
A. I think I am.............................go to q.7
B. I think I am not.........................go to q.8
7. Do you think you are a capable leader?
A. Yes......................................go to q.9
B. No.......................................go to q.10
8. Which gender will you choose to be born if you are given a chance?
A. Male.....................................go to q.9
B. Female...................................go to q.10
C. I don't mind.............................Type D (go straight to results below)
9. Have you ever got more than one boyfriends or girlfriends at a time
A. Yes......................................Type B (go straight to results below)
B. No.......................................Type A (go straight to results below)
10. Do you think you are intelligent?
A. Yes......................................Type D (go straight to results below)
B. No.......................................Type C (go straight to results below)
Type A : Congratulations! You can extremely attract the opposite sex!
You possess a charming beauty in the eyes of them. You not only have a pretty figure, but also have a humorous and gentle personality. You should be a literate person and know how to get along with people and can allocate your time well, thus you are always popular among the opposite sex.
Type B : Quite good! You can easily attract the opposite sex, but you will
not easily into the loving trap. Your humor makes them want to get
along with you. He/She will be happy being with you!
Type C : Not bad! You cannot attract the opposite sex very well, but
you still have something good which make them like to get along with you.
You should be an honest person and have a unique view in seeing things.
You are quite friendly in the eyes of your friends.
Type D : Oh! You do not attract the opposite sex. You do not have much knowledge, and not much intrinsic humane values. You are too rude to the opposite sex. Thus you are not very popular among
Fun personality Test - fruits you love!
The Fruit you love reveals your personality. To find out your personality, take this free fun test! This is not guarantee 100% accurate, it is for fun only however it is designed as how it was being seen to reflect to majority of people. So, let's have fun :)
Fruit For Thought
Which is your favorite Fruit?
1. Orange 4. Pineapple 7. cherry
2. Durian 5. Papaya 8. strawberry
3. Apple 6. Mango 9. peach
10. Pear
You have patience and will power; hard work doesn't daunt you. You like to do things slowly, but thoroughly. Although shy, you are reliable and trustworthy. You love with all your heart - flings are not for you
You are extravagant, impulsive, and outspoken. You may not be the best organizer, but you're charming and make a good team leader. You enjoy travel immensely, and have an enthusiasm for life unmatched by most. Watch that temper, though.
Awww, you're a softie - loving, gentle, warm, and sympathetic. But your sweet temper makes you vulnerable to people taking advantage of you. You may lack self-confidence and be timid, yet you enjoy harmonious relationships.
You are quick to decide; even quicker to act. You have exceptional organizing abilities, and tend to be self-reliant, sincere and honest in your dealings with others. You don't make friends easily, but once you do, they're friends for life. You rarely, if ever, make romantic overtures.

You have fixed ideas - influencing you is no easy task. You tend to be an extremist with strong likes and dislikes; at times, you like to control a situation. You enjoy getting involved in something that presents a mental challenge. Strong as you may be, you are a kitten when you are with your partner.
You often faced ups and downs professionally and financially; you are often involved in creative pursuits. Despite being sincere and loyal, you don't express your emotions easily. Your home is your haven, and you love nothing more than being surrounded by family and your beloved partner.
You are polite yet have a temper. You are very popular because of your warm, gregarious nature. Your zest in life ensures you enjoy everything you do.
You are friendly and outspoken. You are quick to forgive and forget. You have an independent, ambitious streak in you, making you a real go-getter. Fiery and passionate (though not in public), you are sincere and faithful to your lover, and value friendship highly.
You tend to be fickle, and have trouble completing a task with the enthusiasm you started with, because you need to see immediate results. You enjoy mental stimulation and love a good discussion. You tend to be restless, highly stung, and easily excitable.
My beloved parents....
here is the text message that my wonderful mother sent to me last night,just to say happy birthday to me. the text message popped up my phone at 1:59am, 27 November. She was the first person that say happy birthday to me, and of course the next person is my beloved daddy, he text me about 10mn after mum did. They are my beloved parents and i really love them with all my heart and respect them the most. Without them, without their warmth parental love, without the way they brought me up so good, i just dont'know where i might be today... but bcoz of them and bcoz of they are too good, too perfect in the name of parents, I will never disappointed them nor i to give up in my dream. My dream is their dream, and i will try all my hardest to pay back everything; though, the love they have toward me are just unmeasurable. But i will do the best i could for the sake of me born as their daughter. I love you so much, pa mak.
Thanks for everything and i will never let you down.... this is not a promise but a commitment :) i love you!
My beloved mother...

Mum, having a mother like you has always been the greatest gift and biggest advantage anyone could ever make me feel.
It is because of the confidence and values that you instilled in me that made me who I am today. You know, mum... as the time grew up, you have shaping me into a person who I like and i am proud to be.

Mum, i'd like to thank you in letting us believe that we could be whoever we wanted to be, do whatever we wanted to do, there were no limitations except our drive, confident, ambition and creativity.
Thanks for teaching me not to afraid to dream, thanks for showing me that life is always goes on. No one is perfect, but try to be the best we ever could be. Thanks, mummy..i love you so much.
Respectfully to the love you've installed in me, i am honor to tell the world how much you mean to my life, and how proud i am to be born as ur daughter.
We love you,mum :*
A great presentation speech
The first piece of a presentation speech is the composition. This is the overall build of the speech and includes the information that is being delivered. The trick to getting the organizational aspect of it correct is to find a way to easily arrange the information. A tip of the trade is to put all the separate pieces and the supporting details on individual index cards. These index cards can then be moved around to fix any problems with the flow of the presentation speech. This will save hours of writing and re-writing to simply move the information around. Once the organization is complete, write the entire speech down on paper and pay special attention to transition points. These are the points where to subjects meet and the focus switches between them. Often times transition points are prone to awkwardly worded sentences and poorly flowing ideas. Once the organizational aspect of the presentation speech is completed, it’s time to move on to delivering the presentation speech.
Delivering the presentation speech is the second and equally important part of the presentation. Having a weakly put together speech or a weak deliverance will diminish its effectiveness. The key to delivering a great presentation speech is to never hang on one subject too long. Staying on one subject and dragging on about it will only cause the audience to lose interest and once the audience’s interest is gone, it’s near impossible to really gain it back again. To keep this from happening move through points that don’t need a lot of clarification quickly and do things to engage the audience. Ask rhetorical questions, which will keep their minds active but not disrupt the presentation speech. Ask for a raise of hands to any sort of question you may have which will allow them to be somewhat active and still keep the presentation speech from being interrupted. Lastly, make eye contact. If the audience feels you are addressing them, they are less likely the let their attention wander in fear of getting caught off guard.
There’s dozens of rules and procedures to giving a great presentation speech. However, there are only two parts that are necessary to succeed. Practicing both parts and adhering to the basics of both organization and deliverance will ultimately lead to a great presentation speech. Nothing what went wrong with the speech you just gave and making note of it will allow speeches in the future to be improved and it will keep you from making mistakes over and over again. Last but not least simply have fun; giving a great presentation speech isn’t possible if you’re not enjoying what you’re doing.
Without self confident- nothing could ever work. :)
Top 10 Tips for a Successful Job Interview
1. Prepare and over-prepare.
2. Be particularly clear on what you know and what you want to achieve.
3. Make sure your responses match your claims.
4. Be clear about your strengths.
5. Describe your weaknesses as strengths.
6. If you've been fired, be forthright about it.
7. Be clear where you want to go.
8. Have clear personal standards.
9. Interview the interviewer.
*** The applicant who will take anything offered is unlikely to win any but the most temporary of positions. A competent interviewer (there are some) will respect your efforts to assess the organization and the position in terms of whether or not it meets YOUR requirements. And you owe it to yourself to have defined before hand, what you ideally want and what you are willing to settle for, under certain conditions. For example, you might really want a salary of $75,000 to begin with, but you'd be willing to take less if the opportunities for growth are clearly in the picture. (coachville, 1996)
10. Don't allow yourself to be badgered by the salary issue.
I hope you the above text could give you some ideas on how to win a job interivew or you will spend lots of time repeating the job interview and success and nowhere.
Be smart :)
Or shall you might have any doubts regarding to recruitment matters; feel free to reach me i'll be happy to answer your question :)
How to win the job interview
Little Things That Make A Difference
The most important non-verbal communication you make about yourself is your appearance and grooming. In the first few minutes the person with whom you are talking will form an impression of you which will affect his/her opinion.
Dressing for success means dressing appropriately for the environment for which you are interviewing. By wearing the quality and style of clothing you would wear if hired, you help the interviewer visualize you on the job. Your appearance should make the interviewer think, "This person will fit in well."
You should be mentally prepared to describe briefly specific personal accomplishments you want the interviewer to remember.
Plan to be on time. In fact, it is good to be early. Check out the situation in terms of location and parking before the appointment.
Make sure you've done your homework. There is certain factual information you should be expected to possess. This is one of the best ways to ensure a successful interview. Investigate the company before you interview (size, product-line, major problems, programs, needs, etc.). This will gain you credibility. For example, if you are seeking a position with a major hardware manufacturer, discover how the product is sold locally. If asked, you will be able to make tactful comments regarding displays, sales approaches, advertising, etc. If not asked, bring it into the conversation to let the interviewer know that you've done some study on the subject.
Sources of information for such homework would be web sites, annual reports, trade journals, news magazines, the company newspaper, people in the field, brokerage houses, Chamber of Commerce publications, and industrial directories.
In a small company, the top people will usually control the hiring procedures. Use your network to gather as much information as possible about these key decision makers and their role in the company. Decide if you will contact Human Resources or the person directly responsible for the hiring. Learn the correct name and exact title and discover the person's background with the company, education, interests, etc.
The interviewer's task is to find out just how effective you might be in a specific job. Prepare answers for the following questions in as clear a manner as possible. Make your responses upbeat and positive. Make sure you've done your research on this company, and it will pay off. Also, always remember that an interview is a "two-way street." You are entitled to ask the interviewer questions in order to determine whether or not you want the job. An easy formula to remember is Q = A + P, which simply means "Q" (the interviewer's question) = "A" (your answer) + "P" (probe -- in other words, you now ask a question). vFor example, suppose the interviewer were to ask you, "Are you free to travel?" You might answer, "Yes," but then follow up your answer with the question, "How much travel does the job require?" Q = A + P. The interviewer's answer to your question could certainly have some bearing on whether or not you want the job.
Typical Interview Questions
Here are some questions you're likely to be asked in an interview, along with some suggested responses.
* Q. Tell me about yourself.
A. Pre-plan your answer to this question, it's usually the first one asked. Talk about your work experience, skills, and accomplishments, not personal statistics such as where or when you were born, or whether or not you are married. Keep it brief.
* Q. What do you know about this company?
A. Be prepared with as much information about the company as possible, especially its products or services. Do some homework on the company's web site, in the research department of your local library, or talk with friends who may work for =or have knowledge of the company.
* Q. Why do you want to work for this company?
A. If you've done some research, this should be easy. Refer to the company's fine reputation, growth opportunities, etc.
* Q. What kind of benefits are you looking for?
A. Answer this question honestly, otherwise you'll be unhappy and less than productive.
* Q. Describe your value to your past (or current) employer.
A. Refer to your resume and your accomplishments.
* Q. You've changed jobs frequently. Why?
A. Unless you've been a victim of layoffs, talk about better opportunities and more money.
* Q. Have you ever been fired?
A. This can be checked, so be truthful. If the answer is yes, you might want to describe the circumstances, and your side of it. Whatever you do, don't bad mouth your boss or the company.
* Q. What did you like best in your last (or current) job?
A. Pre-plan your answer because this question is often asked.
* Q. What direct supervisory experience have you had?
A. Refer to your resume.
Types of Questions to Ask in the Interview
When it is appropriate, ask questions during the interview.
The following questions are guidelines only. Use them when and if it is comfortable for you.
1. Do you have a job description available?
2. With whom would I be working if I accepted a position here?
3. What is the most important qualification for this position?
4. To whom would I be responsible?
5. When will you be making a decision regarding this position?
When the interview comes to an end, be sure to leave in a professional manner
1. Stand
2. Thank them for their time.
3. Shake hands, look them in the eyes and smile.
4. Ask for a business card (from them or the secretary).
5. Ask them when they will make their decision.
6. Tell them you will call at that time to hear their plans.
After leaving, write a short thank you letter. Thank them for seeing you. Restate your interest in the position and tell them why you feel qualified for it. Tell them you look forward to talking with them again and will call on the agreed upon date.
Have a great luck with your job interview, gusy! :)
Source: available at
The Science of Kissing
The study of kissing is called philematology. While it is not an extensively covered field, there are some important things to take into consideration from it. Kissing involves very sensual parts of the body, namely the lips and tongue. These parts of the body are packed with nerves and are very sensitive to stimulation. There is a good reason it hurts to high-hell when you bite your tongue or bust the inner lip area. In the same sense, stimulation in these areas can cause great pleasurable sensations within the nervous system.
Given the nature of the nerve receptors in the area, people deemed as good kissers are likely ones who habitually alternate pressure upon the lips and tongue. (,2007)
Love isn't about one sacrify, unless, it is worth!
Tips: Please don’t let someone be a priority in your life; when you are just their options. The only people you need in your life, are the ones that need you in theirs…so, be careful..guys!
Hence, I hope this could give you guys some ideas of what should be the core of true love!!!
Love isn't love unless it is expressed;
caring isn't caring unless the other person knows;
sharing isn't sharing unless the other person is included;
Loving, caring, and sharing can make for a very happy marriage.
And together – this is how marriage should be defined.
Wish y'all success in life; love, and whatever u defined ur success is... go for it. :)
About Communication Skill
"Many attempts to communicate are nullified by saying too much."
- Robert Greenleaf
"Seek first to understand, then to be understood"
- Stephen Covey
There's no arguing that communication is an integral part of any relationship, be it familial, friendship, business or romantic. In fact, an absence or breakdown of communication can put even the best relationships in serious jeopardy. Poor communication often leads to feelings of betrayal, growing distrust, misunderstandings, and even social isolation. Contrary to popular belief, the foundation of solid communication is not making yourself be heard or expressing yourself clearly. While these are elements of good communication, the real core of communication is understanding where the other person is coming from. Productive communication simply can't exist without both parties expressing ideas and making efforts towards genuine listening. Though this may seem paradoxical, the key to communication is more about listening to the other then flooding him/her with information about who you are, what you want, and how you feel. Remember, disappointing or not, the ultimate goal of communication is most often compromise.
Communicating effectively or opening the lines of communication needn't feel forced or incredibly unnatural - even the most hesitant communicators can improve with a bit of effort and attention to detail. The first step in becoming an admirable communicator is to pay attention to what makes a good communicator. When, for example, do you hit walls in your own dealings with other people? Replay your conversations in your mind, asking yourself what might have gone wrong - or right. For the sake of improving your own proficiency, observe the subtle habits of excellent communicators; people who make themselves understood and seem to understand the needs, experiences, and feelings of those around them. Most of all, never forget, even in moments of frustration, that you can get better at communicating. Practice makes perfect!
Test your Communication Skill at
My score is 75%
Way to go! According to this test, your communication skills are very good. You manage to get your point across in a clear, concise way and are also able to listen to others and understand where they're coming from. Until you reach a score of 100, though, there is always room for improvement. If you want to reach your full communicating potential, all it takes is a little know-how and effort.
Source: Discovery Health Tools
Success comes from high EQ
October 21, 2009 by Sisocheata Virac (2 Responses) Comments (12)
does successful people are those with high EQ? this is going to be my debate topic in 2 weeks; i really hope that you guys cud shared me some ideas over these!
Respondents: Mr. Pharith, Mr. Ok Sothyvorn, Ms. Pel Chakrya, Ms. Socheata
I strongly agreed, people with high EQ are more successful than people with high IQ, manytimes I have seen that coleagues who were very intelligent or with higher cognitive abilities (IQ) take a back seat when it comes to EQ. But EQ helps you to deal with your own awareness, mood management, controlling your temparement. For are all of that required in your day to day professional life. You need to be good enough to deal with everyday complexities. It's true that IQ is required when solving any problem but when it comes to managing your mood or managing your people "employees" you have to have a higher EQ. Hope this will helps. I wish that i'd have my EQ tonight, now I'm getting sleepy.Undecided
It ios not important how intelligent u r but having excellent people skills is utmost important if u need to be in winning edge.
chakrya pel
I agree with this definition, because EI has played a very important role in general society and business such as:
Conflict Management
Dealing in general society or running a business, more or less have to deal with the variety of people from different social, background or their difference way of approaching problems, such a case who’s got high EI will play a role model of behaviour who well control their emotional, calm, clear thinking and judgment, that these are great benefit lead to find the best way to solve all those people conflict or office politics in a very positive and effective way such as they can improve the relation between the people around or employee and way to minimise or prevent the future people issue.
Decision Making Abilities
While at any risky situation, people with high EI mostly can be stable compare to other, able to maintain a well balance of each position even under pressur.
Eager to listen to understand, compare and utilise, prioritise ,... all opinions from difference sources carefully , and these are the main criteria lead to the right decision making.
Managerial Skills
EI is specially useful for all kind of leader in any organizations, they deal with a workforce that comes from difference backgrounds and ethics. Managers/leader who possesses high levels of EI know the importance of lending a patient ear to every individual in his group or team and of treating them with respect. Such these people are held in high regard by the employees and hence are more successful in resolving conflicts among employees than those professionals who treat their staff in an authoritarian way.
and more...Undecided
good lunch,
Sisocheata Virac
@bro & sis @pharith. i am so thankful for all the idea you've shared me over these topic. and to me, personally, i also think that EQ is important which i believe it must be at least one among factors that lead to success.And yeah, in these debate- cheata is in the affirmative side. and i need to raise three reasons to support the topic! Innocent
And well, as brother T1 has questioned me what that "success" really refers to !! so, i think i also need an advise over these, plz help me define the term "success" here, if we didnt'specific to any area, just keep it in broad meaning like these, i believe there will be alot of arguments that the other team (negative) can fight me like machine gunUndecided so, what should we specific that term!!!
OK Sothyvorn
What is EQ?
Emotional Intelligence, or EI, describes an ability or capacity to perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of one's self, and of others. Our EQ, or Emotional Quotient, is how one measures Emotional Intelligence.
Emotions have the potential to get in the way of our most important business and personal relationships. According to John Kotter of Harvard Business School: “Because of the furious pace of change in business today, difficult to manage relationships sabotage more business than anything else - it is not a question of strategy that gets us into trouble; it is a question of emotions.”
What is the different between EQ and IQ?
According to theories of brain function, a high emotional quotient means someone is self-confident, self-aware, and able to navigate through trying emotional times. EQ is often tied directly to the degree of success one may have in the workplace and in personal relationships. Some companies offer services to test the emotional quotient of employees.
Intelligence quotient measuring has existed for much longer than EQ measuring. Alfred Binet developed the first modern IQ test in the early 20th century. Since then, many modifications on intelligence quotient testing have been made. Currently an IQ test involves a set of standardized questions for which one receives a score.
While the IQ can measure concepts like logical reasoning, word knowledge and math skills, many feel it is not adequate in measuring creative abilities or emotional abilities. In fact, some with high IQs do not seem to be particularly adept at maintaining relationships or seem socially awkward at best.
For example IQ measurements on most children with autism are typically very high, yet it is well known that these children are burdened by their inability to communicate in other forums. Thus other tests may be administered to evaluate such a child’s ability according to other standardized testing methods.
Intelligence quotient testing is now not administered very frequently, since some feel it merely measures how well people do on IQ tests. Emotional quotient testing is becoming more popular in the workplace since some employers feel it will help predict how well potential employees might do in stressful circumstances.
Some educators and psychologists feel that neither EQ nor IQ testing presents the full picture of a human being. There are other types of intelligence, according to critics, that may be just as important. As well, standardized testing may oversimplify emotional intelligence and response.
Short EQ tests may also fail because people realize they are being tested on their emotional capabilities. While an IQ test may have one definitive answer for each question, people may not truthfully answer questions about their behaviors. So results may be skewed by what people believe they would like employers to know, rather than true responses to questions.
Some psychologists further make distinction between emotional quotient and emotional intelligence. Some feel that we are all born with innate emotional intelligence (EI) that may be perverted by growing up in difficult circumstances, such as an abusive home. However, stronger innate EI in people who have strayed from high emotional quotient might predict how well people from difficult backgrounds might be able to improve EQ.
Well, based on the above we can continue to debate... I would agree if we look only on the management side or leadership roles that deal with people. In my past works as one of the managers I went through many leadership trainings from Whale Done, Effective Communications, How to Deal with Difficult People, to Staff Engagment. It was all about to improve EQ of the management. And I believe this is now the trend in large organizations where they know staff engagement would increase the overall performance of the organizations. But how about other roles such as Engineer, Scinetist, Boxer etc. Do you believe they could be very sucessful in their carrer without to have high EQ? In my observation there are so many famous people that we considered as the most successful in history and their archivement has not much to do with high EQ... In the next comment I will go by example of those people and you can see for yourself if their sucess was the result of high EQ
Conclusion, I believe those people who are able to create, build or invent big things in the past, present and the future that we considered as very successful must have some unique/extraordinary abilities, ambitious, ideas, believes, visions etc. I don't think their EQ is the necessity factor of their success. High EQ may help normal people in the leadership roles to be more successful in the context of western culture or modern society and this type of success compared to my examples above is not significant, it is just a regular or daily success.Sealed
Sisocheata Virac
@brother T1. I truely appreicate your details information as well as the explaination over case and this is really nice of you.
And after i carefully go through each comments; i've come to realized that it is kinda hard for us to define clearly on the differences of EQ level among people. How can we know whether that person have a high EQ or not, and how can we judge people as if they are a successful person or just an ordinary people, and base on what that we dare to say they are a successful person or just bcoz they are those who have invented new things, or else!
Hmm.. so, is there any exact criteria or any specific points which we can easily considered them as those with high EQ and they are successful?
Cheata is almost dying now, so many things comes in simultaneously...gosh, help me! debate, revision test, public speaking competition, and monthly report~ Frown
chakrya pel
how can we judge people as if they are a successful person or just an ordinary people, and base on what that we dare to say they are a successful person
For my individual opinion, I definition the real successful person are the one who has happy life, he may just ordinary people among the society, may be not the richest man, not well known, .. famous but... everything he does ,was self satisfy,
Don’t you ever heard that some people who is quite rich but unhappy, due to competition, jealous, hate, revenge, .... for these, even in the eyes of crowed proud or value him a lots but let’s him look deep inside, if his family and himself are really happy with those, then that’s fine.. but if himself and his people just smile on the lips not from the bottom heart for those achievement, then what the point worth for.
So those who’s high EI, would also help to play such a flexible role for this kind of matter, high EI would easily figure the way to happiness more faster than those who’s not.
So, what do you guys think about this!!? do u think successful are really those with high EQ?
Inspire urself... start from every little things!
Remember never lose and surrender to whom don't worth your tears, value those moment when you are with someone who can see who you really are,inside you. Coz no one could worth our pain, if there someone, that one will never make us pain. You live your life for yourself not for other else, coz the one you should be with for the whole life is the one who also need you for the rest of their life. Life is like that. sometime, we care for those who make us cry and we leave those who cares for us, cry. Be strong, and remember "even u are just one person to the world, but to one person, you might be the world".
Is it LOVE? or else...

it isn't love, it's like.
2. You can't keep your hand off them, am I right?
it isn't love, it's lust
3. Are you proud and eager to show them off?
it isn't love, it's luck
4. Do you want them because you know they're there?
it isn't love, it's loneliness
5. Are you there because it's what everyone wants?
it isn't love, its loyalty
6. Do you stay for their confessions of love, because you don't want to hurt them?
it isn't love, its pity
7. Are you there because they kissed you, or held your hand?
it isn't love, it's lack of confidence
8. Do you belong to them because their sight makes your heart skip a beat?
it isn't love, it's infatuation

it isn't love, it's a lie
10. Are you willing to give up all your favorite things for their sake?
it isn't love, it's charity
11. Do you pardon their faults because you care about them?
it isn't love, it's friendship
12. Do you accept their faults because it's part of who they are?
then it's love
13. Do you cry for their pain, even when they're strong?
then it's love
14. Do their eyes see your true heart, and touch your soul so deeply, it hurts?
then it's love
15. Do you stay because a blinding incomprehensible mix of pain, and elations pulls you close and hold you?
then it's love
16. Are you attracted to others but stay with them faithfully with no regrets?
then it's love
17. Would you give them your heart, your life, your death?
then it's love
18. And always remember - love isn't one sided!! - Both must love for LOVE to exist! [lovefatedestiny,2009]
Since it is known that, Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So, Love the people who treat us right, forgive the ones who don’t and believe that everything always happens for reason.
If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Because we, people, would never know how strong we are…until being strong is the only choice we have.
Do you think you know clearly what LOVE is really are? Just answer this question with yourself…and see, how u might feel to urself with the own definition you have over LOVE!!!
Having no doubts; people always say that LOVE is blind, but why some people says LOVE is the priceless things on earth? Why some says LOVE is hell; while, others says LOVE is the meaning of life? Why there are so many definitions for LOVE, and why it is always show opposite meaning between people?

But, no matter how different LOVE can be defined – the only one thing that must be in common is “HONESTY”. Without Honesty, there is a less in percentages that love could be long lasting.
Tips: When Life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have millions reasons to smile… and you know why? Simple is this, because LIFE is too precious to worry about stupid stuff. So, say what you wanna say, and do what you wanna do. When you come to a decision, believe in yourself, regret nothing (if no impacts on others) and don’t let people who don’t matter, bring you down.
Please don’t let someone be a priority in your life; when you are just their options. The only people you need in your life, are the ones that need you in theirs…so, be careful..guys!
If you fail, and come to broken heart… please stand up and show the world you are strong enough to move on for where you are belongs (happiness). If someone crumbled your heart, let’s fixed it urself… “embrace those who love you & whom you love, and rid yourself of those who will only bring you down”. Life is more precious, not just waste it living with pain and tears due to broken heart.
Hence, I hope this could give you guys some ideas of what should be the core of true love!!!
Love isn't love unless it is expressed;
caring isn't caring unless the other person knows;
sharing isn't sharing unless the other person is included;
Loving, caring, and sharing can make for a very happy marriage.
And together – this is how marriage should be defined.
All the best wishes to y’all!!!
Self improvement is a path to success
When does self improvement become connected with success? It is when you take action on the following tips:
* Stop thinking and feeling as if you’re a failure, because you’re not. How can others accept you if YOU can’t accept YOU?
* When you see hunks and models on TV, think more on self improvement, not self pitying. Self acceptance is not just about having nice slender legs, or great body, but concentrate on inner beauty.
* When people feel so down and blue about themselves, help them move on. Don’t go down with them. They’ll pull you down further and both of you will end up feeling inferior and you guys will sure find nowhere to get out off it; unless, you find your self-confidence.
* The world is a large place for lessons, not mistakes. Don’t feel stupid and doomed forever just because you failed at some point in your life. There’s always a next time. Make room for self improvement in your life. Learn from failure, but don't ever repeat it.
* Take things slowly. Don’t expect change over night. Self improvement is a one day at a time process.
* Self improvement comes from your inner stability, personality development. It comes from self confidence, and self esteem.
* Set meaningful and achievable goals. Self improvement is being who you are – not someone else. It is simply being an improved and better YOU.
* Little things mean BIG to other people. Sometimes, we don’t realize that the little things that we do like a pat on the back, saying “hi” or “hello”, greetings someone “good day” or telling Mr. Smith something like “hey, I love your tie!” are simple things that mean so much to other people. When we’re being appreciative about beautiful things around us and other people, we also become beautiful to them. [Kym Kirk, 2008]
Self improvement won't work if you are a give up type. Confidence and struggle will do miracle.
Self confidence is truely a cause for success?
Peers, superiors, juniors, friends, as well as family all share their secrets with you when you come across as a self-confident person to them. You are able to achieve your goals easily and quickly with self-confidence and people will look upon you for advice, mentoring, or coaching.
Everyone admires a person with self-confidence. Confidence plays a critical role in every facet of our lives and it is, indeed, one of the most important factors that contribute to our success and happiness.
Confidence is Neither Magical nor Mystical …
…In fact, self-confidence is a learnt trait which can be easily acquired with correct training and guidance. You can be taught how to be a self-assured and a confident person who is capable and is able to meet life’s challenges full on.
Confidence can be acquired when you are certain about something. That ’something’ can be a feeling, a prediction, an action, or a deed. When you know for sure that your thoughts and actions are the most effective or the best they can be, then you have acquired confidence.
When you take the first steps towards having confidence in yourself, your thoughts and actions become clearer. You view yourself as a self-confident person; your thoughts and actions are congruent with each other and are usually correct. This, in turn, reinforces your self-confidence in yourself.
With confidence in yourself, you can achieve more!
On the other hand, self-confident people are sure about themselves and they move ahead attaining one goal after another. Self confident people are able to take calculated risks and always have the good sense to avoid gambling on life. Self confident people can work far beyond their comfort zones and they enjoy stretching themselves to attain more. Self-confidence urges them to try harder and work towards perfection, and self confident people are also able to bounce back faster from their losses and failures.
Confidence can be displayed in your behavior, your body language, what you say, and how you say it. It is a simple matter of learning the right behavior patterns and thought approaches to life and its challenges.People who lack this vital quality of self-confidence either fail or, worse still, they don’t even make a start. They hesitate, they are unsure, and they spend critical moments (or months) in self-doubt and ‘what ifs’. Negativity and other self-destructive thoughts and action often plague people who lack confidence in themselves.
In a nutshell, self-confidence is nothing more than an innate faith in your own ability and purpose in life. [Kym Kirk, 2008]
No matter in what circumstances; keeping your confidence alive - you'll find where to go. be urself, be who you are, value what you have... try all your hardest and worth it. Nothing is worth more than the "self-confidence".
Anger Management - how to control your anger?

Sometimes it's simply not possible to regain control over your anger in the moment. And if you can't control your anger during conflicts, you will cause (yourself and others) pain, and run the risk of permanently damaging relationships. So, i would greatly appreciate if you guys could spend some time to go through this article - you might able to learn some anger control techniques, at the end.
There is a common myth that all relationship conflicts should be “settled” in the moment while the intense feelings are present. If you do not do this, you may be accused of “avoiding” the issue. Once stress or anger levels escalate to a certain point, one or both partners reach a point of no-return, due to flooding of the brain with intense emotions. This makes it almost impossible to disengage from each other and stop the fight.

• Feeling overwhelmed during an argument
• Raising your voice to an unusual level
• Feeling your temper is out of control
• You notice your heart racing
• Sense your muscles tensing
• Can’t think straight and you start to feel hostile.
But what is Retreat and Think things overs mean?
“Retreat and Think Things Over.”
Basically this means to temporarily distance yourself from the situation for a period of time so that both of you can calm down. This allows your bodily systems to return to normal, and allows your normally good reasoning and thinking ability to return.
Why this tool works
Temporarily removing yourself from the situation allows your body to return to normal, provides a cooling-down time. It also allows your brain to return to its normal state where you can reason and think better.
This tool helps prevents you or your partner from saying unfair or hurtful things in the heat of battle—which can easily escalate into further conflicts and resentments, causing you and your partner to become even more emotionally cut-off and distanced from each other.
Some Basic Rules may includes as following:
While the concept of “Retreat and Think Things Over” is simple, it will not work very well unless the following rules are followed:
Rule #1: You can only use the tool for yourself - not your partner. It does not usually work for you to tell your partner it is time for them to retreat.
Rule #2: Announce that you need to take a time out and Retreat before you do it. This should be done using assertive communication in a way that clearly conveys your need to leave before thing get out of hand, as opposed to your leaving to merely avoid dealing with the situation.
Rule #3- You need to commit to a reasonable length of time to return and deal with the issue— no longer than several hours, as a general rule.
Rule #4: Don’t drink or use drugs to get high during this time. It will be much harder, if not impossible, to convince your partner of your sincerity in wanting to work things out if you return intoxicated or high.
Rule #5: Be very careful and very selective in who you talk to during your Retreat Time. While there is a natural tendency to contact a friend or family member who is sympathetic, you should be careful.
Somehow, people might ask: Why is this important?
There should be no doubts; it is because they may have a permanently negative view of your partner, even after you have made-up and things are now fixed in the relationship.You can’t necessarily expect your family to turn the positive emotions back on like you have.
To sum up; we better take temporarily removing ourselves from the situation and allows our body and mind to return to normal; while, allowing our normally good reasoning to return.

what is regret? why people regret and how to deal with that? ....

Notice: These article is originally posted by Offra Gerstein, Ph.D. 2004.
Regretting our actions or words entails looking back at ourselves with judgment and sorrow. Feeling regret is considered by some to be the hardest emotion to contend with, because it is a compounded emotion. Its unremitting remorse may be accompanied by intense guilt, shame, and self-reproach. It is a feeling worth avoiding.
Some of the types of regret one may feel are Regret of circumstances, Regret of actions taken or withheld, Regret of choices and Regret of words and conduct toward others.
People may regret choices they made in life about their education, careers, business, purchases, friends, family, and other important decisions. They tell themselves that had they taken another route their present life would have been easier. In some cases that may well be true. For example, having gotten in trouble with the law at a younger age did deprive some people of productive years of freedom, while serving time in jail. In other cases, the regret is based on untested beliefs that only keep those individuals feeling badly about themselves. Assuming that had they chosen another career in life they would have been more successful, may or may not be true.

Some people review their youthful conduct with regret about their callousness towards their parents, disrespect of elders or selfish behavior. Others may feel shame and sorrow about their unkind attitude toward some peers such as; bullying, exclusion, gossip, betrayal, name calling, spreading lies, racism, and other ways of demeaning others to promote themselves.
So, every additional season of our lives adds more past to review. Those who can look back at themselves with the comfort and few regrets are people who followed their conscience and found greater ease in their emotional life. Those who suffer from regrets are advised to find ways to alleviate their pain.
In all relationships it is wise to use the golden rule. If you would appreciate the behavior you are about to undertake toward your partner if it were done to you, then this is a healthy act. Spare all others. The sarcastic shaming words, the selfish disregard of a partner’s need, the contemptuous gestures, or the unkind deeds may serve our purpose at the moment, but since they are WRONG they will plague us later.

To avoid the pains of regret you need to:
1. Review your past with forgiveness and remorse.
2. Take action to re-mediate what you can and understand what was out of your control.
3. Repair past actions with positive ones in the present.
4. Refrain from behaving in ways that you KNOW will add to your future regrets.
5. Acting to avoid regret is one way toward decent conduct.
6. Remember that your view of yourself is the primary source of self-esteem and YOU can keep it healthy.
7. The less you find yourself saying "if only", the happier you will be and the more likely you are to be acting in a non-regrettable way.
Thus, we should learn to forgive ourselves but make sure we won't repeat the same mistake. Don't ever punish and give oneself no chance to correct themselves. No one is perfect, so give yourself chances to become as good as you could.
Worth the moment with that special person who really matter to you!
Lives is like's not a game to play win or lose then you can replay at any time; it's not a game that you can bet with money; neither. Life is a thing that is priceless and to experience many obstacles.

Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. Safe and comfortable but pointless.
Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there. To serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become. Additionally; according to Dwayne Savaya, it was said that You never know who these people may be but when you lock eyes with them, you know that very moment that they will affect your life in some profound way. And sometimes things happen to you at the time that may seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, will power or heart.
The people you meet affect your life. The successes and downfalls that you experience can create who you are, and the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones.

If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but because they are teaching you to love and to open your heart and eyes to little things. Make every day count.
All in all,we must appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again.
Hold your head up because you have every right to. Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will believe in you.
Guys, if you don't believe in yourself, you'll never spell the word "SUCCESS" right.And please remember that your self-confident can't help fulfill your life to the meaningful but it's worth your hard-work.
No matter how strong you are to build a life from scratch to where you are at now; don't you ever forget to worth the moment with someone you love, and please value every seconds and every moment with those who are really matters to you. They might need you as much as you need them to be by your side than you ever need those stuffs you have built; or it will be too late till you might have realized how much they meant to you. So, believe in yourself, you give up hopes, and don't ignore the person who cares for you coz they will be your life treasure just you not yet realized that.
For gentlemen: Make her smile :

Since i was born on the 27th, below are 27 simple ways, regarding to an additional research, could make her, check it out and i hope the following article might give you some ideas and especially to any men who think that they are not a romantic type of person and find no ideas to comfort their lady.
1. Tell her she is beautiful (not hot, fine, or sexy)
2 . Holdher hand at any moment . . . even if its just for a second.
3 . Kiss her on the forehead.
4 . Leave her a text message every morning (you'll be the 1st person to say morning to her)
5 . Always tell her you love her with all your heart and in every circumstances.
6 . When she is upset, hold her tight and tell her how much she means to you.
7 . Recognize the small things . . . they usually mean the most.
8 . Sing to her no matter how horrible your voice is.
9 . Pick her over all the other girls you hang out with.
10 . Show her that you care by just text her an sms at her breakfast, lunch & dinner.
11 . Introduce her to family and friends . . . as your girlfriend.
12 . Play with her hair.
13 . being her company and show her that you are the one she can relies on.
14 . Sit in the park and just talk to her; though, useless stuffs she talks
15 . Tell her funny jokes, tell her stupid jokes, or just tell her jokes, whatever. but make sure you keep conversation goes.
16 . driving behind her or just drive across and stop by her house to show her, you miss.
17 . Let her fall asleep in your arms.
18. open your wide chest to her whenever she sad; she'll need your arms to be her castle.
19 . If she's mad at you, kiss and embrace her tenderly.
20 . Never lies and remember, true love will exists only when there is no secret between you,two.
21 . Buy her stuffs, not that expensive but just little things that you think she would loves that.
22 . Treat her the same around your friends as you do when your alone.
23 . Look her in the eyes and smile with love.
24 . Let her take as many pictures of you as she wants.
25 . Slow dance with her, even if there isn't any music playing.
26 . Kiss her in the rain if you could be in the moment; she needs to be warmth.
27 . If you in love with her . . . tell her. Remember, don't ever ignore or neglect her, or she'll feel you are loving her no more.
Take a look at yourself again,guys! See, if there any of the above points you never ever done to your lady. Let's try that,,, there'll be an outcome. :)
You'll realize that you are in love when ....

Although there is someone else who always makes you laugh or show how much they cares about you but your eyes and attention might go to the person, whom you think is special.
Then, you are in love.
Although that special person was supposed to have called you long back, to let you know of their safe arrival, your phone is quiet. No doubts that, you will sure are desperately waiting for their call! here, you are in love.
When you find yourself as one who cannot erase all the messages in your phone or emails from your inbox because of one message from that special one, you are in love.
You keep telling yourself, "that person is just a friend", but you realize that you can not avoid that person's special attraction. It is becoz you are in love. [lovefatedestiny,2009]
So ladies and gentlemen, while you are reading this page, I am sure that there will be someone exists in your mind; then why still doubts if that person is the one you are in love with or not.

Great lucks!
Inspirational Quotations for Business and Work: Honesty, Integrity, Trustfulness and Trustworthiness
Some people might find themselves becoming hopeless maybe after they have encountered or experienced many failures. Somehow, their closed friends, family, or those who are matters to them will sure try to seek for what are the best way that could help bring them back to a hopeful and enthusiastic person with strong commitment and never stepped back; though they fail again at some stages.

Here, please take a little time of yours and i believe you would find the below quotations useful once you in the needs of stuffs regarding trust and trustworthiness. Have fun...!
”Our lives improve only when we take chances - and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves.” —Walter Anderson
”Achievement of your happiness is the only moral purpose of your life, and that happiness, not pain or mindless self-indulgence, is the proof of your moral integrity, since it is the proof and the result of your loyalty to the achievement of your values.” --Ayn Rand
”Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly and they will show themselves great.” --Ralph Waldo Emerson
”The glue that holds all relationships together -- including the relationship between the leader and the led is trust, and trust is based on integrity.” --Brian Tracy
”Just trust yourself, then you will know how to live.” --Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"Better to trust the man who is frequently in error than the one who is never in doubt." --Eric Sevareid
"For it is mutual trust, even more than mutual interest that holds human associations together. Our friends seldom profit us but they make us feel safe... Marriage is a scheme to accomplish exactly that same end." --H. L. Mencken
”The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me, never say "I." And that's not because they have trained themselves not to say "I." They don't think "I." They think "we"; they think "team." They understand their job to be to make the team function. They accept responsibility and don't sidestep it, but "we" gets the credit…. This is what creates trust, what enables you to get the task done.” --Peter Drucker

”The chief lesson I have learned in a long life is that the only way to make a man trustworthy is to trust him; and the surest way to make him untrustworthy is to distrust him and show your distrust.” --Henry L. Stimson
"We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone--but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy." --Walter Anderson
”Trust each other again and again. When the trust level gets high enough, people transcend apparent limits, discovering new and awesome abilities for which they were previously unaware.” --David Armistead]
"When people honor each other, there is a trust established that leads to synergy, interdependence, and deep respect. Both parties make decisions and choices based on what is right, what is best, what is valued most highly." --Blaine Lee
"We need people in our lives with whom we can be as open as possible. To have real conversation with people may seem like such a simple, obvious suggestion, but it involves courage and risk." --Thomas Moore
”Honesty is the cornerstone of all success, without which confidence and ability to perform shall cease to exist.” --Mary Kay Ash
”Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not.” --Oprah Winfrey
”The highest compact we can make with our fellow is, - 'Let there be truth between us two forever more.'" --Ralph Waldo Emerson
”Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” --Thomas Jefferson
Last, i hope you would take any of the above quotes into consideration and just keep it in mind that as long as you still trust in things, then, it will once comes true.

This is Me :)

- Virac Sisocheata
- I am a Recruitment Manager at Great Alliances which is the leading Recruitment Agency in Cambodia. frankly say, i really love to live my life simply and i'd rather keep myself busy than having too much free-time. Additionally, i like to make friends with those who has same interest and traits to mine which are, hard-working, energetic, dynamic, ready to fight, and value the true relationship which is HONESTY; though, i am kinda tactless as most of the time, i tend to not care with what others might feel- i am so straightforward individual. Simple but Exceptional - All i am just this :)
Who was I - Who I am...
I, Socheata, came from a poor family and I have been brought up by my beloved parents and grandma. My parents got married since my mum was 19; while, my dad was 21 years old and she gave birth to me just one year after they got married. With their empty hands, they have been trying real hard to build up new family with a better condition. My dad has to work far away from home and came to see us as much as he could. My grandma has to take a really big responsibility in taking care of me; while, my mum also has to work at two places simultaneously, just because she wanted to earn a lot of money to feed me and to send me to good school and to spent on other needs.
I was too young at that time, I've been sent to school since i was just three years old girl and I never knew how hard they tried and how many difficulties they had faced with in life; but until I came to the age of 10, I started to realize that my parents and grandma is the best person in my life, ever. They brought me up with a very warmth parental love, full of caress, and they always watch out for me just to make sure that I am doing great. I always feel safe to have them by my side. My parents never forced me to do anything either housework or other difficult things but study; though, we are poor. All they asked me to do is to try study hard, so most of my time was in class and rarely had time to hang around with friends, because they just afraid and worried that something bad would happen to me; unless, I had their company.
For the last eight years, I was a freshman majoring in English Literature and that was the time that I think I am mature enough to understand things and at least I can figure out what is right and what is wrong. Being grown up as the first child in my family, I have committed to myself that I have to try all my hardest to make my parents proud of me, and to build up a prosperous family where my parents and grandma and my sisters can lives in a very good living condition and to reach these goals of mine, I will never step back but keep struggling no matter how many obstacles I have to face with.
As the time grew up...
Since I grew up, my parents have taught me to be a responsible person and learn to be flexible and dare to face with all problems in all circumstances. They taught me how to be a good person to myself and how to be a good person in other people’s eyes. And what I really love about my parents is how they treat me like a princess and I really respect how they never get fed up in giving me advice every times I’ve done something wrong.
Everyone who knows me always see me as I am the happiest girl on earth, I never sharing my problems and crying for help. I really love to live my life simply, I love to be myself, and I just love the way I are; with the sense of humor, enthusiasm, and abilities to work hard and make correct decision under pressure has attracted people to me since my school years.
I have graduated MBA major in General management with an intention to obtain valuable knowledge of how to lead, organized and supervise people, how to be diplomatic, and how to make people believe in me and success of a project under my supervision.
Through my ambition and thirst for achievements has brought me into a business field because of various opportunities opened by the free market economy and plus, the encouragement from my family.
I has obtained job with one of the leading Company that provides HR services, Great Alliances, starting from an internship. I think I am a sociable person, and most people did says I am a nature conversationalist and I also love to listen to educated people or business people talking about stuffs related to business and other relevance topics that can help improve my general knowledge about my area of expertise; in addition, “Great job, my daughter!” was the best compliment from my family. Hence, pursuing the admiring comment has taught me to reach for perfection, made me meticulous, accurate, result-oriented and hard-working and become who I am, now.
Whom i cherish the most...
To me, my mum is the most fantastic woman. She is the only mum who dares to do everything for the happiness in family, she never afraid of risk-taking, she never frightened of difficulties; as long as, it can bring the prosperity for the family, she sure will not waste a minute to go for it.
I have learn a lot from my mum, “Never give up, reach for perfection and the output of a team is always greater than an output of an individual” were my greatest motivations in achieving any of my goals. What is more, I have learn that persistence, meticulousness, punctuality, and, of course, reliability and quality are very important for being successful in any business.
My dad is the only dad who dares to sacarify everything and even his lives just to protect us, the family that have been built with an empty hands, and he never hesitates to risk a things to keep us safe. And what is best about him is how he always finds various ways to talk to me and advise me and he will get bored in these at nowhere.
Last but not least, my mum will always be the role model in my heart, my dad will always be the hero in my soul and my grandma will always be the best elderly legendary in my life. And I can have today, because of them and through their sacrificed. So, the love and how I respect them is immeasurably and I am sure they can clearly understand how much I cherish and worshiped them.
Again, Mum, i'd like to thank you in letting us believe that we could be whoever we wanted to be, do whatever we wanted to do, there were no limitations except our drive, confident, ambition and creativity.
Thanks for teaching me not to afraid to dream, thanks for showing me that life is always goes on. No one is perfect, but try to be the best we ever could be. Thanks, mummy and thanks daddy..i love you both with all my heart.
Respectfully to the love you've installed in me, i am honor to tell the world how much you mean to my life, and how proud i am to be born as ur daughter.
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I thought life consisted of days, months and years. but You taught me my life consisted of just moments and those are the moments that I spe...
Generally, people are tends to be more pessimistic in thoughts and how they see the world really careful; to ensure they can prevent and av...
Virac Sisocheata I, Socheata, came from a poor family and I have been brought up by my beloved parents and grandma. My parents got married s...
"MARRIAGE...A MUST READ" (Please do share TO ALL) A true sad novel by Ramon E Mendoza When I got home that night as my wife served...
Today you fail and you might wanna give up why don’t you stay strong, ready to fight for another start. today you lose, you shouldn’t dare n...
Don't look at the world with ur narrow minded, how come u think others are better than u. we're all human being;though, we born in d...
When it comes to getting a job in the Human Resource department, one must be able to fully grasp and understand the basic concept of Human R...
Everyone of us might probably have known some people; either at work or in our personal lives, who are really good listeners. No matter what...
Conflict and stress are part of most love relationships. These reasons couples break up and relationships fail can help you heal and learn t...
It is said that, people is always different from one another; though, some people says they are having many things in common, but there will...