

7 tips to be a Great Leader...

Some people are born leaders, whilst others have to work much harder at it. Regardless of whether you are new into management at work, lead a team of Web Warriors, or whether you have just been made the captain of your local football team, these tips should help you become a great leader.

1. Be Confident

Let me clarify that there is a vast difference between being confident and being arrogant. Confidence is a strong belief in your ability to succeed, whilst arrogance is an over the top, often rude and obnoxious quality that will not get you liked. If you want to be a strong leader, having confidence is important, because people need to feel secure, and confident with what their leader is doing.

Any sign of uncertainty will likely unsettle your team. It will make them nervous and unable to perform to the highest standards. Even if you are not feeling 100% confident yourself it is important that you don’t make it obvious to those around you.

This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ask for help and advice, but you shouldn’t come across like a rabbit in the headlights either.

2. Listen

A good leader will also be someone that is a good listener. You must be able to listen to, and understand any problems or worries your team have. Being strong and a good talker is important, but almost secondary when compared to the importance of being able to listen.

3. Be Proactive

Being a good leader will demand that you spot, and deal with problems before they actually happen. As a leader you must be aware of what is going on around you, and try to find potential problems, so you can nip them in the bud before they actually manifest. For example, a manager in a supermarket would need to make sure that floor polishing was done after the store was closed and customers had left, so there were no accidents.

4. Stay Focused

A good leader will always be focused on the job, or task in hand. It is important for everybody around you that you are always aware of what is going on. If anything does go wrong then it will be you that your team turns to, and they will need you to know what is going on.

5. Don’t Lose Your Head

This is by no means easy, but is very important. In a pressured situation, a good leader will remain calm and collected. If you start to panic, or lose your rag then things could rapidly fall apart. Your team are there to support their leader, you, but should not under any circumstances be made to hold things together whilst you throw a hissy fit.

6. Be Decisive

Similar to confidence, being decisive relates to being sure of what you are doing, or instructing your team to do. Half hearted decisions will leave your team feeling unsure or confused. If you are not certain of how to deal with a situation immediately, take some time to think it over first before delivering a firm, decisive course of action.

7. Show Respect

This is quite possibly the most important element needed from a great leader. It is very hard for anyone to respect, or admire someone who is rude, short, and obnoxious. It is vital you treat everybody around you with grace and respect. Leaders that treat people fairly, and generously, are those who people really want to work with, and do well for.[,2011]


my birthday message for my dearest husband...

I thought life consisted of days, months and years.
but You taught me my life consisted of just moments and those are the moments that I spend with you.

I Thought air, food and water made me live.
But with you, i've learnt that love is what makes one survive. And I understood My Love for you makes me stay alive.

As the years go by, I stop and think about all the memories we've made, the good times we've shared and the love between us that keeps growing. You are not only my husband, but my best friend and my dear soul mate. You are a blessing from above - one that I do not take for granted. I thank you for all the things that you've done for me. Not only are you a wonderful husband, I believe you'll be a terrific father. I love you, Honey ... more than words, more than life. I'm forever grateful for your love and proud to be your wife.

Wish you a very happy birthday!!!

Love always,
Your wife, Socheata :-)


top 10 ways to show confidence with your body language

They say a picture is worth a thousand words; now picture yourself, approaching a woman or a prospective client, walking into a board meeting or a party. How do you look? What message do you communicate the moment you walk into a room? What are your eyes, hands and shoulders saying? What information can people gather about you before you ever say a word? Never thought about it? You should. And you can start by perusing our top 10 tips to show confidence with body language.

People read your body language, often via instinct and without thinking. It’s because our poses and postures are a great source of information. They reflect our mood and our confidence level. We stand and walk a certain way when we’re confident and another way when we’re nervous. In a glance, most people can discern if we’re apprehensive or outgoing, relaxed or aggressive. With a little practice, we can learn the tips to show confidence through body language so that we always appear confident, capable and ready.

1. Avoid your pockets

The first tip on our list of the top 10 tips to show confidence with body language is to keep your hands out of your pockets. We put our hands in our pockets when we’re uncomfortable or unsure of ourselves. And as long as you have your hands stuffed down your pants, that’s how other people will view you.

Instinctually we tend to hide our hands when we’re nervous; keeping your hands out in the open indicates confidence and shows people you have nothing to hide. Also, recognize that putting your hands in your pockets encourages slouching, which isn’t good. As an alternative, try putting your hands on your hips; it’s a far more confident posture.

2. Don't fidget

Fidgeting is a clear sign of nervousness. A man who can’t keep still, is a man who is worried, tense and certainly not confident. Your hands can be your worst enemies -- fight to keep them still and steady. You can definitely talk with your hands, but keep your gesticulations calm and under control. Also, when seated, avoid that rapid leg-vibration thing that some guys do (you don’t want to look like a dog getting his belly rubbed).

3. Keep your eyes forward

Keeping your eyes level might be one of the trickiest ways to show confidence in body language. When you’re walking anywhere by yourself, it often feels natural to lower your head slightly and watch your step, but this posture communicates to others that you don’t want to engage in conversation or interact. And if you’re not careful, you might get into the habit of doing it all the time. Keep your chin up and your eyes forward, even when you’re walking down the street by yourself.

4. Stand up straight with your shoulders back

Standing up straight is one of the most important of our top 10 tips to project confidence through body language. It can be a challenge especially if you’ve been a sloucher all your life, but get over it. Standing up straight is perhaps the most important means of communicating confidence.

Concentrate on pushing your shoulders back slightly when standing and walking. Nothing major,just a little. That one simple motion does wonders for your posture. Try it in front of the mirror—you’ll be surprised how much more confident it makes you look.

5. Take wide steps

A confident man will never be described as “scurrying,” “creeping” or “sneaking,” so pay attention to the way you walk. If you want to show confidence with body language you want to take large steps. Wide steps make you seem purposeful and suggest a personal tranquility, which denotes confidence in a man.

6. Firm handshakes

Another of our top 10 tips for showing confidence with body language has to do with the firm handshake. There are few things worse than reaching out your hand during an introduction and getting a palm full of dead fish. Don’t be that guy. Instead, grip the other person’s hand firmly and confidently. If shaking hands with someone you’ve already met, you might even consider the two-hand grab: placing your free hand on the other person’s elbow adds warmth and enthusiasm to the handshake. Just don’t get carried away. A handshake is not a contest. Don’t try to crush the other person’s hand and don’t hold on too long.

7. Proper grooming

Imagine yourself walking into a room, maybe there are lots of beautiful women there or maybe the room is filled with respected colleagues. Now consider your appearance: four days' worth of scruff, bad skin, hair crispy and pointy like a Backstreet Boy’s. The point we’re trying to make is that grooming is an essential component of communicating confidence through body language.

You want your hair, face and even your smell to work for you, not against you. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new products to find the ones that work for you.

8. Smile

Confident people smile because they have nothing to worry about. Try this as an experiment: smile at someone as you pass them on the street or walking around the office. Chances are good that they’ll smile back. Now wouldn’t you like to have that effect on people all the time?

9. Don’t cross your arms when socializing

Crossing your arms is a protective posture. We do it when we’re cold, nervous or on guard. Think of those big, burly nightclub bouncers, crossing their 26-inch pythons while standing guard at the door to a club. Do they look like guys you want to talk to, joke with or work with? No, right? Their job is to look intimidating. Your job is to look likeable, open and confident. So relax a little and keep your arms uncrossed.

10. Use contact to show appreciation

The pat on the back is a lost art. Don’t be afraid to pat a buddy or a colleague on the back when he or she delivers a perfectly timed punch line or nails the big presentation. Most people aren’t freaked out by a hand on the shoulder and they’ll likely be appreciative of your sign of affection and respect.[, 2011]


To build a long lasting relationship...

"Love brings along many expectations that need to be met. Every partner expects something from the other. But the expectations must be realistic and achievable. If both partners understand that that neither of them is perfect and accept each other “Warts and All” It will help them enjoy an equitably and contented life together."

The foundation stone.

Relationships are like plants. They need to be nurtured with love, care and understanding. You need to work at it on a regular basis and learn the skills needed to make it grow. Those who take relationships for granted and do not take the time to do the maintenance will find a once beautiful relationship will wilt and die.
Good communication is the foundation stone of any healthy relationship but there must also be lashings of mutual respect and commitment to each other.

Trust each other
You must learn to share your thoughts and feelings with your partner,even if they are unpleasant. Very often the fear of offending your partner makes you keep quiet, and you choose to suffer in silence. Not only doing an injustice to you but also sowing the seeds of unhappiness and mistrust.
You must trust each other. Suspicion breeds hate, jealousy and sorrow. Often, these feelings get out of control, and destroy relationships. The best way to keep the flame of trust shining bright is to confide in your partner. It removes mistrust, and does not allow misunderstandings to grow.
It pays to be honest with each other. Don’t hesitate to brush unpleasant issues under the carpet. If you have done a wrong, let your partner know. You will both feel stronger to face the next challenge.

Balanced relationship
Being a part of the ‘couple’ should not affect the sense of self.
Establishing boundaries where needed helps to maintain a balanced relationship and allows each to become fulfilled. Keep your own hobbies and pastimes but remember to share an interest in what your partner does as well. You are two separate entities with often-differing likes, dislikes, traits and interest. Respecting and allowing for these differences is essential for reducing conflict.

“Warts and All”
Love brings along many expectations that need to be met. Every partner expects something from the other. But the expectations must be realistic and achievable. If both partners understand that that neither of them is perfect and accept each other “Warts and All” It will help them enjoy an equitably and contented life together.

There are three stages in every relationship.

The first is attraction.
When you are first attracted to a person, you wish to know more about them, there likes, dislikes, interests etc. Then you gather courage to make your first move like asking to come for a movie, dance or dinner. Both partners often feeling embarrassed and awkward but probably mostly feeling over come with wonderful feelings about your new-found love.

The second is the testing stage.
This is the stage when the relationship starts blooming. You are both learning more about each other. If you hide your emotions or are deceitful in any way at this stage, then you can be sure that you are building weak foundations. The relationship any well seem to flourish for a while but that weakness will undermine all the good work you do and it will fail. Honesty dealt with in a tender manner will be a strong bond that will help to hold you together.

The third is the conflict stage.
As the relationship progresses and you have been together some time there will be conflicts and disagreements. Those who are able to handle these conflicts with trust and equanimity will be able to keep the relationship going where others would simply flounder. So, learn to handle conflicts and learn form all the ups and downs.

A fine achievement
Because you have been together for a long time you may well feel your partner takes you for granted or that you are in a rut. The positive side of that coin is you are in a comfortable relationship were you have mutual respect for each other. It may not have the zest and excitement of a new relationship but you have learned to live in contentment with another. This really is a fine achievement worthy of praise. It has the reward of a long lasting loving relationship that can only be coveted by many.
Allow your partner just to be human not some super-person who you expect must always get it right. If you allow them that courtesy they might then do the same for you!


Is he really your Mr. Right?

Just looking at him takes your breath away. You think about him all the time. You can't wait to hear from him again. Strong feelings. But is it love? Is he the one? Most women have experienced all of the strong feelings of initial attraction to someone, only to find out later that it was not a good relationship. Those beginning feelings are so intense it can be difficult to view the relationship rationally. Your heart may get in the way of your head, and that can spell disaster and heartache. So how do you know he's the one?

Take the time to really get to know him. Do you really know him? When we meet someone, we tend to get an initial impression, and these impressions can later prove to be false. We have to trust our gut instinct, but we also need to verify those feelings with facts. This only comes from really getting to know someone. Find out what makes them tick. To really know someone takes time, effort, and patience. Dating partners, ourselves included, try to put our best foot forward to make a good impression when we meet someone. We hide our bad habits, watch what we say, and try to put ourselves in the best light we can. Many relationship experts call this the "honeymoon period." It is easy to be blinded during this time, especially to others' faults.

When you are with this man, on the phone or in person, ask questions. Everyone likes to have someone be interested in him. It doesn't have to be an interrogation. Just use the time you have together to get to know his heart and mind. What does he like? What does he not like? Is he a racist? What are his views on women's issues? What do his friends think of him? How does he treat his family? How does he talk about past relationships? Does he accept responsibility for the mistakes he has made, or does he blame all his problems on someone else? What is his history? What jobs has he held? Has he moved around a lot in his life? What are his goals for the future? What are his regrets? Is he generous? Is he considerate of other people's feelings? Do you recognize any controlling behaviors?

Does he listen to you? "Genuine concern manifests itself in listening to the cares, concerns and issues of your woman," says Anthony Woodson, president and CEO of, a matchmaking service that has resulted in nearly 500 marriages. "A man who wants to be around you for the long-term will be a good listener when you need him. He will be a dependable source of guidance and support and will not turn a deaf ear simply because the problem is too big. If he doesn't know the solution, he will try his best to find one."

Watch how he interacts with others. Does he bark orders at waiters? Does he have good manners? Manners may not seem as important to you now, but at some point you will want to introduce him to your family or co-workers, and it will become more important. How does he treat women in his life? What does he say about women co-workers?

How does he treat you? Is he considerate of your wants and needs? Does he value your opinion? Do you feel free to express your likes and dislikes to him? Does he keep his dates with you on time? Does he do what he says he will do? "To trust a man is to believe that he is doing his best and that he wants the best for his partner," says Jel D. Lewis, relationship expert and columnist.

Do you share the same outlook on what is important in life? He can be gorgeous, and make you feel special, but if you are a person who loves to be involved in helping others, and he is a person who is more concerned about getting what he wants for himself, there will be conflict. How does he accept your differences? Two people can have very different opinions on issues, and yet show respect for the other's view. Is he concerned about being right? Will he be supportive of you with whatever you choose to do in your life?

What do your friends and family think of him? Eventually you will want him to meet the other people in your life. Because they have no bias toward this man, they may see things you don't see. Listen to their concerns. If someone expresses a concern, look at it carefully instead of dismissing it. If it is a legitimate concern, you need to address it.

Look for warning signs. One therapist calls these the "caution lights" and many of us, when we look back on past relationships that proved to be bad for us, remember seeing signs of trouble early on. Most of the time these were ignored. Don't avoid the caution lights. If he does something or says something that makes you feel something may not be right, explore that. Don't rationalize away your concerns. If it doesn't feel right, it may not be right.

Think about the long view. It's easy to believe that because we are so compatible now, we will always be. But when we look at a future with someone, a lot of other things become more important. Is he an honorable person? Is he honest? Is he a person of his word? Is he trustworthy? Does he follow through with commitments? Does he want the same things from his life that you do? How does he handle conflicts? Does he have a temper? Is he abrasive or abusive at times? Any sign of abusive behavior is a definite "deal breaker". No matter how nice a guy he is at times, if he's abusive at other times, he's not for you. You deserve better than that.

He should make you feel good about yourself and encourage you to grow. If you weren't in a relationship with this man, is he the kind of man you would still want to be friends with? Gandy, creator of the motivational tape, Make Space So Joy Has A Place, gives this advice: "If this person is truly a good fit for you, then his qualities should be desirable even if you are not in a relationship." Do you have the same views spiritually, financially, and socially?

Happiness is something we all seek. But long term happiness is our ultimate goal. If this man is the one, he will be someone you can be happy with for a long time. Don't settle for instant gratification to the expense of your long term well-being. Author and motivational speaker Dr. Grace Cornish advises women not to get caught up looking for love in a certain package. "If you think he's the one, don't write him off just because he's not wearing a certain suit or driving a certain car," she says. "Get to know who he is and what his values are. After moving beyond the physical, you can enter the emotional and spiritual, where you'll find love and opportunity waiting and smiling back at you." [,2011]


Decoding Your Baby's Cries — all Six of 'em!

Crying is your baby's only means of communication. Here are some "crib" notes to help you find out what your baby may be saying.

It's too bad babies don't come with instruction manuals. It would make parenting these early weeks a whole lot easier — wouldn't it? Actually, your baby is trying to give you some subliminal clues to help out. Since she can't tell you what she needs with words — "Hey, got a gas bubble over here!" — she relies on an array of whimpers, cries, and all-out screams to get your attention. You just have to crack the crying code to know what she's saying. Here's a cheat sheet to help clue you in:

* I'm hungry: Listen and look for a rhythmic, repetitive cry, combined with other signals such as rooting for the breast or sucking her fingers.
* I'm tired: You'll hear a cry that starts slowly and builds in intensity and is accompanied by yawns or eye-rubs.
* I'm stressed out: Get ready for a fussy, whiny cry; she may try to turn her head or body away from overstimulating sights or sounds.
* I've got colic: You'll likely know it by the intense screams, accompanied by fidgeting movements; often occurs in the late afternoon or evening.
* I'm in pain here: Listen for a loud, intense, out-of-the-ordinary cry that comes on suddenly (at a time or in a way that's unusual for your baby).
* I'm not feeling so well: You'll hear soft whimpers; usually very different from her normal cries.

A lot of trial and error and time with your baby may help you break her particular code (although some infants are quite inconsistent about their cries, thwarting your attempts to read them). Having a repetitive routine can also help. If your baby's day falls into a pattern of feeding, then a period of alert play, followed by sleep, knowing where you are in the cycle can help you determine quickly what your little one needs. If she has a full belly and an empty diaper, she may be ready for a nap or need a cuddle. [,2011]


a touching hurtful love story!

Once upon a time, there was once a guy who was very much in love with this girl. This romantic guy folded 1,000 pieces of papercranes as a gift to his girl. Although, at that time he was just a small executive in his company, his future doesn't seemed too bright, they were very happy together. Until one day, his girl told him she was going to Paris and will never come back. She also told him that she cannot visualise any future for the both of them, so let's go their own ways there and then... heartbroken, the guy agreed.
When he regained his confidence, he worked hard day and night, slogging his body and mind just to make something out of himself. Finally with all these hardwork and with the help of friends, this guy had set up his own company...
"You never fail until you stop trying." he always told himself. "I must make it in life!"
One rainy day, while this guy was driving, he saw an elderly couple sharing an umbrella in the rain walking to some destination. Even with the umbrella, they were still drenched. It didn't take him long to realise those were his ex-girlfriend's parents. With a heart in getting back at them, he drove slowly beside the couple, wanting them to spot him in his luxury sedan. He wanted them to know that he wasn't the same anymore, he had his own company, car, condo, etc. He had made it in life!
Before the guy can realise, the couple was walking towards a cemetary,and he got out of his car and followed them...and he saw his ex-girlfriend, a photograph of her smiling sweetly as ever at him from her tombstone... and he saw his precious papercranes in a bottle placed beside her tomb. Her parents saw him. He walked over and asked them why this had happened. They explained, she did not leave for France at all. She was stricken ill with cancer. In her heart, she had believed that he will make it someday, but she did not want her illness to be his obstacle ... therefore she had chosen to leave him.
She had wanted her parents to put his papercranes beside her, because, if the day comes when fate brings him to her again he can take some of those back with him. The guy just wept ...the worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them but knowing you can't have them and will never see them again.


Sexting will hurts your marriage!

The term“sext or sexting,” is known as the act of sending flirtatious or sending sexually explicit messages or photographs, primarily between mobile phones, text message, email, Twitter, Facebook and so on.

so below are the 11 Ways that Sexting Hurts Your Marriage:

1. Just because you or your spouse do not define something as “cheating” doesn’t mean it can’t eventually bring your marriage to an end.

2. Sexting is a form of flirting. Flirting is the first step in courtship. In fact, it’s what led to the two of you getting married. Would you feel comfortable if your spouse were actively courting someone else?

3. Trust is an important ingredient to a happy marriage. Sexting destroys trust.

4. If you wouldn’t do it with your spouse sitting right next to you, it’s probably not good for your marriage.

5. As the saying goes: The grass is always greener where you water it. If you are sexting with someone who isn’t your spouse, you are watering the wrong lawn.

6. By focusing your attention outside your home, you will end up neglecting what’s inside your home. Trust me: to keep it strong, your marriage will need all of the attention you can give it. Don’t waste your attention where it’s not needed.

7. When you flirt with someone else – either in person, on the phone, or digitally – you hurt your spouse’s self esteem. A spouse who feels this way is eventually going to check out.

8. When you flirt with someone else – either in person, on the phone, or digitally – you make it harder for your spouse to feel sexy. A spouse who doesn’t feel sexy isn’t going to want to have sex.

9. When you flirt with someone else – either in person, on the phone, or digitally – you cause your spouse to feel unloved. If your spouse does not get the love she needs from you, she’s going to be more likely to search for it somewhere else.

10. If you need a rush, try finding it with your spouse. The two of you can strengthen your marriage by solving this problem together.

11. If you don’t feel sexy, try talking to your spouse about the problem. The two of you can strengthen your marriage by solving this problem together.

There is one way sexting can help your marriage. It’s this: do it with your spouse. Text “you are hot” to your spouse. Text “I can’t wait to see you naked” to your spouse. Everything you were thinking of sexting to someone else? just Sext it to your spouse.

Written by Alisa Bowman,


11 signs he's not headed toward a relationship with you!

1. He texts instead of calls, or he texts more often than he calls. When a guy likes a girl, he wants to hear her voice. “Texting is not an easy way to communicate—it’s an easy way to avoid communication,”

2. He finds reasons to blow you off or be late more times than not. Maybe he’s just flaky or disorganized, you say? Don’t make excuses. If a guy likes you and wants to continue hanging out with you, he’ll find a way to do so.

3. He talks to his ex-girlfriends. Nothing makes a guy forget his ex like a girl he wants to be with. If he continues talking with an ex, that’s the first sign that he’s either not over a prior girlfriend or he’s just not that in to you.

4. He avoids introducing you to his friends. He should be proud of you, want to show you off, and want to include you in his life.

5. He avoids even minor instances of intimacy in public. “Listen, not all guys are comfortable with PDA (public display affection). Not everyone likes to make out for the whole world to see. But when I really like someone, no matter what I’m generally comfortable doing, I’ll at least put my arm around her and give her a kiss on the cheek.”

6. He doesn’t use the pronoun “we” or use it in the future tense. If he talks about a great new restaurant he discovered, but doesn’t add, “We should go there sometime”—and maybe he just says “I go there a lot”—then he’s not interested in sharing things with you. Plus: “Guys who are into girls want to explore with them—not sit on the couch on every date,”

7. He doesn’t do something sweet for you at least once a week. That doesn’t mean he’s buying you a dozen roses but he should have said or done something that made you go “Aw!” in the last seven days.

8. He doesn’t ask questions about your family and friends.

9. He doesn’t initiate at least 80% of the things you do together. “I call this the 80/20 rule,”. “When I don’t like a girl, the 80% drops significantly. I’m not even aware of it. I’ll get off the phone and never close the conversation with a set of plans.” Note that it doesn’t have to be exact plans, but it should at least be, “Let’s hang out later this week and we’ll do dinner. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

10. He doesn’t remember your one month anniversary.

11. He hasn’t posted a picture of you together on Facebook within two months of the first date. Guys who are excited about you will post and tag your beautiful face!

Okay. Hopefully I didn’t depress you. But the message here is, if you want a relationship with someone and he’s acting out the above list, move on. I don’t believe in “waiting it out” or “breaking him down” so he will “come around.” Don’t put up with someone who semi-likes you. Date someone who is dying to be with you. (You will find him—but you have to know you deserve it!!)[,2011]



First, recognize stress:

Stress symptoms include mental, social, and physical manifestations. These include exhaustion, loss of/increased appetite, headaches, crying, sleeplessness, and oversleeping. Escape through alcohol, drugs, or other compulsive behavior are often indications. Feelings of alarm, frustration, or apathy may accompany stress.

Stress Management is the ability to maintain control when situations, people, and events make excessive demands. What you can do to manage your stress?
What are some strategies?

1.Look around
See if there really is something you can change or control in the situation.
2.Set realistic goals for yourself
Reduce the number of events going on in your life and you may reduce the circuit overload.
3.Don't sweat the small stuff
Try to prioritize a few truly important things and let the rest slide.
4.Learn how to best relax yourself
Meditation and breathing exercises have been proven to be very effective in controlling stress. Practice clearing your mind of disturbing thoughts..
5.Change the way you see your situation; seek alternative viewpoints
Stress is a reaction to events and problems, and you can lock yourself in to one way of viewing your situation. Seek an outside perspective of the situation, compare it with yours. and perhaps lessen your reaction to these conditions..
6.Avoid extreme reactions
Why hate when a little dislike will do? Why generate anxiety when you can be nervous? Why rage when anger will do the job? Why be depressed when you can just be sad?.
7.Avoid self-medication or escape
Alcohol and drugs can mask stress. They don't help deal with the problems.
8.Begin to manage the effects of stress
This is a long range strategy of adapting to your situation, and the effects of stress in your life. Try to isolate and work with one "effect" at a time. Don't overwhelm yourself. for example, if you are not sleeping well, seek help on this one problem..
9.Try to "use" stress
If you can't remedy, nor escape from, what is bothering you, flow with it and try to use it in a productive way. [,2011]


5 tips to avoid sore nipple during breastfeeding

1. Get the correct latch. Make sure that when your baby latches on, he has a wide mouth, almost like a yawn, before you pull him onto your breast. If he doesn't seem to get a wide enough latch, break his suction and try to latch again. Allowing him to nurse on a narrow latch, also called nipple sucking, will most certainly result in a sore nipple.

2. Apply lanolin cream to your nipples when you feed. Lanolin cream helps keep your nipples moist, helps to heal any cracks or sores from nursing and is completely safe for your baby to nurse while it is on your nipples.

3. Change the baby's position throughout breastfeeding. Allowing your baby to nurse in different positions, such as the cradle hold, football hold and lying down, puts pressure on your nipples through different angles and this prevents your nipples from getting sore.

4. Let your nipples air-dry after a bath or feeding. Allowing your nipples to air dry helps them heal faster. For quicker healing, express a drop or two of milk, rub it around your entire nipple and let it air dry. Your milk is naturally healing.

5. Sun your nipples. If you have a place in your home where the sun comes in, sit in front of it for a few minutes a day. Sunlight provides vitamin D, which is very healing for sore, cracked nipples.

Read more: How to Avoid Sore Nipples During Breastfeeding |


One Eyed mother - what else mom could do?

A true touching story - a must read!

Son's Statement:

" My mom only had one eye. I hated her... she was such an embarrassment. She cooked for students & teachers to support the family. There was this one day during elementary school where my mom came to say hello to me.

I was so embarrassed. How could she do this to me?

I ignored her, threw her a hateful look and ran out.

The next day at school one of my classmates said, "EEEE, your mom only has one eye!"

I wanted to bury myself. I also wanted my mom to just disappear.

So I confronted her that day and said, " If you're only gonna make me a laughing stock, why don 't you just die?!!!"

My mom did not respond...

I didn't even stop to think for a second about what I had said, because I was full of anger. I was oblivious to her feelings. I wanted out of that house, and have nothing to do with her.

So I studied real hard, got a chance to go to Singapore to study.

Then, I got married.
I bought a house of my own.
I had kids of my own.
I was happy with my life, my kids and the comforts

Then one day, my mother came to visit me. She hadn't seen me in years and she didn't even meet her grandchildren. When she stood by the door, my children laughed at her, and I yelled at her for coming over uninvited.

I screamed at her, "How dare you come to my house and scare my children! GET OUT OF HERE! NOW!!!"

And to this, my mother quietly answered, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I may have gotten the wrong address," and she disappeared out of sight.

One day, a letter regarding a school reunion came to my house in Singapore. So I lied to my wife that I was going on a business trip.

After the reunion, I went to the old shack just out of curiosity. My neighbors said that she died.

I did not shed a single tear. They handed me a letter that she had wanted me to have. "

Mom's Letter:

"My dearest son,
I think of you all the time. I'm sorry that I came to Singapore and scared your children. I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion. But I may not be able to even get out of bed to see you. I'm sorry that I was a constant embarrassment to you when you were growing up. You see........when you were very little, you got into an accident, and lost your eye. As a mother, I couldn't stand watching you having to grow up with one eye.

So I gave you mine.

I was so proud of my son who was seeing a whole new world for me, in my place, with that eye. With my love to you,

Your mother.


Nursing and Working mother...

The Role of Breastfeeding in Bonding

Breastfeeding usually plays an integral role in forming the deep attachment between mother and baby. Bottle-feeding mothers, of course, can also be securely attached to their babies. There are many tools in the attachment kit; breastfeeding is but one. It is, however, an extraordinarily powerful one.

Breastfeeding is designed by nature to ensure maternal-infant interaction and closeness. If done without schedules or other restrictions, breastfeeding guarantees that you and your baby will be in close physical contact 8 to 18 times in every 24 hours. In fact, nursing mothers tend to be with their infants altogether more than other mothers. In the first 10 days after birth, nursing mothers hold their babies more than bottle-feeding mothers, even when they are not nursing. They rock their babies more, speak to their babies more, and are more likely to sleep with their babies. In Western society many women never hold a newborn until they give birth to their own, yet this frequent skin-to-skin contact and interaction soon make up for even a complete lack of familiarity with babies. The mother who immerses herself in her newborn, breastfeeding frequently and without restrictions, quickly learns to read her baby's cues and to trust her own instincts. She extends the gentle give-and-take, the empathy, and the commitment of breastfeeding into the rest of her mothering. Nursing her baby provides her with a blueprint for sensitive parenting in the years to come.

Nursing couples need each other physically and emotionally. The baby, of course, has a physical need for milk. As scientists have amply documented, breast milk benefits every system in a baby's body. Breastfeeding offers protection against allergies and respiratory infections, and perhaps obesity. Breastfeeding improves vision and oral development; breastfed babies have fewer ear infections; breast milk is better for the cardiovascular system and kidneys; and babies' intestinal immunity is enhanced by human milk. Juvenile diabetes is less common among breastfed than bottle-fed babies. Breastfeeding enhances a baby's cognitive development, partially because it allows the baby more control in feeding--the ability to control one's own actions appears to be essential in human development. The composition of breast milk, too, appears to support optimal brain development. Indeed, recent studies have found that children fed mother's milk as babies have higher IQs, on average, than those fed formula.

And, of course, a baby's emotional need for love and reassurance is just as strong as her physical need for milk. Whereas most formula-fed babies are soon taught to hold their own bottles, the breastfed baby is always held by her mother for feedings. A breastfed baby enjoys not only the comfort of the warm breast, but caressing, rocking, and eye contact before, during, and after feedings. With all her senses, she drinks in her mother's love.

The mother, in turn, has a physical need for the baby to take the milk from her breasts. The let-down of milk is relieving, satisfying, like a drink of water when one is thirsty. When your newborn begins to suck at your breast, or even just to mouth your nipple, the hormone oxytocin is released in your body, hastening the contraction of your uterus and inducing the let-down or milk-ejection reflex, which begins your milk flow. Called "the love hormone" because it is also produced during sexual intercourse and birth, oxytocin brings on a sudden feeling of contentment and pleasure as you breastfeed your baby. In this way you and your baby become a happy team at feedings, each amply rewarded by the other for her efforts.

The Risks of Working to Bonding

Bonding usually proceeds without our thinking about it much. We get pregnant, we give birth, we fall in love with our babies, we decide to breastfeed, we become mothers in tune with our babies. Voila. We have accomplished one of life's major transitions, becoming a mother. Unless we don't.

Sometimes women don't fully traverse the divide between childless woman and mother. They have babies, but they resist the bone deep commitment that comes with motherhood. After all, becoming a mother is a frightening, gigantic leap into a new, all-encompassing stage of life. Motherhood threatens to submerge both accomplishments of the past and goals of the future, as well as one's present sense of self. The fear of losing oneself in its flood waters is entirely normal.

Besides, in American culture today, motherhood receives scant respect, especially among high-achievers. If your self-respect comes mainly from your success at work, especially if that work is competitive and pressured, reentering the world with mother suddenly attached to your identity can be dismaying, to say the least. Despite the impressive diplomacy and managerial skills with which motherhood endows women, the business world holds mothers in suspicion. We are widely suspected of not being truly committed to our jobs and our

And, as nursing mothers will tell you in chorus, breastfeeding has the most marvelous calming effect on them. A recent study documents their experience: At one month postpartum, breastfeeding women were significantly less anxious than formula-feeding women. The breastfeeding hormones, oxytocin and prolactin, cause a feeling of well-being that tends to promote maternal behavior. Also, the act of breastfeeding requires a woman to relax. No matter how hectic her life, a breastfeeding mother must sit or lie down with her baby eight or more times a day. And we mustn't discount the simple joy and peace of mind that come with cuddling a secure, satisfied, comfortable baby.

Whether or not they care that nursing is good for their health, most nursing mothers would say that breastfeeding's primary benefit is convenience. Although breastfed babies nurse more frequently than do formula-fed babies, the non-nursing mother must dedicate a great deal of time to purchasing and mixing formula, cleaning bottles and nipples, and warming bottles. Unlike formula, breast milk is always ready, warm, and, as long as the baby continues to nurse frequently, plentiful. When the baby is hungry, the breastfeeding mother simply finds a comfortable place to sit or lie down with him. At night, whereas the formula-feeding parent must wake up and get out of bed to prepare a bottle, the breastfeeding mother can have her baby brought to her, or, if her baby is sharing her bed, nurse without ever fully waking up. A breastfed baby is also highly portable: There are no bottles to pack and carry; there is no need to find a place to mix formula and heat the bottle. A spare diaper in her purse, and the breastfeeding mother and her baby are on their way.

The Benefits of Breastfeeding for Working Mothers

Many women going back to work decide that the "added stress" of nursing is the last thing they need. As many working women can attest, however, their lives are made easier rather than harder by breastfeeding. One experienced mother finds that "breastfeeding is the easier part of being a working mother. It's much harder finding time to iron a shirt."

The immunologic properties of breast milk benefit working parents as much as their babies. Breastfed babies wake their parents less often at night with earaches and stuffy noses. Because breastfed babies are generally healthier, they also tend to be happier. They cry less, smile more, and are less wearying to care for after a long day at work.

The anti-infective properties of breast milk are a real boon when a baby is or will be in group day care. Babies in day care are exposed to more germs than are babies cared for at home. But when these babies are breastfed, they are protected against many serious bacterial and viral infections and secondary complications. And the lower incidence and severity of illness in breastfed babies reduces the time their parents must take off from work.

The flood of relaxation that comes with the let-down of milk is made to order for stressed-out working mothers. You may find that, after nursing your baby at the end of the day, you have trouble remembering what had so vexed you at work just a few hours earlier. Your slate is wiped clean, and you can more easily and calmly attend to your family and yourself for the rest of the evening. A pediatrician comments, "My greatest release after coming home is putting up my feet and nursing the baby. We both feel wonderful. It is my unwinding time."

For the typical nursing and working mother, the most important benefit of breastfeeding is that day after day it confirms that she is irreplaceable to her baby. Most women who decide to breastfeed do so for their babies' sakes. Only later do they discover that it's good for them, too. For working mothers, breastfeeding is a friend, a constant ally against the anxiety that comes from having to leave their babies in someone else's care for most of the day, and wondering if they are good-enough mothers. For your baby, after all, the babysitter may be very nice, but only Mama has a soft, sweet-smelling breast and warm, sweet-tasting milk. And when you pick up the baby and nurse at the end of a work day, you and she are immediately a couple again. There is no "getting to know you again" period for a working mother and her nursing baby.

A physician says, "Nursing has been a wonderful way to reconnect with my children while working. My daughter's favorite time to nurse is right after I get home at the end of the day. Even though she now goes all day without nursing, she gets a little frantic once I get home, and she really wants to nurse. I have found that nursing puts life into perspective. The sense of accomplishment, bonding, and wellbeing that I get from nursing makes me less anxious about having to leave her during the day."

A book editor concurs. "I like that it keeps me feeling connected to him all day long. I'm forced to take 'baby time' when I'm at work, and I can even go see him and share our bond in the middle of a work day if I want. It helps ease the transition for me to nurse him when I drop him off and when I pick him up. I also feel like I'm still mothering him even when I'm not with him, by continuing to provide pumped breast milk for him."

A social worker who formula-fed her first baby and breastfed her second speaks poignantly of the difference: "Since my mother-in-law took care of my first child eight to ten hours a day and since she could feed him just as well as I could, sometimes I felt as though he was more hers than mine. Since I had to be away from him 40 hours a week, breastfeeding could have tied us back together at the end of the day. Not breastfeeding my son is one of the greatest regrets of my life. My experience with him made me determined to have a different experience when my daughter was born."

Breastfeeding after returning to work is a way to tie the two halves of your life together. It will help you to make sense of yourself in the challenging new role as mother while continuing your pre-baby work life. Learning the job of motherhood is hard enough without the distractions of responsibilities outside the home, but when you're trying to maintain your identity as a working woman you have an intensified need for the lessons taught by breastfeeding. You can rely on breastfeeding as a blueprint for the intuitiveness, nurturing, and empathy that comes with experienced mothering. Through breastfeeding, you can give your child the best possible beginning, and in return you will gain confidence in yourself as a mother.


Love is.... by Susan Polis Schutz

Love is...

Love is being happy for the other person when they are happy; being sad for the other person when they are sad; being together in good times and being together in bad times. Love is the source of strength

Love is being honest with yourself at all times; being honest with the other person
at all times. Telling, listening, respecting the truth and never pretending. Love is the source of reality

Love is an understanding that is so complete that you feel as if you are a part of the other person; accepting the other person just the way they are and not trying to change them to be something else. Love is the source of unity

Love is the freedom to pursue your own desires while sharing your experiences with the other person; the growth of one individual alongside of and together with the growth of another individual. Love is the source of success

Love is the excitement of planning things together; the excitement of doing things together. Love is the source of the future

Love is the fury of the storm; the calm of the rainbow. Love is the source of passion

Love is giving and taking in a daily situation; being patient with each other's needs and desires. Love is the source of sharing

Love is knowing that the other person will always be with you regardless
of what happens; missing the other person when they are away but remaining near in heart at all times. Love is the source of security

Love is the source of life.

~Susan Polis Schutz


Healthy Breastfeeding tips

We’ve all heard the debate. Breast Feeding vs Formula. But why do most people say breast feeding is the best for your baby? Because this natural mother’s milk is genetically the best food for your baby. This is the way GOD designed for things to work.

Want a more scientific reason? Okay, for one, the complex fats that are abundant in human breastmilk are vital to brain development and may have an effect on your baby’s intelligence as they grow older.

Breastfed babies are ten times less likely to be hospitalized with gastro-enteritis in the early months than babies who are fed formula.

Breastfed babies also gain immunities from a host of other infections.

Here are some terms you may not already know. “Foremilk” – the thinner milk that first comes from the breast when you begin feeding your baby. This is for quenching the baby’s initial thirst. “Hindmilk” – is the milk that comes later during the feeding of your baby. The hindmilk is much more filling and contains all the nutrients your baby needs to stay healthy.

Breastfed babies rarely need other drinks and supplements, because their mother has already given them what nature intended for them to have and need.

What’s in it for me as a Mom? There is nothing to compare the bonding and closeness with your baby that is caused by your choice to breastfeed. It is a great feeling to know that you are doing what is best for your baby.

Babies need to be close to their mothers. They need physical contact. Breastfeeding is one of the best types of physical contact you can have with your baby.

It’s also a whole lot easier than bottle-feeding! No feeds to mix, no bottles to warm or sterilize. Your breastmilk is always available, already sterile, and already just the right temperature for your baby.

Here is a real favorite among all women who breastfeed. Many women lose weight more easily after the birth if they choose breastfeeding over bottle feeding.

Another big issue is that there is evidence that breastfeeding reduces your risk for breast cancer.

What if I am having problems breastfeeding? Either your pediatrician can help you or there are breastfeeding counselors you can find in your area or online that can help you with any problems you may have.

If you have sore nipples or your baby isn’t getting enough milk, it may be your positioning. Your baby’s mouth should cover all of the areola, especially the part just under the areola. Sucking on just the nipple will keep the baby from getting enough milk and will make your nipples very sore. [, 2011]


What Girls wants in a relationship...

1. Talk. Communication is key. If you are afraid to talk to the girl that you're dating, or if you'd rather do something else, you need to set some priorities. Ask her how her day was. You want her to listen to you, so you should listen to her--conversation is a two way street. # People love talking about themselves. Ask her about her dreams and hopes. It will make her feel like you care about her. Always ask her about school and her day as well.

2. Try to avoid asking lots of questions about where she's been and what she was doing. If they say "Be right back, I gotta go do something", it's usually best not to ask what she were doing, as it can make a girl feel annoyed.

3. Think before you speak! Try to keep things very very positive. If she's complaining about life, don't agree. Tell her she rocks and support her.

4. Compliments are excellent, but know that you should stop at the point where you're just listening to yourself talk. Girls know when you're sincere and when you're just blowing hot air. But, compliments never hurt anyone.

5. Nobody can write the definitive guide on dating! You need to experiment for yourself! Remember, romance is not always an easy thing.

6. Listen to what she has to say and pay attention.

7. Above all, take care of yourself. Keep your daily and lifelong goals in sight. Nothing turns off a woman faster than a man who chooses to accomplish nothing, even if all his attention is directed toward her.

8. Don't be obsessive. Give her some room. she doesnt need you to be hanging on her, she wants to be able to lean on you, not the other way around.

9. Don't cheat on her!! If you flirt with another girl, to make her 'jealous' then its not going to work, she'll think that you like them and might end up moving on. Not all girls get jealous the same way.

10. Make her friends like you, not love you. If they love you, she will think otherwise or something... Don't fall in love with her friends either! [wikihow, 2011]


Viber iphone app work better than skype???

Could the new Viber iPhone app actually work the way Skype should have? According to early reports… it’s far better than Skype mobile has ever thought of being. Viber brings free calling to your phone over 3G or WiFi to anyone anywhere in the world. The app costs as much as the actual calls do – nothing!

When you install Viber, the app syncs your phone’s contact list and shows you which of your friends are also using Viber. You can begin making calls instantly without having to register for anything or hold an account. Viber Media founder Talmon Marco says:

Skype is modeled after a buddy list – you need a user ID and password, and in order to talk to someone you need to ‘add them’, get approved, etc. Viber, on the other hand, is modeled after a phone. So your ID is your phone number (authenticated via SMS) and you can call anyone, as long as you know their number.”

The coolest part about this app is that it does not have to be running in order to work. You can close the app completely – even removing it from your background services – and still receive calls. The user is sent a notification, a ringtone will sound, and as soon as you click “Answer” on the notification, the app is launched and a connection is made automatically! [,2011]


Love cards from my parents...

My 1st wedding anniversary

My wedding day

My 1st wedding anniversary...

Wedding anniversary symbolizes how happy a couple is living together. More anniversaries mean a more successful marriage. Each anniversary is celebrated more enthusiastically. It is a time to rekindle the love between the couple. An anniversary becomes important to be celebrated when it makes the bond stronger and strengthen their relationship.

As all the wedding events are dependent on the region and its culture, anniversaries also depend on it. For example, in western traditions and cultures, first, fifth, tenth, fifteenth, twentieth, twenty fifth and so on, anniversaries are celebrated bountifully. But these occasions never go with strict, hard and fast rules. It is entirely a couple’s own choice how they wish to celebrate their anniversary.

As the wedding anniversary is an event of the couple solely, it should be planned and organized to focus the couple primarily, and to enhance their presence. The most romantic and recommended way of spending the time is to go out for a candle light dinner, or make some romantic arrangements at home for the dinner. It will bring the couple closer than ever before, and will give a chance to feel the presence and importance of each other in their lives, which might have been missed or overlooked in the past years. Romanticism does not end at a candle light dinner; there can be many other ways to celebrate the event in a romantic way. The theme should be romantic in all cases as this will enhance the beauty of the day.

A wedding anniversary reminds of a beautiful girl to the man, and of a handsome guy to the lady for whom they fell in love years back and proposed each other to live together as a wedded couple. [buzzle, 2011]

and of course, i am glad to celebrate my 1st memorable wedding anniversary (11.03.11). it did remind me of the most wonderful moment of my life which was my wedding day.
For these, i would like to express my sincere thanks with love to my beloved parents. Thanks for always supporting me and be by my side and thank you so much for the surprised anniversary cake on my wedding anniversary. I love you both more than words can say... wish mom and dad a more success and a healthy and happy long lives together, ever. I love you.

*** most importantly, on my 1st year anniversary i am already is a mom-to-be as i am now already 30weeks pregnant and it won't be any longer to my delivery date :) i am so excited. Thank you my dearest husband for came into my life, you are the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me. I am so in love with you. Muwah :-*


6 tips to make your perfume last longer during the day...

A sweet fragrance can be the finishing touch to a woman's total look. Here are some ways to make your perfume last longer during the day!

Below are the 6 simple tips to make your perfume last longer during the day:

1. Before applying the perfume, smooth on the same brand name perfumed lotion. Layering in this way creates a stronger scent.

2. Apply perfume to your pressure points which are wrists, behind your ears, and the backs of your knees.

3. Try to use a parfum instead of an eau de toilette. These are a more pure form of the fragrance and smell stronger.

4. Try the well-known method of spritzing perfume into the air and then walking through it. The perfume will get trapped into the clothing this way.

5. When washing your hands, avoid washing your wrists very often so the perfume on your wrists doesn't get washed off.

6. Keep a sample size of the perfume in your purse to reapply if needed during the day.[, 2011]


Secrets to a happy marriage...

Some people said "love is blind and marriage is an eye-opener" but why people are seen happier when they got married. It is becoz they knew what are the secret to a happy marriage! so try some below and see how many of them you have practice in your couples'life :)

- Never assume.
- Compliment more than you criticize.
- Always make time for the two of you.
- Marry someone that you enjoy listening and talking to.
- Remember that marriage is sometimes a bed of roses and sometimes there are thorns.
- Remember that the best gift that you can give your children is to love their mother/father.
- Be fair! Split the housework, spending money, etc evenly. This way you are never resentful of your partners contributions (or lack of) or expenditures.
- Remember that people do fight. It's how you do it that matters.
- Before starting an argument, consider if it's really worth it.
- Fight naked. ;)
- Agree to disagree.
- Never, ever mention the "D" word (divorce).
- Do you want to be right or do you want to be married?
- Respect each other's privacy.
- Remember that "love is like childhood. You need to learn to share."
- Marriage is not 50/50, it's two people giving 100/100 all of the time.
- Surprise each other now and then.
- Never pass up an opportunity to say "I love you".
- Hold hands.
- Hug & kiss every day (several times a day actually!).
- Always believe that you got better than you deserved.
- Be quick to say "I'm sorry".
- Choose the one you love, then love the one you choose.
- Love isn't always a feeling, it's a decision.
- Play nice, play often, love much.
- Never keep secrets from each other.
- Be each other's champion. No matter what, take your husband or wife's side first!
- Communication is the key!
- Always respect each other.
- Never underestimate the power of a good belly-laugh and don't be afraid to laugh at yourself.
- It's the little things that matter most.
- Never use the words 'Always' and 'Never' in a fight.
- It's ok to argue, but never use curse words to express your anger.
- Never compare your marriage to others. What you see on the outside is not always what it is on the inside.
- Don't make love in the same place/position everytime. Variety is the spice of life! [,2011]



Valentine's day is quickly approaching, but are you stumped when it comes to romantic valentines day ideas?

Like most people, you likely want to give your sweetheart all kinds of romance and valentines day surprises!

The only problem is...
How do you do it??

How can you make this year extra special?

What can you do to make this the most memorable Valentines Day ever?

There are tons of great ideas out there!

Its only a matter of finding that one perfect idea to suite your sweetheart!

Maybe you would enjoy spending a quite evening together sipping hot chocolate and watching your favorite romantic movie. or maybe giving her roses, though, this is too old fashioned, but it still meaningful when you gives it from heart :)

It really doesn't matter where you go or what you do. As long as you're together this Valentine's Day, the rest will fall into place.

So, what are your plan on these upcoming Valentines day??? you can share your idea and experiences here on how to make the day count :)


A Kiss - Way To Say I Love You

A Kiss is a romantic and speechless way to say Love You.Plus, It can also express our emotion and feeling.

Kiss on the hand - I adore you.

Kiss on the neck - I want you.

Kiss on the cheek - I just want to be friends.

Kiss on the ears - Let's have some fun

Kiss on the lips - I love you.

Kiss on the nose - Let's get silly.

Kiss anywhere else - You're the best.

So, Where would u prefer to kiss your lover, which indicates your nature?

Kissing should made fun loving game and with different kinds. It would not become boring act of romance. Same kiss same romance, Bring variety of romance in your life with different type of kisses.

Aggressive Kiss- When you kiss your partner, just bite down their lower lip and suck the lower lip.

Butterfly kiss - Bring your face closer to partners face and open and close your eyelids like butterfly.

Cheek Kiss - This is first date kiss, on the cheeks to say ?I like only you?.

Forehead Kiss - This is kiss to Say that I Care For You. This can say like Mama?s kiss.

French kiss - In this kissing you should be careful, this involves tongue. Pass the breath through the exchange across tongue.

Ice Kiss - Put a ice cube in your mouth and take a kiss of your partner and pass the ice cube in his mouth so on until ice cube melt.

Neck Kiss - Come behind your partner and start kissing on neck, which will generate sensation.

Open Eye Kiss - See love, passion in your partner?s eyes, gently kiss and see in your partner?s eyes.

Wave Kiss - Roll your tongue up, down, like wave while kissing.

Wet Kiss - Rub your wet lips up and down on your partners lips.

Sweet Kiss - Put any sweet candy in your mouth. Pass the candy in your partner?s mouth with your tongue. Until that candy melt then take a French kiss. This will tasty sweet kiss. [,2011]

I hope the above text could help you learn some new technique and light up your couple's life. Try it, be sexy and make her/him feel the real it!!!


the Chinese New Year...

Chinese New Year is the most important festival in Chinese culture. It is celebrated on the new moon of the first month according to the lunar calendar, and is a time for family reunions and scrumptious feasts.

Chinese New Year traditionally lasts from the first day to the 15th day of the New Year (which is Lantern Festival), but the demands of modern life mean that most people don’t get such an extended holiday. Still, the first five days of the New Year are an official holiday in Taiwan, while workers in Mainland China and Singapore get at least 2 or 3 days off.

The Chinese New Year is a chance to leave the problems of the previous year behind. It is important to start the New Year fresh, and this means cleaning up the house and buying new clothes.

Houses are decorated with red paper banners which have auspicious couplets written on them. These are hung around doorways and are intended to bring luck to the household for the coming year.

Red is an important color in Chinese culture, symbolizing prosperity. Many people will wear red clothing during the New Year celebrations, and houses will have many red decorations such as Chinese knot work.
Red Envelopes

Red envelopes (►hóng bāo) are given to children and unmarried adults. Married couples also give red envelopes to their parents.

The envelopes contain money. The money must be in new bills, and the total amount must be an even number. Certain numbers (such as four) are bad luck, so the total amount should not be one of these unlucky numbers. “Four” is a homonym for “death”, so a red envelope should never contain $4, $40, or $400.

Evil spirits are driven away by loud noise, so Chinese New Year is a very loud celebration. Long strings of firecrackers are set off throughout the holiday, and there are many displays of fireworks lighting up the evening skies.

Some countries such as Singapore and Malaysia restrict the use of fireworks, but Taiwan and Mainland China still allow almost unrestricted use of firecrackers and other fireworks.
Chinese Zodiac

The Chinese zodiac cycles every 12 years, and each year is named after an animal. The year of the Rabit starts on February 3, 2011 and continues to January 22, 2012.

* Rabbit : February 03, 2011 - January 22, 2012
* Dragon : January 23, 2012 - February 09, 2013
* Snake : February 10, 2013 - January 30, 2014
* Horse : January 31, 2014 - February 18, 2015
* Sheep : February 19, 2015 - February 07, 2016
* Monkey : February 08, 2016 - January 27, 2017
* Rooster : January 28, 2017 - February 18, 2018
* Dog : February 19, 2018 - February 04, 2019
* Pig : February 05, 2019 - January 24, 2020
* Rat : January 25, 2020 - February 11, 2021
* Ox : February 12, 2021 - January 31, 2022
* Tiger : February 1, 2023 - February 19, 2011

Wishing you all a very Happy Chinese New Year!


Overcoming Shyness With The Opposite Sex

Getting over your shyness may seem impossible right now, but with a little effort and the desire to be more outgoing with the opposite sex then, you can definitely overcome shyness. It is important to know that the fears you feel when shyness hits you are typically always much worse than the reality of the situation.

Below, I've listed 12 simple steps to overcoming your shyness. These aren't magic solutions, but practice these steps and over time, your shyness will fade away and you will be left wondering what all the fuss was about in the first place.

Step 1. Fake it until you make it!

This is an infamous saying in the sales world. In other words; mimic or act like someone whom you admire and has all the personality traits you wish to have. This is a great way to start teaching yourself new behavioral habits. Put yourself in their shoes and play out real life situations as though you were them. This may sound crazy, but it does work!

Step 2. Ask yourself why you are shy.

Be honest with yourself. What are your real fears? What do you think people see when they talk with you? Answering these questions will help guide you into separating reality with what you are mistakenly perceiving it to be.

Step 3. Work on building your self confidence.

Yes, this will take effort on your part by reading books on the subject or listening to motivational tapes, but it works!

Step 4. Learn how to use daily affirmations.

Daily affirmations and positive mind influence can be very powerful tools to improve yourself. Again, this takes work but the power to change your shyness to confidence can come simply from saying things to yourself every day like "I like myself!" or "I am a winner!"

Step 5. Role play situations that make you anxious.

This may sound silly but take time out alone to Play-act situations that you get really nervous about. Pretend that you are talking to that guy or girl that makes you shy. Be that outgoing person that you wish to be. This play-acting will send messages to your sub-consciousness and help your inner-self change.

Step 6. Dress to impress.

Dress to impress, even if nobody is looking. Iron those clothes! Keep that hair neat! In other words, always look your best. This does amazing things to help you feel better about yourself and overcome shyness.

Step 7. Positive goals.

Start projects in life that make you feel good. Start a personal project, totally clean up your house clutter and your car. Work on a new hobby. How can these things help you with overcoming shyness? Simple - by working on things that make you feel good produces a natural aphrodisiac that turns you on and which indirectly turns on people around you.

Step 8. Reprogram your mental definition of shyness.

This goes along the same lines as using daily affirmations or by reading self help books. By changing your perception of shyness instead of having a negative attachment to the word, you will then help re-create your outlook on it.

Step 9. Learn to take risks.

How many times did you just want to go up to someone and tell them how beautiful they were, or how they impressed you with their clothes. As a daily exercise do this: Each day of the week go up to a total stranger and say something nice. It could be something as innocent as complimenting a pretty girl on her hair or a guy with his shirt. Do not worry about the outcome, do not worry about what they say, just do it!

Step 10. Face your fears!

Combat your fears of rejections by realizing that everyone gets rejected at one point or another, everyone! Learn not to take rejection personally. Use it as a tool.

Step 11. Get those dates.

A rather direct tactic, you can learn to overcome shyness by dating frequently. Practicing dating is the most successful way to rid your shyness but this takes a lot of nerve so date 'at your own risk'.

Step 12. Last but not least, be honest!

Tell people that you are shy up front, be honest with them. You will not believe just how nervous and shy the other person is as well. By just telling them you feel the same will help to put them at ease too. With both of you more relaxed, the date is sure to go much better. [weloved,2011]