Tip #2: Love yourself first. If you don’t love yourself then you really and truly are not ready to give your love to another. Take care of yourself, mentally and physically. Take charge of who you are and assume responsibility for cultivating your strengths and getting clear about what is important to you.
Tip #3:Be true to yourself. Listen to your heart. Go with your gut. Be your best self as often as you can manage.
Tip #4:Listen with an open heart. When your lover speaks to you, always try to be open to what they have to offer. Let them say all that they have to say without interrupting them.
Relationship Tip #5:Ask for what you want. Once you figure out what your priorities are and what it is that you want out of life and from your mate, don’t be afraid to ask for it. It is unlikely that your partner is a mind reader. They will probably be delighted to hear what it is that they can do for you.
Tip #6:Stay curious. There is always more to learn about your love. As your relationship deepens, new layers of personality will be revealed for you to explore. Never assume that you know everything there is to know about your mate. People continue to grow and develop as they go through different stages in their lives. As you change and expand, the dynamics of your relationship can shift. Stay on your toes! Riding the waves of change with your beloved can enrich your relationship, deepen your love and keep things interesting.
Tip #7:Be proactive in your romance. Take the reigns and be a moving force in creating the kind of romantic relationship that you want. There is no need to “settle for less” when you are committed to “writing” your own storybook romance. The more you participate, the more rewarding your romantic journey will be! Let this power be a source of inspiration for you!
Relationship Tip #8:Get THE ROMANCE HABIT: It is said that to make a new habit, you must repeat the action for twenty-one days in a row before it will really stick. Three weeks isn’t very long to practice something that is rewarding in of itself and makes our partner glow with adoration! Your new romance skills will also serve you and your beloved for years to come. Practice DOES makes perfect when it comes to coming up with unique romantic ideas . The more romantic you act, the more romantic you become. And once you have the Romance Habit, you will probably never lose it. The rewards are simply too great.
Tip #9:Be kind to your beloved. Always remember that you two are on the same team! Give them the benefit of the doubt, even when others tell you not to. It is likely that you know your beloved better than anyone else does. Expect the best and that is what you are likely to get.
Relationship Tip #10:Be a hopeless romantic. When you shower your mate with words of love and romantic moments, you greatly increase the odds that they will reciprocate with romantic ideas of their own. Your partner is much more likely to “romance” a sweet and loving partner than a curmudgeon pouting about the lack of romance in the relationship. [romantic-idea-online,2010]