According to the additional research; it is shown that the power of positive thinking will make you to enjoy and worth ur life more than everything else on earth; it may include as following:
There is always someone else worse off than you. Why don't u take a second to make a list of things you are thankful for such as, your sight, health, family, food, shelter, a pet, your kids, friends, a good book, drama, knowledge, etc...If you could even get out of bed this morning, then you are blessed. Do not take all this good fortune for granted. Be thankful for all these blessings.
1.Let Yourself Be Happy.

Better to enjoy every minutes of your life, coz as it is said that, life is like a river - you cannot touch the same water twice!
2. What You Give Is What You Get.
If you give love and kindness to others, you will probably find yourself overflowing with love and happiness. But if you give bitterness, cynicism, and negativity, that is what you will attract. In the mirror of life, you are reflected back, so let your goodness shine out. your attitude is the most important thing of ur life, so be aware of these. whatever your attitude is toward others; you'll get it in return; though it is not today, but might be tomorrow... who knows! Life is like this...
3. Notice the Positive Side of Life.
Even though we are surrounded with love and positive things every day, the negative side of life seems to get a lot more publicity. Too many negative images sap us of our optimism. So don't make a constant diet of negative people, newscasts, angry music, violent movies, and conflict. (Kids do not benefit from watching too many news shows and violence on TV.) Surround yourself with happy, positive people and situations whenever you can... Remember: don't nurture urself with those minus, but plus side!

4. Smile at Strangers and at Yourself.

Hope the above article can give u some ideas to polish ur life and open ur locked-heart to see the world broader and lighter.
Live our own world and enjoy the presence moment with those around us... great luck, people! :)
bong really love this text.nas oun.