Most people are very concern about their outfit and stuffs; especially they do care most on how others people see them. By the way, some people just think that the outlook or all those expensive clothes, make up, jewelry, and the way they dress is just a secondary stuffs; while they just pay attention to their character, personality, behavior rather than how they will be looked at their dresses.
As a matter of fact, the way we dress up or how we dress off can also show about our personality and behavior of oneself to self and how we see the world. Just a small part of our everyday's lives "Dressing personality" can illustrates who we are in some ways:
Now...let see and find out what is your personality as per your own style:
1] if u throw ur clothes all over the place, U're friendly, party type.
ur free with ur thoughts and opinions and don't care about what others think about u.
it represents ur happy individualistic nature. keep stay that way.
2] if u remove each piece of clothing carefully, u r a serious person who likes 2be very calm.
u're comfortable with routine work, and u believe that the best way 2 deal with life problem is to prevent them in the first place.

u r perfectionist and by nature quite shy. u r dependable and sometimes intense. u think carefully before making any decision and u always go about ur tasks with concentration.
3] if u take off the shirt and 10 minutes later just get around the pants, u're extremely self confident person. u r naturally bright and intellectual. u r also a deep thinker who loves 2ask query and concern over the meaning of them.
u hate being rushed and u don't like 2 b hashed. usually u like a lot of free time for urself.
4] if u get out ur clothes as quickly as possible, unconcerned about others and what they expect from u. but u're worried about ur own needs.
u r family oriented and stay extremely busy.
u often feel stressed, but most of those heavy expectations come from ur own head.
give urself a break and u don't have 2be perfect.
5] if u take off ur rings, earring, necklace,watch etc before nothing else, then u're a warm and sensitive person.
u r considerate and thoughtful and u give good advice to your friends.
u r naturally born romantic. helping friends or nobody is your second nature.
u hate liars and u would love the world to become a better place.
6] if u don't have any undressing routine and u never do it the same way twice, U're very curious and interesting person.
u enjoy a broad range of activities.
u take risks and enjoy fun and adventure. the word monotony cannot dampen ur spirits at any cost, as u live life king size. having fun is as much apart of your routine as slogging it out of office.
Which one of the six types of dressing personality listed above is Yours? Is that what you think you are? :) great luck, guys!
Source: Available from: http://lo.karloba.at/postcomments-tid-1745.htm
I love the way u are oun! miss oun.