

Decoding Your Baby's Cries — all Six of 'em!

Crying is your baby's only means of communication. Here are some "crib" notes to help you find out what your baby may be saying.

It's too bad babies don't come with instruction manuals. It would make parenting these early weeks a whole lot easier — wouldn't it? Actually, your baby is trying to give you some subliminal clues to help out. Since she can't tell you what she needs with words — "Hey, got a gas bubble over here!" — she relies on an array of whimpers, cries, and all-out screams to get your attention. You just have to crack the crying code to know what she's saying. Here's a cheat sheet to help clue you in:

* I'm hungry: Listen and look for a rhythmic, repetitive cry, combined with other signals such as rooting for the breast or sucking her fingers.
* I'm tired: You'll hear a cry that starts slowly and builds in intensity and is accompanied by yawns or eye-rubs.
* I'm stressed out: Get ready for a fussy, whiny cry; she may try to turn her head or body away from overstimulating sights or sounds.
* I've got colic: You'll likely know it by the intense screams, accompanied by fidgeting movements; often occurs in the late afternoon or evening.
* I'm in pain here: Listen for a loud, intense, out-of-the-ordinary cry that comes on suddenly (at a time or in a way that's unusual for your baby).
* I'm not feeling so well: You'll hear soft whimpers; usually very different from her normal cries.

A lot of trial and error and time with your baby may help you break her particular code (although some infants are quite inconsistent about their cries, thwarting your attempts to read them). Having a repetitive routine can also help. If your baby's day falls into a pattern of feeding, then a period of alert play, followed by sleep, knowing where you are in the cycle can help you determine quickly what your little one needs. If she has a full belly and an empty diaper, she may be ready for a nap or need a cuddle. [,2011]

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