but You taught me my life consisted of just moments and those are the moments that I spend with you.
I Thought air, food and water made me live.

But with you, i've learnt that love is what makes one survive. And I understood My Love for you makes me stay alive.
As the years go by, I stop and think about all the memories we've made, the good times we've shared and the love between us that keeps growing. You are not only my husband, but my best friend and my dear soul mate. You are a blessing from above - one that I do not take for granted. I thank you for all the things that you've done for me. Not only are you a wonderful husband, I believe you'll be a terrific father. I love you, Honey ... more than words, more than life. I'm forever grateful for your love and proud to be your wife.
Wish you a very happy birthday!!!
Love always,
Your wife, Socheata :-)
cute couple! :D