

You drive yourself to success...

Today you fail and you might wanna give up
why don’t you stay strong, ready to fight for another start.
today you lose, you shouldn’t dare not to stand up
coz once you step back, you might be called a coward.

when you see them good, don’t think they’re unique
just be yourself, stand up straight and you’ll see that no one is perfect.
don’t pretend to be others, it’s gonna be useless
what if it once change? today or tomorrow, no one can predict.

first time fail, second time fail
third time still fail, but fourth time you might pass.
first time fail, second time fail, then you decide to give up
so you will never have third time to fail, hence, never ever will you could make it to the last.

Don’t hate yourself when the world turns its back at you
try to get up and show the world that you are not a fool.
just stand up straight, let people see the internal power from your face.
don’t ever give up, remember failure is nothing but a way to success.

Written by: Sisocheata Virac


  1. yes i really appreciate with your text. very good. and m accept all of that meaning.

  2. Very well said, that should be a song. We have an expression " if you have never failed, then your have never tried to succeed"

  3. Thanks indeed, Tom! This is so amazing to have ur comment pop up in my blog. I really appreciate that.

    With lots of Love,

  4. Very good. I am so proud of you

  5. I know you are. because we feel the same way, as i am really proud of having you as my mum. To me, having you as my beloved mum is my priceless gift of my life. I really appreciate myself and i really love to be who i am, and to be born as your daughter. Coz of you are so perfect mother, ever :)
