Don't ever think that others are better than yourself, no one are perfect. Learn to believe in yourself, do what you wanna do, don't ever give up and; as long as it is harmless, just keep doing it. If you believe in yourself, grasp the opportunity, don't waste a minute useless, keep struggling, never step back, learn from failure, be self-motivated and these is where the success comes from. Live your life as if there's no tomorrow.
it's all about LOVE!
Quote of the Day by
Top 5 questions to ask employer
Please dont'think that asking question make you look like a fool...asking question at the end of any interview could give you more opportunity to be selected as that might make interviewer feel like you are really keen to find out more about their company, their work structure, etc..
Tips: if you think you should ask some question, make sure your question is related to the topic...dont'go far beyond where should be. Dont'ever ask stupid question... show them you're smart by asking smart question. Simple is the best :)
Below are the top five questions that are recommended to ask employer:
1. WHAT ARE THE PRIORITIES THAT WILL NEED TO BE ADDRESSED IMMEDIATELY IN THIS POSITION?: A title alone tells you nothing. The job description won't reveal much either, except whether or not you're capable of doing what's required functionally on a daily basis.
For the same reason that you put your accomplishments on your resume - and not just the job description - here, too, you want to get a sense of the individuality of this job in this company.
Was everything left running smoothly? Is it pretty much picking up and continuing daily functions as normal? Or is there damage control that needs to be done? If so, is there a time line for the repair, and is it an achievable one considering your capabilities? Is it realistic regardless of who holds the position?
If you don't have any information already, this will begin to clue you in about both the supervisor and the previous employee. If you have been provided with some detail already, then the answer should track with what you've already learned.
2. HOW LONG WAS THE PREVIOUS PERSON HERE? WHY DID THEY LEAVE? Generally, in answering the first part, the interviewer will answer the second part as well. But if they don't, then ask it. And if that person was there an oddly short time, you also want to know how long the previous person before that was there.
See where I'm going with this? If the job is in disarray, and the last two people were there a short period of time and were fired, you don't need to ask any of the other questions here.
Exit gracefully and then run! Because before long, you, too, will be terminated for not achieving whatever it is they want done - regardless of if the stated time frame sounded realistic or not.
3. TELL ME ABOUT YOUR MANAGEMENT STYLE. HOW DO YOU BRING OUT THE BEST IN YOUR EMPLOYEES?: Is he a micro manager? Is he an information hound that needs to be kept informed of everything? Does he leave people alone to do what he hired them for and simply keep on top of what's going on? Does he help you if you have trouble? Do any mentoring? Or is he a berating, derogatory, jerk?
Obviously he's not going to come right out and tell you he's a micro manager! Instead he might say, "I like to keep a very close watch on what's going on in my department," or "I visit with each member of my department on a daily basis to make sure they're staying on track," or something similar.
You'll find that the person will be fairly straight forward in sharing their management style with you. What you want to pay attention to is how they word it.
4. WHAT TYPES OF PEOPLE TEND TO EXCEL HERE?: Workaholics? Ones who are self-motivated and manage themselves well? People who work well in teams or committees? Employees who keep their supervisor informed of "where they are with things" on a daily basis?
This tells you something about the pervasive culture in the company or department. Generally speaking, companies - or departments - tend to be made up of similar types of people that are in harmony with the company culture and philosophy.
An entrepreneurial person won't function well in a committee environment. While sales personalities can vary greatly, the top achievers are goal driven and motivated to achieve, rather than complacent.
People who are accustomed to thinking for themselves will find themselves chafing in a company that has a more dictatorial style, while those who perform better when they're told what to do will find themselves adrift in a company that requires its employees to think for themselves.
5. HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN HERE? WHY DO YOU STAY?: The answer to this question will give you an indication as to the feeling or health of the department or company. The way in which he answers the question will also give you additional insight into your potential boss, his management style, and what type of people excel in the department or company.
These are informational questions, not challenges. Be genuinely interested in the answer, because you're gaining valuable information that has to do with your future. When you leave the interview and process it within yourself, you'll be matching what you learned with what you are looking for.
Pay attention to the interviewer's body language and facial expressions. Is he relaxed? Does he fill in some of the spaces? Does he speak to you - or AT you? Does he answer the question briefly and then quickly fire off another one?
These, too, are valuable cues, and after the interview, you'll need to piece them together with the verbal information you received.
Your perfect job might land in your lap by grace and good fortune. But more likely, you'll need to look for it. It's there - but to recognize it, you'll need to know what it doesn't look like, as well as what it does. [streetdirectory, 2009]
These five questions go beyond the obvious ones, such as the title of the job, the job description, to whom it would be reporting, and other such basic questions. In fact, it's unlikely you'll even need to ask those questions, as they're usually outlined for you.
With some preparation and thought, you should be able to easily come up with 15 - 20 first-interview questions to ask. But these five - in some form - should always be asked.
Not only will they help you to ascertain if the job for which you are interviewing meets the criterion of your perfect job, but the answers, when put together, will give you a fairly accurate picture of what's really going on behind the interview.
Great Alliances - Training and Capacity Building
According to the UN Development Programme, "capacity" has been defined as "the ability of individuals, institutions and societies to perform functions, solve problems, and set and achieve objectives in a sustainable manner". The terms "capacity building" or "capacity development" describe the task of developing levels of human and institutional capacity. Whatever the terminology, capacity building remains one of the most challenging functions of development.
Due to Training and capacity building has provides a lot of useful activities and is considered as the importance process of getting one individual or organization to the level of improving or having their skills/ ability developed; Great Alliances- HR company has come to the decision of developing the new programme/ service- Training and Capacity Building.
In two months, Great Alliances will publicly announce theirs courses and training schedule and we believe that this training and capacity building program shall be a purposeful, positive and productive experience for not only individuals but to the whole society since Human Resources is known as one of the main factor to help in country development.
As we are specialists in executive search and selection/ Recruitment, we have found out that there are still a lack of capacity- our Human Resources are still limited. Hence, our focus is on providing relevant programs, Skills, and services that reflect the realities of today’s working and market needs.
Whether you’re a fresh graduates, an experienced individuals or whom found oneself having a limit in capacity to reflect to oneself career, Great Alliances is getting and bringing what you need to move forward with Confidence and Success!
Contact us for details info at:
or i can be reached at (855) 12 495 666
Great Alliances - Partnership for Success
HR advice
IT industry has transformed into a gigantic industry in recent years, therefore an urgent need is felt to recruit massive amount of human resource. We provide confidential, legal and reliable HR Advice for both the ends i.e for the employer as well as for the employee. A complete HR advisory service is provided by us to organizations who want to ensure their HR strategy which will adds value to the business. We evaluate current strategy and policy for providing HR Advice. We have a panel of experienced HR adviser who are available 24/7 to assist you in making the right move. The HR Advice provided by us is in accordance with the employer as well as the employee, so that they can benefit equally.
HR Advice from Employers end.
In this competitive era it sometime becomes quite difficult to exactly quote the salary of the employee for the category of work demanded. Often it happens that we are not able to judge the capability of the employee and usually tend to underestimate the candidates, therefore leading to the loss of a capable and able man power. After recruiting the employee, advice on extracting maximum work from them is provided by us.
HR Advice from Employees end.
Fresh candidates looking for job in any industry will encounter the problem of demanding the right amount of salary for their work. It usually happens that fresh employee ask for more salary than needed due to lack of knowledge of their ability, resulting in loss of the job. At this stage it is we who guide you through the right process of entering the industry. Not only that we also provide you the tips of working in office environment and how to get adjusted in that environment quickly. HR advice on how to improve your skills and performances are also initiates by us.
10 biggest job interview mistakes
What are some of the biggest job interview mistakes?
1. The number one biggest job interview mistake is to fail to research the company for which you're interviewing. It may seem obvious, but many people just don't do their homework and find out about the company for which they hope to work. For example, have you gone to the company's website if they have one? Failure to be prepared with knowledge of the company shows disinterest to the interviewer. Make sure you know as much as you can about the company before stepping foot in the interview room.
2.Dressing inappropriately for the interview. Notice the word "inappropriately," which can imply under-dressed as well as over-dressed. For example, casual clothes are inappropriate for a corporate job. A suit and tie can be inappropriate for a creative job or laid-back company. A cocktail dress is just inappropriate. The more you know about the company, the more you know what appropriate and inappropriate clothing is to that company.
3. Not knowing why you're there. Be clear you know exactly for what position you're interviewing. It's not a job you're interviewing for, it's a position, a need you're fulfilling for the company. How can you convey the fact you're right for the position if you're not really clear on what it is?
4. Not being rested. If you've partied the night before, are lacking sleep, and didn't give yourself adequate time to prepare for the interview, it shows. Make sure you get plenty of sleep and your clothes are pressed and ready. In addition, make sure you've eaten something before the interview.
5. Not knowing how to physically get to the interview. Many people make the mistake of neglecting to find out exactly where the interview is being held and how to get there. Make sure you know how to get to the building or to the interview' venue. You might want to drive the route the night before so you'll know where to park and how far the building is from the parking lot. If you end up late to your interview because you didn't know how long the drive would take, or exactly which route to follow, you've already lost the interview before stepping in the room.
6. Not defining your strengths. Leave a positive impression with the interviewer about what benefit they would receive by hiring you. This is where you really have to market yourself and let the interviewer know what you can do for them. You have to let the company know what sets you apart from all the other applicants.
7. Not asking questions. When the interviewer asks you at the end of the interview if you have any questions for them, are you prepared with 3-4 intelligent questions, or do you just smile and say, "not really." Interviewers like it that you ask questions. But, make them questions that show your interest in the company. Steer away from questions like "and how many vacation days do I get again?"
8. Trying too hard. It's tricky, but the real key is to just be yourself and don't try too hard to be liked. You know people who try too hard - they laugh at all your jokes, even when they're not jokes; they show fake enthusiasm and they overly agree with everything you say. Don't be that person. Be you, yourself.
9. Not listening. Don't let your mind wander in the interview, stay focused on what is being said. Don't miss the current question by trying to anticipate the next one. And, don't get carried away by your internal critic who's critiquing everything you're doing. If you make a mistake, don't focus on the criticism in your head, but, rather, focus on what the interviewer is talking about.
10. Criticizing your former boss. Above all, don't dish the dirt about your current or former employment. Be graceful about any disagreement you are having or have had with your former boss. If you start criticizing former employers, the interviewer might think you might do the same regarding your employment with them someday. Don't scared them with how good you are in criticize your own boss!
Importance of the 1st good impression - for employee
Be careful while introducing yourself during the interview process. Your self-introduction can make or break your chances during the interview. You may have the best qualifications, and you may be the best-suited candidate for the job - but if you did not introduce yourself to the panel appropriately, you lose vital points and it may very well cost you the job.
You may think that this is not necessary, because the interviewer already has your resume with your name and other relevant details on it. But all they have is some points on paper regarding your experience and skills. What they really want to know is whether you will fit into the structure of the organization, whether you are a team player and whether you are going to help the organization to the best of your ability. [streetdirectory, 2009]
What they are looking for during the self-introduction is an insight into your personality and the kind of person you are.
Tips: Introduce yourself and create a bond with the interviewer. This does not mean that you have to kiss and hug them. It just means that you find something in common with the panel and strike up a conversation. This will reflect that you have the ability to make anyone feel at ease with you and around you and this will earn you brownie points. Good luck with your interview :)
Are you fear of Job interview?
Your heart is beating faster than usual, your hands feel clammy, your mouth is so dry it feels like you have cotton inside - and your supposed to feel confident. Are you going to an interview or a torture session? The answer is - "it's all in your perspective."
Ideally you would sit poised thumbing through a magazine, feeling relaxed as you wait your turn to have a conversation with the interviewer for the company. Think about it - what do you have to lose here? What's the worst thing that can happen? What if you don't get this job - is the world going to stop turning? I realize of course, that bills must be paid, but you are taking the wrong approach if you are going to come across as desperate - "Please, please, hire me." Interviewers smell fear.
A change in thinking
The first, and most important step is to change the way that you view the interview. This is not an appointment with the dentist who may inflict pain. It is a conversation with another person. What is the worst thing that can happen as a result of the interview? You won't get the job, which may not have been the right job for you anyway.
Secondly, this is a conversation - a two-way process. You will be interviewing them as much as they are interviewing you. Is there a good fit here - both ways? What looks good on paper may not be what it appears - for either party. It will be part of your job during the interview to investigate whether this a good place for you, and whether you want to invest a significant part of your life here. When you are not checking them out and what they have to offer you are missing an opportunity that you may regret later.
Calming techniques
One of the best techniques to handle stress is through breathing. Take deliberate, shallow breaths. Take air in through the nostrils and exhale quietly through your mouth. This is a technique that should be practiced as a relaxation technique before the interview so that your body gets used to slowing down the breathing process and relaxing.
Relaxation techniques such as yoga, and meditation classes, are recommended for anyone who has an extreme case of "interview fright." The interview can cause panic attacks if the fear is strong enough. Pre-conditioning will do wonders for this type of anxiety.
Preparation before the interview
These are competitive times and you should steel yourself to expect some rejection. Think about it this way, "Did you get a marriage proposal after every date?" Well, you probably aren't going to get a job offer after every interview.
For every job you apply for there are more than likely three to four equally qualified candidates in line for the same job. Whether you stand out from "the crowd" will depend on your preparation and ability to show confidence in yourself - believing that you are the "best candidate for this job." How can you possibly sell anyone anything if you don't believe in it yourself?
Preparation will make you feel more confident and less anxious. Can you imagine giving a performance without some practice and preparation? "Winging" the interview in today's market is a big mistake.
Fear of Rejection
You may have had a number of interviews with no offer. You may be feeling defeated, and it's beginning to affect your-self esteem.
This would be true of anyone. But it is a mistake to take it personally. There are so many factors that could be affecting the offer that it is impossible to say what is happening. There may be internal candidates, relatives promised jobs, a competitor who is a perfect match for the job, a lack of chemistry between you and the new boss, a mismatch in salary needs, etc., etc.
Let it go
Give yourself credit for getting an interview - only a small percentage of people get this far in the process. Give yourself credit for going out there and putting yourself on the line, even though it is painful for you. Give yourself permission to not get job offers. Believe that an offer will come through when it is the right offer - the right fit for the company and for you. Take the control back and reject the feeling of fear.
When you have done everything to prepare for the interview, and you are satisfied that you can present yourself in the best light possible, the next step is for you to let it go. You can learn something from each interview. Learn to enjoy meeting new people and having new experiences. Who knows you may even grow to like interviewing. [streetdirectory, 2009]
Tips: Fear or too much worried will put more pressure in you, so try to be relax and maintain your self confidence. FEAR can destroy your chance to succeed in the job interview.
This is Me :)
- Virac Sisocheata
- I am a Recruitment Manager at Great Alliances which is the leading Recruitment Agency in Cambodia. frankly say, i really love to live my life simply and i'd rather keep myself busy than having too much free-time. Additionally, i like to make friends with those who has same interest and traits to mine which are, hard-working, energetic, dynamic, ready to fight, and value the true relationship which is HONESTY; though, i am kinda tactless as most of the time, i tend to not care with what others might feel- i am so straightforward individual. Simple but Exceptional - All i am just this :)
Who was I - Who I am...
I, Socheata, came from a poor family and I have been brought up by my beloved parents and grandma. My parents got married since my mum was 19; while, my dad was 21 years old and she gave birth to me just one year after they got married. With their empty hands, they have been trying real hard to build up new family with a better condition. My dad has to work far away from home and came to see us as much as he could. My grandma has to take a really big responsibility in taking care of me; while, my mum also has to work at two places simultaneously, just because she wanted to earn a lot of money to feed me and to send me to good school and to spent on other needs.
I was too young at that time, I've been sent to school since i was just three years old girl and I never knew how hard they tried and how many difficulties they had faced with in life; but until I came to the age of 10, I started to realize that my parents and grandma is the best person in my life, ever. They brought me up with a very warmth parental love, full of caress, and they always watch out for me just to make sure that I am doing great. I always feel safe to have them by my side. My parents never forced me to do anything either housework or other difficult things but study; though, we are poor. All they asked me to do is to try study hard, so most of my time was in class and rarely had time to hang around with friends, because they just afraid and worried that something bad would happen to me; unless, I had their company.
For the last eight years, I was a freshman majoring in English Literature and that was the time that I think I am mature enough to understand things and at least I can figure out what is right and what is wrong. Being grown up as the first child in my family, I have committed to myself that I have to try all my hardest to make my parents proud of me, and to build up a prosperous family where my parents and grandma and my sisters can lives in a very good living condition and to reach these goals of mine, I will never step back but keep struggling no matter how many obstacles I have to face with.
As the time grew up...
Since I grew up, my parents have taught me to be a responsible person and learn to be flexible and dare to face with all problems in all circumstances. They taught me how to be a good person to myself and how to be a good person in other people’s eyes. And what I really love about my parents is how they treat me like a princess and I really respect how they never get fed up in giving me advice every times I’ve done something wrong.
Everyone who knows me always see me as I am the happiest girl on earth, I never sharing my problems and crying for help. I really love to live my life simply, I love to be myself, and I just love the way I are; with the sense of humor, enthusiasm, and abilities to work hard and make correct decision under pressure has attracted people to me since my school years.
I have graduated MBA major in General management with an intention to obtain valuable knowledge of how to lead, organized and supervise people, how to be diplomatic, and how to make people believe in me and success of a project under my supervision.
Through my ambition and thirst for achievements has brought me into a business field because of various opportunities opened by the free market economy and plus, the encouragement from my family.
I has obtained job with one of the leading Company that provides HR services, Great Alliances, starting from an internship. I think I am a sociable person, and most people did says I am a nature conversationalist and I also love to listen to educated people or business people talking about stuffs related to business and other relevance topics that can help improve my general knowledge about my area of expertise; in addition, “Great job, my daughter!” was the best compliment from my family. Hence, pursuing the admiring comment has taught me to reach for perfection, made me meticulous, accurate, result-oriented and hard-working and become who I am, now.
Whom i cherish the most...
To me, my mum is the most fantastic woman. She is the only mum who dares to do everything for the happiness in family, she never afraid of risk-taking, she never frightened of difficulties; as long as, it can bring the prosperity for the family, she sure will not waste a minute to go for it.
I have learn a lot from my mum, “Never give up, reach for perfection and the output of a team is always greater than an output of an individual” were my greatest motivations in achieving any of my goals. What is more, I have learn that persistence, meticulousness, punctuality, and, of course, reliability and quality are very important for being successful in any business.
My dad is the only dad who dares to sacarify everything and even his lives just to protect us, the family that have been built with an empty hands, and he never hesitates to risk a things to keep us safe. And what is best about him is how he always finds various ways to talk to me and advise me and he will get bored in these at nowhere.
Last but not least, my mum will always be the role model in my heart, my dad will always be the hero in my soul and my grandma will always be the best elderly legendary in my life. And I can have today, because of them and through their sacrificed. So, the love and how I respect them is immeasurably and I am sure they can clearly understand how much I cherish and worshiped them.
Again, Mum, i'd like to thank you in letting us believe that we could be whoever we wanted to be, do whatever we wanted to do, there were no limitations except our drive, confident, ambition and creativity.
Thanks for teaching me not to afraid to dream, thanks for showing me that life is always goes on. No one is perfect, but try to be the best we ever could be. Thanks, mummy and thanks daddy..i love you both with all my heart.
Respectfully to the love you've installed in me, i am honor to tell the world how much you mean to my life, and how proud i am to be born as ur daughter.
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