

Sexting will hurts your marriage!

The term“sext or sexting,” is known as the act of sending flirtatious or sending sexually explicit messages or photographs, primarily between mobile phones, text message, email, Twitter, Facebook and so on.

so below are the 11 Ways that Sexting Hurts Your Marriage:

1. Just because you or your spouse do not define something as “cheating” doesn’t mean it can’t eventually bring your marriage to an end.

2. Sexting is a form of flirting. Flirting is the first step in courtship. In fact, it’s what led to the two of you getting married. Would you feel comfortable if your spouse were actively courting someone else?

3. Trust is an important ingredient to a happy marriage. Sexting destroys trust.

4. If you wouldn’t do it with your spouse sitting right next to you, it’s probably not good for your marriage.

5. As the saying goes: The grass is always greener where you water it. If you are sexting with someone who isn’t your spouse, you are watering the wrong lawn.

6. By focusing your attention outside your home, you will end up neglecting what’s inside your home. Trust me: to keep it strong, your marriage will need all of the attention you can give it. Don’t waste your attention where it’s not needed.

7. When you flirt with someone else – either in person, on the phone, or digitally – you hurt your spouse’s self esteem. A spouse who feels this way is eventually going to check out.

8. When you flirt with someone else – either in person, on the phone, or digitally – you make it harder for your spouse to feel sexy. A spouse who doesn’t feel sexy isn’t going to want to have sex.

9. When you flirt with someone else – either in person, on the phone, or digitally – you cause your spouse to feel unloved. If your spouse does not get the love she needs from you, she’s going to be more likely to search for it somewhere else.

10. If you need a rush, try finding it with your spouse. The two of you can strengthen your marriage by solving this problem together.

11. If you don’t feel sexy, try talking to your spouse about the problem. The two of you can strengthen your marriage by solving this problem together.

There is one way sexting can help your marriage. It’s this: do it with your spouse. Text “you are hot” to your spouse. Text “I can’t wait to see you naked” to your spouse. Everything you were thinking of sexting to someone else? just Sext it to your spouse.

Written by Alisa Bowman,

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