

Great Alliances? Why?

Great Alliances (GA) has been established from the January 1, 2007. The founder, Mrs Syneth Soum, has accumulated solid experience in the field and gained significant industry support from her former employer, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
Besides, Mrs. Syneth Soum also playing a very important role in Great Alliances as the Managing director, and be in charge of overall management and Payroll service.Under her strong supervision and our professional team’ commitment, we are honor in our ability to delivering the most efficient and effective Human Resource services to our clients. Among the HR services we served, Recruitment and Payroll Admin outsourcing are known as our area of expertise since date of our establishment

With the largest database that has been built since 1996, our company, Great Alliances, has been known over its area of expertise as a leading Recruitment agency throughout country; in addition to our core competency in Recruitment Service, Great Alliances offer several services as following:

1. Executive Search and Selection / Recruitment
2. Payroll Administration Outsourcing
3. Salary and Benefits Survey
4. HR Consultancy
5. Corporate Training
6. Social Compliance

Why us?

Problem in getting yourself employed, looking for new career, get yourself into multinational business environment - rewarding & challenging, upgrade your living condition and to get your dream job... Great Alliances is where you can seek for help. We deliver results!!!

For more information about our company profile, industry served, job vacancies, and our successful experiences over current market; please visit us at


Great Alliances: pre-announcement on job vacant

Today, recruitment methods are wide and varied, it is important that the job is described correctly and that any personal specifications are stated.
Where organizations don't have the internal resource to be able to conduct an effective recruitment exercise this is where they may outsource this to a third party, typically a recruitment or HR consultancy that specializes in the area that the organization requires.

Job recruitment methods can be through job centers, employment agencies/consultants, headhunting, and local/national newspapers. It is important that the correct media is chosen to ensure an appropriate response to the advertised post. Therefore, it's my great pleasure to inform everyone of you that there will be an advertisement on the Cambodia daily on the 26th and the 28th of May, 2009; under an advert of Great Alliances Co., Ltd. over multi-positions vacant in various company/industry that we, Great Alliances, serve them our HR services-Recruitment.

Candidates who are interested in any of the positions listed can apply your CV either in hard copy or soft copy at our office or you can reach me at
For more information and to earn more knowledge about HR, i would like to invite you to http://www.

Why Human Resources? What is it

According to some research studies, it is said that Human resources is an increasingly broadening term with which an organization, or other human system describes the combination of traditionally administrative personnel functions with acquisition and application of skills, knowledge and experience, Employee Relations and resource planning at various levels. The field draws upon concepts developed in Industrial/Organizational Psychology and System Theory. Human resources has at least two related interpretations depending on context. The original usage derives from political economy and economics, where it was traditionally called labor, one of four factors of production although this perspective is changing as a function of new and ongoing research into more strategic approaches at national levels.[1] This first usage is used more in terms of 'human resources development', and can go beyond just organizations to the level of nations [2]. The more traditional usage within corporations and businesses refers to the individuals within a firm or agency, and to the portion of the organization that deals with hiring, firing, training, and other personnel issues, typically referred to as `human resources management'.
[1] ^ Advances in Developing Human Resources Vol 6 (#3) August 2004 and Vol 8, #3, 2006
[2]. ^ McLean G. N. National Human Resource Development: A Focused Study in Transitioning Societies in the Developing World. In Advances in Developing Human Resources; 8; 3, 2006.


Find out about urself...

We are living in the same world but we might have only few little things in common but mostly people tend to have different thoughts, personality, favorite, talent, and stuffs. So, as a human we should learn to understand and try to find out about ourselves;especially, we must know who we are, what types of person we are in our own opinion and how other people see and think about us. You should have understand what are the strength and weakness points of urself; by knowing your own weakness you can have your own choices whether you want to change for better life or not. But at least, we can understand ourselves clearly or u can never find way to success in life.

Below is the result of mine, by taken "espin" test. "espin" test is one of the test that u can find out about ur personality type and many other things that u didn't even care about. So just take a little time of yours, take the test and let's find out about urself.
Notice: there are many different types of quizzes u can try such as, personality type, career, management style, Iq test, etc...

Check it out and let's have fun, then...


Saint: You can't be a better person than a saint. You're selfless, sweet, and we wouldn't be surprised if you could perform a miracle or two.

Of all the personality types on this test, yours is by far the most respectable. We mean, how couldn't everyone love you?

Just remember, though - as nice as it is to help other people, sometimes you gotta help yourself a little, too. Don't be afraid to a little selfish every now and then. Seriously! We give you permission.STATS:

* 8% (59,392) other teens are also Saint
* 1,139,774 people have taken this quiz.
* Most people who take this quiz get this result: Cucumber
The eSPIN Personality Test
My Result: Saint
The eSPIN Personality Test
Take This Quiz!
If you haven't taken the eSPIN personality quiz, you still don't have a personality.
fun free quizzes
meet cool peeps

Which Element Are You?

Result: Wind

As a wind person, you're smart, creative and well-spoken. You've probably got a great imagination, and compared to the other elements, you're more in touch with telepathy and psychic powers.

Your animal soulmates are, not surprisingly, air-dwelling folks like the eagle and the raven. Wind people are also spiritually connected to spiders, so you might want to check out Charlotte's Web if you want to explore your roots.


* 20% (111) other teens are also Wind
* 712 people have taken this quiz.
* Most people who take this quiz get this result: Water


things happened, it's always happen for a reason...

Don't look at the world with ur narrow minded, how come u think others are better than u. we're all human being;though, we born in different date,time,place, and grown up with different in personality, and stuffs, but remember, we are still the same coz we born with a human body, flesh and blood and brain. so no one is perfect, everyone does have their own strength and weakness points. don't think that others are more important, worthy, or special than you just because they are richer, more attractive but these does not make them more valuable than you are. you have ur own personality, u have ur own intellectual, ur own eyes to see the world and everything that the world has offered to u are what you worth it!
Maybe almost every of us has gone through the hard way or have been failed in what we were trying to do; however, there are really no failures or mistakes in this because we should think that what we've been through are just opportunities for growth. Usually something good does come out of our mistakes. So learn from them, don't repeat them, forgive yourself, and let's move on for better outcomes and that is where we should live our lives for.... for future happiness!

Birth sign can truely show your personality?

What is Zodiac - Astrological sign?

According to The Zodiac is made up of 12 different sun signs. Your date of birth determines which one you are. Check your birthday date to find out your sign and for details of information please go to above website.

* Aries - March 21 - April 20
* Taurus - April 21 - May 21
* Gemini - May 22 - June 21
* Cancer - June 22 - July 22
* Leo - July 23 -August 21
* Virgo - August 22 - September 23
* Libra - September 24 - October 23
* Scorpio - October 24 - November 22
* Sagittarius - November 23 - December 22
* Capricorn - December 23 - January 20
* Aquarius - January 21 - February 19
* Pisces - February 20- March 20

Smile for success...

Y smile? Smile is to show the world that you are happy and you are ready for everything new. If you face down, or with a frown on ur face, you are showing the world that you are weak, and try to ignore sth; so the world might turn its back at u. when u are sad, people will know by just reading ur face. So don't put that stuff on ur looks, just smile, then others will smile too. If u are sad, u might not realize that how many people will be sad to see u sad. Smile for urself and for everyone in this entire world. Coz smile is one of the thing that can brighten the beauty of the world.If u're happy, everyone can feel that u're the person that full of hope and u're showing the world that u're brave and strong enough to struggle with every single obstacle just to reach the goals of yours. Once u reach ur destination, there is also ur success.
So, just smile even for nth but for urself.

You drive yourself to success...

Today you fail and you might wanna give up
why don’t you stay strong, ready to fight for another start.
today you lose, you shouldn’t dare not to stand up
coz once you step back, you might be called a coward.

when you see them good, don’t think they’re unique
just be yourself, stand up straight and you’ll see that no one is perfect.
don’t pretend to be others, it’s gonna be useless
what if it once change? today or tomorrow, no one can predict.

first time fail, second time fail
third time still fail, but fourth time you might pass.
first time fail, second time fail, then you decide to give up
so you will never have third time to fail, hence, never ever will you could make it to the last.

Don’t hate yourself when the world turns its back at you
try to get up and show the world that you are not a fool.
just stand up straight, let people see the internal power from your face.
don’t ever give up, remember failure is nothing but a way to success.

Written by: Sisocheata Virac


Whom I cherish the most...

Virac Sisocheata

I, Socheata, came from a poor family and I have been brought up by my beloved parents and grandma. My parents got married since my mum was 19; while, my dad was 21 years old and she gave birth to me just one year after they got married. With their empty hands, they have been trying real hard to build up new family with a better condition. My dad has to work far away from home and came to see us as much as he could. My grandma has to take a really big responsibility in taking care of me; while, my mum also has to work at two places simultaneously, just because she wanted to earn a lot of money to feed me and to send me to good school and to spent on other needs.

I was too young at that time, I've been sent to school since i was just three years old girl and I never knew how hard they tried and how many difficulties they had faced with in life; but until I came to the age of 10, I started to realize that my parents and grandma is the best person in my life, ever. They brought me up with a very warmth parental love, full of caress, and they always watch out for me just to make sure that I am doing great. I always feel safe to have them by my side. My parents never forced me to do anything either housework or other difficult things but study; though, we are poor. All they asked me to do is to try study hard, so most of my time was in class and rarely had time to hang around with friends, because they just afraid and worried that something bad would happen to me; unless, I had their company.

For the last six years, I was a freshman majoring in English Literature and that was the time that I think I am mature enough to understand things and at least I can figure out what is right and what is wrong. Being grown up as the first child in my family, I have committed to myself that I have to try all my hardest to make my parents proud of me, and to build up a prosperous family where my parents and grandma and my sisters can lives in a very good living condition and to reach these goals of mine, I will never step back but keep struggling no matter how many obstacles I have to face with.

Since I grew up, my parents have taught me to be a responsible person and learn to be flexible and dare to face with all problems in all circumstances. They taught me how to be a good person to myself and how to be a good person in other people’s eyes. And what I really love about my parents is how they treat me like a princess and I really respect how they never get fed up in giving me advice every times I’ve done something wrong.
Everyone who knows me always see me as I am the happiest girl on earth, I never sharing my problems and crying for help. I really love to live my life simply, I love to be myself, and I just love the way I are; with the sense of humor, enthusiasm, and abilities to work hard and make correct decision under pressure has attracted people to me since my school years.
I am now pursuing MBA majoring in General management with an intention to obtain valuable knowledge of how to lead, organized and supervise people, how to be diplomatic, and how to make people believe in me and success of a project under my supervision.

Through my ambition and thirst for achievements has brought me into a business field because of various opportunities opened by the free market economy and plus, the encouragement from my family.
I has obtained job with one of the leading Company that provides HR services, Great Alliances, starting from an internship then quickly was promoted to Recruitment Consultant and I, currently, has been promoted to Senior Consultant.
I think I am a sociable person, and most people did says I am a nature conversationalist and I also love to listen to educated people or business people talking about stuffs related to business and other relevance topics that can help improve my general knowledge about my area of expertise; in addition, “Great job, my daughter!” was the best compliment from my family. Hence, pursuing the admiring comment has taught me to reach for perfection, made me meticulous, accurate, result-oriented and hard-working and become who I am, now.

To me, my mum is the most fantastic woman. She is the only mum who dares to do everything for the happiness in family, she never afraid of risk-taking, she never frightened of difficulties; as long as, it can bring the prosperity for the family, she sure will not waste a minute to go for it.
I have learn a lot from my mum, “Never give up, reach for perfection and the output of a team is always greater than an output of an individual” were my greatest motivations in achieving any of my goals. What is more, I have learn that persistence, meticulousness, punctuality, and, of course, reliability and quality are very important for being successful in any business.

My dad is the only dad who dares to sacarify everything and even his lives just to protect us, the family that have been built with an empty hands, and he never hesitates to risk a things to keep us safe. And what is best about him is how he always finds various ways to talk to me and advise me and he will get bored in these at nowhere.

Last but not least, my mum will always be the role model in my heart, my dad will always be the hero in my soul and my grandma will always be the best elderly legendary in my life. And I can have today, because of them and through their sacrificed. So, the love and how I respect them is immeasurably and I am sure they can clearly understand how much I cherish and worshiped them.

I promised to myself that i will never ever let them disappointed in me.