Standing there in your warm embrace,at times I can still smell the scent of you
Like you are here hugging me again.

There were times I feel as though you never went, and I turn around hopping to see you, Sitting on the bed and waiting for me.
I'm still not used to sleeping by myself, It's more than lonely to be in bed without you.
The night seems so long when you are not around. I woke up so many times at mid night and expect that morning will comes soon, but still clock is ticking so damn slow.
I miss every moment of us together, the night time that you always kept me warm.
You cuddled up against me and Our bodies touched all through the night till dawn.
Even if it was just my leg draped across yours with my elbow touching your back, I am sure that you’ll always there beside me.I knew I would be okay and that nothing could happen to me as you kept me safe.
In the morning I knew I would wake up with you, You always kissed my forehead before doing anything else and If I was already awake you would kiss my lips softly and which I always love the most.
I can still feel the pressure and warmth of your kisses, some mornings that we woke up late and we were too rush, we took shower together and that is one of the thing I am dying for.
Another thing I miss is your touch.
When my stomach or my head was hurting for whatever reason, all you had to do was lay beside me with your hand resting on my stomach and cool my head with the ice, babe, You just had the touch to ease all the pain.
You may not think this really worked but trust me, it did, very well.
Every time I feel sick, I wish I could just have you back for a second so that I could feel that touch once again.
But now I let you out of my reach, out of my sight so that you could go do your tasks.
Even it is just for a week, but without you, a week is not just 6 days or 7 days but to me, I feel like a Year.
My dearest, you are my husband, my world, my soul, my heart, my everything
And I will stand, right here in this exact spot you left me, with open arms waiting to hold you so close.
My lips will be here too, waiting to press against yours,
My eyes are searching for you and will continue to do so and my body is waiting for your warmth.
I just can’t wait for Friday to come, can’t wait to have you back in my arms, and to feel your heart beating against mine.
I love you and I am missing you badly.
With lots of love,
It's really sweet about true Love that make young boy to know some about all these words. It's awesome letter.
Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do... but how much love we put in that action.
Thanks for text.