2. These are some examples of Conflicts of Interest at work. Prevention is the best cure for most problems. Consider what you do at work, and what you do that is related to your work, that might make other people think that you might be acting, or tempted to act, against your employer’s interests.
3. Know your employer’s “Conflict of Interest” policy. Many large companies have a formal Conflicts of Interest policy, with designated procedures and a designated person to speak with about the subject. In financial institutions and securities firms conflicts are generally overseen by the Compliance Department. Many governmental bodies have Conflicts of Interest Boards to oversee such issues. Look into what your employer’s conflicts of interest policy may be, and whether a person or department is designated as the “go to” on the subject. You might start your search on your employer’s internal website or employee manual.

5. Don’t assume “This is too petty to worry about .” In this context, “size does not matter.” No matter how meager a conflict may seem to you, as the saying goes, “The principle is more important than the principal.” Though stealing postage stamps may be a smaller crime than stealing postage meters, both will get you fired, and your reputation tarnished. Even a small conflict of interest can torpedo a smooth-sailing career.
Quality Vs. Power: Method of Workplace Negotiating emphasizes smart negotiating – and navigating – for yourself at work. To ensure that you are not accused of being on the “other side’s side” – whether intentionally or inadvertently – it takes sensitivity to the issue of conflict of interest, and a measure of prudence to protect yourself. There’s problems and

Always be proactive. Always be creative. Always be persistent. Always be aware. And always do what you can to achieve for yourself, your family, and your career. Take all available steps to increase and secure employment “rewards” and eliminate or reduce employment “risks.” That’s what our Quality Vs. Power Method is all about.