Wedding anniversary symbolizes how happy a couple is living together. More anniversaries mean a more successful marriage. Each anniversary is celebrated more enthusiastically. It is a time to rekindle the love between the couple. An anniversary becomes important to be celebrated when it makes the bond stronger and strengthen their relationship.
As all the wedding events are dependent on the region and its culture, anniversaries also depend on it. For example, in western traditions and cultures, first, fifth, tenth, fifteenth, twentieth, twenty fifth and so on, anniversaries are celebrated bountifully. But these occasions never go with strict, hard and fast rules. It is entirely a couple’s own choice how they wish to celebrate their anniversary.
As the wedding anniversary is an event of the couple solely, it should be planned and organized to focus the couple primarily, and to enhance their presence. The most romantic and recommended way of spending the time is to go out for a candle light dinner, or make some romantic arrangements at home for the dinner. It will bring the couple closer than ever before, and will give a chance to feel the presence and importance of each other in their lives, which might have been missed or overlooked in the past years. Romanticism does not end at a candle light dinner; there can be many other ways to celebrate the event in a romantic way. The theme should be romantic in all cases as this will enhance the beauty of the day.
A wedding anniversary reminds of a beautiful girl to the man, and of a handsome guy to the lady for whom they fell in love years back and proposed each other to live together as a wedded couple. [buzzle, 2011]

and of course, i am glad to celebrate my 1st memorable wedding anniversary
(11.03.11). it did remind me of the most wonderful moment of my life which was my wedding day.
For these, i would like to express my sincere thanks with love to my beloved parents. Thanks for always supporting me and be by my side and thank you so much for the surprised anniversary cake on my wedding anniversary. I love you both more than words can say... wish mom and dad a more success and a healthy and happy long lives together, ever. I love you.
*** most importantly, on my 1st year anniversary i am already is a mom-to-be as i am now already 30weeks pregnant and it won't be any longer to my delivery date :) i am so excited. Thank you my dearest husband for came into my life, you are the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me. I am so in love with you. Muwah :-*