

Smile for success...

Y smile? Smile is to show the world that you are happy and you are ready for everything new. If you face down, or with a frown on ur face, you are showing the world that you are weak, and try to ignore sth; so the world might turn its back at u. when u are sad, people will know by just reading ur face. So don't put that stuff on ur looks, just smile, then others will smile too. If u are sad, u might not realize that how many people will be sad to see u sad. Smile for urself and for everyone in this entire world. Coz smile is one of the thing that can brighten the beauty of the world.If u're happy, everyone can feel that u're the person that full of hope and u're showing the world that u're brave and strong enough to struggle with every single obstacle just to reach the goals of yours. Once u reach ur destination, there is also ur success.
So, just smile even for nth but for urself.

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