

Professional buisness Solution & software consultancy

BIZDIMENSION Co., LTD is business solution and software consultancy provider, dedicated to regional small-medium business (SMB) and communities. We offer end-to-end solution to streamline business process and improve operational efficiency for gaining competitive edge in market place.

The concentration of our strength, We aim to establish the BIZDIMENSION is to standardize our local business management and operation to meet the professional standard through our selected best practice that we will deliver by our consultancy, project implementation, training, and providing the professional standard operation procedure for the entire area.


Deliver end-to-end integrated business solution and technology, and ensuring the highest level of customer satisfaction


To be FIRST choice of trusted, integrity, and professional business solution and technology partner, and be awarded as EXPERTS in BUSINESS

Contact your professional business partner and experienced consultant at:

# 176z, Main street 370 Corner Norodom Blvd, Sangkat Beoung Keng Kang 1
ChamkarMorn, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Telephone: +855 23 991 766
Fax: +855 23 991 766
Mobile: +855 92 566 966


Why you should not be scared of the job interview?

Job interview is considered as a very challenging task by most of the job seekers. There is big fear factor, because of which, candidate get nervous at the time of interview, and ultimately it results in bad outcome. Successfully clearing job interview needs good preparation and good presence of mind. Job interview is the key factor from which companies judge candidates and make sure that the company is running in talented and safe hands. From this interview, employer get in to your mind and draws out your past, present and future. Therefore, if you are going without any strategy or preparation, then you will mess up the interview and it will affect your impression and overall career.

When you are going for the job interview, remember one important thing that you are preparing for the job interview and the interviewer is also preparing for taking your interview. In addition, to this the interviewer will plan some points and will try to test you every moment of the interview. The interviewer will try to trick you with various types of questions and you must prepare yourself for such tricky questions. Prepare for your answers. Put your answers based on the facts and your qualification. Because, the entire outcome from the interview is dependent on how you answer the questions and how smartly you justify yourself. [streetdirectly,2010]


To my dad, you're a super hero...

Daddy, you're a super hero to me and you are just like no other. So, on these valentine day, i'd like to dedicate the below poem to you. You're the best father, ever. I am so proud to be born as your daughter.

To my super hero, dad!...

I sit here and daydream of
my future and how it seems
I can picture my wedding day
my daddy walking me down the aisle
To meet my fate
I look over at him and see a single
he thinks he's losing his baby
His biggest fear
but I love him more than ever on this
so I look at him and blow a kiss
His way

He has been there for every single
day of my life
He has been the provider through all
the struggle and strive
I would be lost if he hadn't shown me
the way
I don't know that I would have made it
from day to day
I am so very lucky for all he has
Out of all dads, he is the very best one.

I hope you would smile when you reading this poem, dad. I love you :*

To my wonderful mom

Mother's are the most important individuals in our lives. We begin our lives completely dependent on them for our every need. Many believe that we search for aspects of the mother child relationship throughout our entire lives. Love it or hate it, she was your first love and will never be gone from your heart. You will always be in her heart also. Try telling her not to love you, try telling to her to forget you existed. It is impossible. Unless you are a mother yourself, you can never understand the intensity of this love.

Below is the love poem which i found written by Champagne S. Baker, i would like to dedicate to my wonderful mom. - i hope you can understand how much you mean to me. Mom, i love you the most :*

You are the sunlight in my day,
You are the moon I see far away.
You are the tree I lean upon,
You are the one that makes troubles be gone.
You are the one who taught me life,
How not to fight, and what is right.
You are the words inside my song,
You are my love, my life, my mom.
You are the one who cares for me,
You are the eyes that help me see.
You are the one who knows me best,
When it's time to have fun and time to rest.
You are the one who has helped me to dream,
You hear my heart and you hear my screams.
Afraid of life but looking for love,
I'm blessed for God sent you from above.
You are my friend, my heart, and my soul
You are the greatest friend I know.
You are the words inside my song,
You are my love, my life, my Mom.

Happy Valentine's day, Mom! With lots of love


What kind of resumé applicants should send to headhunts?

With years experiences of mine in working as a recruitment consultant; i would like to shared some tips regarding to what types of resumé that applicant shall send to headhunt so that they can be outstand compared to other hundreds candidates. Tips may include as following:

1. Keep it in a standard word processing program like MS Word. Don't send me resumes in pdf formats or other obscure applications.
2. Don't add too many tables or unique bullet points. I might not have the same version of word to read your version!

3. Desist from adding your soft copy picture on your resume. I guess that would be helpful in certain kind of jobs, but they unnecessarily make the file huge.

4. Don't add colors, bigger fonts or colored fonts to make important points. You can keep specific points in bold or underline them.

5. Please, keep the resume at fit at least 2 pages. Your resume should be succinct enough to evoke my interest to call you.

6. Lists of bullet points about your job description do not tell me about what you did.

7. Embellish your resume with your achievements, not what the job description was.


Top tips for interivew

You rarely get a second chance to create a good first impression, so in brief:
• Be prepared and know your CV
• Do some company research
• Dress smartly
• Arrive on time
• Have some questions prepared

Before the interview
• Ensure you have a full job description and are aware of the format that the interview will take.
• Do some company research.  The company website is a great place to start. You may well be asked what you know about the company, so impress the interviewer with your knowledge i.e.: What the company does, how long they have been established, the size, structure, turnover, competitors, their market and aims for the future.
• Ensure you know where the company is and ideally do a “dummy run”.  Always allow additional time for unavoidable delays.  Arriving late or flustered does not create a good impression.
• Check the time of the interview and who will be interviewing you.

On the day
• Take a contact number with you.
• Dress appropriately – a suit is usually a “must” for interviews and portrays professionalism.
• Ensure you are well groomed and tidy and that you are not chewing gum.

The interview
The interview is a two-way process and also an opportunity to ensure that the job and company are right for you.

Here are some top tips:
• SMILE!  Ensure you come across as friendly, approachable and enthusiastic.
• Be polite to all staff you meet – you never know, they could well influence the recruitment process
• Listen carefully to questions and allow the interviewer to finish speaking before responding
• Don’t worry about pausing before you answer a question as this shows you are considering it seriously.
• Where possible, give practical evidence of any statements you make
• Never criticize former employers
• Maintain eye contact, relax and show interest in what the interviewer says

Be prepared for questions such as:
• What do you know about our company?
• What interests you most about the role?
• Why should we appoint you?
• What is important to you in a role?
• What was your greatest success in your last position?
• How would your Manager or colleagues describe you?
You will usually have the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the interview – think about what is important to you, but some questions might be:
• What training can I expect on joining your company? 
• Are there any drawbacks to my application?
• How many candidates are you interviewing for this role? 
• When will you be making a decision?
• Make sure you have confirmed your interest in the job.
• Conclude the interview with a handshake, remembering to thank the interviewer for their time. (select,2010)

Should you need any details info regarding to the interview, contact me directly at

How an Employee Should Approach a Recruitment Firm

Approaching a Recruiter

Today, recruiting is a high-tech business and a well-planned and systematic effort made while approaching a recruiter firm will reap huge dividends. This approach works both ways. A recruiter does not want to meet another uncooperative candidate and the approach also helps in saving a candidate from desperation after yet another unsuccessful meeting with a recruiter. You need to care and feed each other well for any chance of success.

We hope that the few ground rules given below will help you in this regard. Let’s take this forward from the candidate’s perspective.

The Right Time to Talk

There is always a right time to do things and a wrong time to do them. Taking phone calls is one such timing instance. A recruiter will not know where your whereabouts are, at any given point of time. They will call you at any time. Even if you are in the office, talk to them and if you can’t talk, ask the recruiter firm to call on your personal number when you are free and give him an appropriate time to call up. Be sure to remain available for a scheduled call.

Introduce Yourself

Here we are not talking about an introductory greeting but a detailed introduction of your qualification, your current and past work, and the kind of position that you are actually looking for. It is important to understand that the recruitment firms might have only gone through your resume and sometimes less than that. Therefore don’t assume that the recruiter knows all about you and what you do just because he or she has given you a call. You need to explain to him about your work and its nuances. More importantly, if you are working in a niche specialization you must also explain the finer points of your skills to the recruiter.

Keep in Touch

Even if the headhunter or recruitment firm does not have an opening for you at that point in time you must keep in touch with the person on a regular basis. You’ll want them to keep you in mind for when a position becomes available. More importantly, if you keep in contact with the headhunter, the person will know that you really want to work with them. Thus the recruiter will work harder to place you. The best thing to do would be to email the recruiter every week. You can also follow up with a phone call once a month.

Your Resume Should Move

You must never stop posting your resume at any agency(only with trust-able agency) The right job can come to you at any point of time. Keep looking and be diligent. Use as many recruiting agencies as you can but make sure you don't waste ur time and CV at unprofessional agency. Feed the recruiter with various bits of information updates about yourself so that the recruiter can easily relay this information to the client company.(recruiternet, 2010)

All this is a part of the feeding and caring process of candidate for a recruiter. As can be seen, the recruiter’s job becomes more manageable with your cooperation.

Last but not least, the recommended agency that is trustworthy is with us, Great Alliances.
With us, we deliver results!