

How an Employee Should Approach a Recruitment Firm

Approaching a Recruiter

Today, recruiting is a high-tech business and a well-planned and systematic effort made while approaching a recruiter firm will reap huge dividends. This approach works both ways. A recruiter does not want to meet another uncooperative candidate and the approach also helps in saving a candidate from desperation after yet another unsuccessful meeting with a recruiter. You need to care and feed each other well for any chance of success.

We hope that the few ground rules given below will help you in this regard. Let’s take this forward from the candidate’s perspective.

The Right Time to Talk

There is always a right time to do things and a wrong time to do them. Taking phone calls is one such timing instance. A recruiter will not know where your whereabouts are, at any given point of time. They will call you at any time. Even if you are in the office, talk to them and if you can’t talk, ask the recruiter firm to call on your personal number when you are free and give him an appropriate time to call up. Be sure to remain available for a scheduled call.

Introduce Yourself

Here we are not talking about an introductory greeting but a detailed introduction of your qualification, your current and past work, and the kind of position that you are actually looking for. It is important to understand that the recruitment firms might have only gone through your resume and sometimes less than that. Therefore don’t assume that the recruiter knows all about you and what you do just because he or she has given you a call. You need to explain to him about your work and its nuances. More importantly, if you are working in a niche specialization you must also explain the finer points of your skills to the recruiter.

Keep in Touch

Even if the headhunter or recruitment firm does not have an opening for you at that point in time you must keep in touch with the person on a regular basis. You’ll want them to keep you in mind for when a position becomes available. More importantly, if you keep in contact with the headhunter, the person will know that you really want to work with them. Thus the recruiter will work harder to place you. The best thing to do would be to email the recruiter every week. You can also follow up with a phone call once a month.

Your Resume Should Move

You must never stop posting your resume at any agency(only with trust-able agency) The right job can come to you at any point of time. Keep looking and be diligent. Use as many recruiting agencies as you can but make sure you don't waste ur time and CV at unprofessional agency. Feed the recruiter with various bits of information updates about yourself so that the recruiter can easily relay this information to the client company.(recruiternet, 2010)

All this is a part of the feeding and caring process of candidate for a recruiter. As can be seen, the recruiter’s job becomes more manageable with your cooperation.

Last but not least, the recommended agency that is trustworthy is with us, Great Alliances.
With us, we deliver results!

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