Some people might be very proud of themself born with beauty however, they might not be as attractive to opposite sex compared to those who not really beautiful but they might have others special things of their own.. so, let check out the below test. It's fun,but it could help reveal how attractive u are to an opposite sex! hope u guys enjoy it... (i find my result really accurate :P)
1. Which place do u want to have a travel most?
A. Beijing ................................go to q.2
B. Tokyo .................................go to q.3
C. Paris ..................................go to q.4
2. Have you ever cried when u see a touching movie?
A. Yes......................................go to q.4
B. No........................................go to q.3
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend still has not come after an hour of your date with him/her, what will you do?
A. wait for another 30 mins.................go to q.4
B. leave immediately...........................go to q.5
C. wait until he/she comes..................go to q.6
4. Do u like to go to see a movie alone?
A. Yes......................................go to q.5
B. No..........................................go to q.6
5. When he/she asks for a kiss in your first date, what will you do?
A. Refuse...................................go to q.6
B. light kiss on his/her forehand...........go to q.7
C. Agree and kiss him/her...................go to q.8
6. Are you a humorous person?
A. I think I am.............................go to q.7
B. I think I am not.........................go to q.8
7. Do you think you are a capable leader?
A. Yes......................................go to q.9
B. No.......................................go to q.10
8. Which gender will you choose to be born if you are given a chance?
A. Male.....................................go to q.9
B. Female...................................go to q.10
C. I don't mind.............................Type D (go straight to results below)
9. Have you ever got more than one boyfriends or girlfriends at a time
A. Yes......................................Type B (go straight to results below)
B. No.......................................Type A (go straight to results below)
10. Do you think you are intelligent?
A. Yes......................................Type D (go straight to results below)
B. No.......................................Type C (go straight to results below)
Type A : Congratulations! You can extremely attract the opposite sex!
You possess a charming beauty in the eyes of them. You not only have a pretty figure, but also have a humorous and gentle personality. You should be a literate person and know how to get along with people and can allocate your time well, thus you are always popular among the opposite sex.
Type B : Quite good! You can easily attract the opposite sex, but you will
not easily into the loving trap. Your humor makes them want to get
along with you. He/She will be happy being with you!
Type C : Not bad! You cannot attract the opposite sex very well, but
you still have something good which make them like to get along with you.
You should be an honest person and have a unique view in seeing things.
You are quite friendly in the eyes of your friends.
Type D : Oh! You do not attract the opposite sex. You do not have much knowledge, and not much intrinsic humane values. You are too rude to the opposite sex. Thus you are not very popular among
Don't ever think that others are better than yourself, no one are perfect. Learn to believe in yourself, do what you wanna do, don't ever give up and; as long as it is harmless, just keep doing it. If you believe in yourself, grasp the opportunity, don't waste a minute useless, keep struggling, never step back, learn from failure, be self-motivated and these is where the success comes from. Live your life as if there's no tomorrow.
Fun personality Test - fruits you love!
The Fruit you love reveals your personality. To find out your personality, take this free fun test! This is not guarantee 100% accurate, it is for fun only however it is designed as how it was being seen to reflect to majority of people. So, let's have fun :)
Fruit For Thought
Which is your favorite Fruit?
1. Orange 4. Pineapple 7. cherry
2. Durian 5. Papaya 8. strawberry
3. Apple 6. Mango 9. peach
10. Pear
You have patience and will power; hard work doesn't daunt you. You like to do things slowly, but thoroughly. Although shy, you are reliable and trustworthy. You love with all your heart - flings are not for you
You are extravagant, impulsive, and outspoken. You may not be the best organizer, but you're charming and make a good team leader. You enjoy travel immensely, and have an enthusiasm for life unmatched by most. Watch that temper, though.
Awww, you're a softie - loving, gentle, warm, and sympathetic. But your sweet temper makes you vulnerable to people taking advantage of you. You may lack self-confidence and be timid, yet you enjoy harmonious relationships.
You are quick to decide; even quicker to act. You have exceptional organizing abilities, and tend to be self-reliant, sincere and honest in your dealings with others. You don't make friends easily, but once you do, they're friends for life. You rarely, if ever, make romantic overtures.

You have fixed ideas - influencing you is no easy task. You tend to be an extremist with strong likes and dislikes; at times, you like to control a situation. You enjoy getting involved in something that presents a mental challenge. Strong as you may be, you are a kitten when you are with your partner.
You often faced ups and downs professionally and financially; you are often involved in creative pursuits. Despite being sincere and loyal, you don't express your emotions easily. Your home is your haven, and you love nothing more than being surrounded by family and your beloved partner.
You are polite yet have a temper. You are very popular because of your warm, gregarious nature. Your zest in life ensures you enjoy everything you do.
You are friendly and outspoken. You are quick to forgive and forget. You have an independent, ambitious streak in you, making you a real go-getter. Fiery and passionate (though not in public), you are sincere and faithful to your lover, and value friendship highly.
You tend to be fickle, and have trouble completing a task with the enthusiasm you started with, because you need to see immediate results. You enjoy mental stimulation and love a good discussion. You tend to be restless, highly stung, and easily excitable.
My beloved parents....
"Happy birthday to you my lovely Cute Angel. I just would like to sing a birthday song to you... Because nothing to say at all only the word that MOM LOVE ANGEL than other in this world. You mean so much to me... And I am so proud of to be your mother. I am so proud of to have you as my beautiful daughter. Angel is the lovely cute baby from heaven and she is a very beautiful, smart baby who bring joy to our family, she is the one who keep our family warm, peaceful, and happiness... So happy Birthday to you baby... You must not know how much i love and care about you.. You can see the result and he way i treated you is very difference from other... Happy Birthday to you my beloved daughter.. You are the best in this world... No one else.. Lots of love from Mom... Sweet Kissssss... :->
here is the text message that my wonderful mother sent to me last night,just to say happy birthday to me. the text message popped up my phone at 1:59am, 27 November. She was the first person that say happy birthday to me, and of course the next person is my beloved daddy, he text me about 10mn after mum did. They are my beloved parents and i really love them with all my heart and respect them the most. Without them, without their warmth parental love, without the way they brought me up so good, i just dont'know where i might be today... but bcoz of them and bcoz of they are too good, too perfect in the name of parents, I will never disappointed them nor i to give up in my dream. My dream is their dream, and i will try all my hardest to pay back everything; though, the love they have toward me are just unmeasurable. But i will do the best i could for the sake of me born as their daughter. I love you so much, pa mak.
Thanks for everything and i will never let you down.... this is not a promise but a commitment :) i love you!
here is the text message that my wonderful mother sent to me last night,just to say happy birthday to me. the text message popped up my phone at 1:59am, 27 November. She was the first person that say happy birthday to me, and of course the next person is my beloved daddy, he text me about 10mn after mum did. They are my beloved parents and i really love them with all my heart and respect them the most. Without them, without their warmth parental love, without the way they brought me up so good, i just dont'know where i might be today... but bcoz of them and bcoz of they are too good, too perfect in the name of parents, I will never disappointed them nor i to give up in my dream. My dream is their dream, and i will try all my hardest to pay back everything; though, the love they have toward me are just unmeasurable. But i will do the best i could for the sake of me born as their daughter. I love you so much, pa mak.
Thanks for everything and i will never let you down.... this is not a promise but a commitment :) i love you!
My beloved mother...
This letter is specially dedicated to my beloved mother, the only role model of my life. To me, she is always a sunshine, she lights up my courage, a smile will sure won't disappeared from my face as long as i know she is around.
Having her near, i would never asks for more, no matter how hard my further steps would be, just knowing that by going thru those rocky path would able to give the best for my mum- i will never hesitate in facing the world and head-straight to reach the place.
Mum, having a mother like you has always been the greatest gift and biggest advantage anyone could ever make me feel.
It is because of the confidence and values that you instilled in me that made me who I am today. You know, mum... as the time grew up, you have shaping me into a person who I like and i am proud to be.
Having you as my mother, to born and be brought up with such a warmth parental love, i've come to realize that by being who we are and believe in ourself and guts, sooner or later, i'll able to reach my destination and i always believes that i will once find where i really belongs to as a grown up woman.
Mum, i'd like to thank you in letting us believe that we could be whoever we wanted to be, do whatever we wanted to do, there were no limitations except our drive, confident, ambition and creativity.
Thanks for teaching me not to afraid to dream, thanks for showing me that life is always goes on. No one is perfect, but try to be the best we ever could be. Thanks, mummy..i love you so much.
Respectfully to the love you've installed in me, i am honor to tell the world how much you mean to my life, and how proud i am to be born as ur daughter.
We love you,mum :*

Mum, having a mother like you has always been the greatest gift and biggest advantage anyone could ever make me feel.
It is because of the confidence and values that you instilled in me that made me who I am today. You know, mum... as the time grew up, you have shaping me into a person who I like and i am proud to be.

Mum, i'd like to thank you in letting us believe that we could be whoever we wanted to be, do whatever we wanted to do, there were no limitations except our drive, confident, ambition and creativity.
Thanks for teaching me not to afraid to dream, thanks for showing me that life is always goes on. No one is perfect, but try to be the best we ever could be. Thanks, mummy..i love you so much.
Respectfully to the love you've installed in me, i am honor to tell the world how much you mean to my life, and how proud i am to be born as ur daughter.
We love you,mum :*
A great presentation speech
There is a lot more to giving a good presentation than simply having the information and the right visuals. Giving a good presentation heavily relies on giving a great presentation speech. The speech is the part of the presentation that will overwhelmingly deliver the information, while the visuals are the part which will allow that information to remain in their memory long after the speech is over. To give a great presentation speech you must focus not only on the composition of the speech but the overall delivery of the presentation speech. Following some general rules and a lot of practice will have anyone producing a top quality presentation speech.
The first piece of a presentation speech is the composition. This is the overall build of the speech and includes the information that is being delivered. The trick to getting the organizational aspect of it correct is to find a way to easily arrange the information. A tip of the trade is to put all the separate pieces and the supporting details on individual index cards. These index cards can then be moved around to fix any problems with the flow of the presentation speech. This will save hours of writing and re-writing to simply move the information around. Once the organization is complete, write the entire speech down on paper and pay special attention to transition points. These are the points where to subjects meet and the focus switches between them. Often times transition points are prone to awkwardly worded sentences and poorly flowing ideas. Once the organizational aspect of the presentation speech is completed, it’s time to move on to delivering the presentation speech.
Delivering the presentation speech is the second and equally important part of the presentation. Having a weakly put together speech or a weak deliverance will diminish its effectiveness. The key to delivering a great presentation speech is to never hang on one subject too long. Staying on one subject and dragging on about it will only cause the audience to lose interest and once the audience’s interest is gone, it’s near impossible to really gain it back again. To keep this from happening move through points that don’t need a lot of clarification quickly and do things to engage the audience. Ask rhetorical questions, which will keep their minds active but not disrupt the presentation speech. Ask for a raise of hands to any sort of question you may have which will allow them to be somewhat active and still keep the presentation speech from being interrupted. Lastly, make eye contact. If the audience feels you are addressing them, they are less likely the let their attention wander in fear of getting caught off guard.
There’s dozens of rules and procedures to giving a great presentation speech. However, there are only two parts that are necessary to succeed. Practicing both parts and adhering to the basics of both organization and deliverance will ultimately lead to a great presentation speech. Nothing what went wrong with the speech you just gave and making note of it will allow speeches in the future to be improved and it will keep you from making mistakes over and over again. Last but not least simply have fun; giving a great presentation speech isn’t possible if you’re not enjoying what you’re doing.
Without self confident- nothing could ever work. :)
The first piece of a presentation speech is the composition. This is the overall build of the speech and includes the information that is being delivered. The trick to getting the organizational aspect of it correct is to find a way to easily arrange the information. A tip of the trade is to put all the separate pieces and the supporting details on individual index cards. These index cards can then be moved around to fix any problems with the flow of the presentation speech. This will save hours of writing and re-writing to simply move the information around. Once the organization is complete, write the entire speech down on paper and pay special attention to transition points. These are the points where to subjects meet and the focus switches between them. Often times transition points are prone to awkwardly worded sentences and poorly flowing ideas. Once the organizational aspect of the presentation speech is completed, it’s time to move on to delivering the presentation speech.
Delivering the presentation speech is the second and equally important part of the presentation. Having a weakly put together speech or a weak deliverance will diminish its effectiveness. The key to delivering a great presentation speech is to never hang on one subject too long. Staying on one subject and dragging on about it will only cause the audience to lose interest and once the audience’s interest is gone, it’s near impossible to really gain it back again. To keep this from happening move through points that don’t need a lot of clarification quickly and do things to engage the audience. Ask rhetorical questions, which will keep their minds active but not disrupt the presentation speech. Ask for a raise of hands to any sort of question you may have which will allow them to be somewhat active and still keep the presentation speech from being interrupted. Lastly, make eye contact. If the audience feels you are addressing them, they are less likely the let their attention wander in fear of getting caught off guard.
There’s dozens of rules and procedures to giving a great presentation speech. However, there are only two parts that are necessary to succeed. Practicing both parts and adhering to the basics of both organization and deliverance will ultimately lead to a great presentation speech. Nothing what went wrong with the speech you just gave and making note of it will allow speeches in the future to be improved and it will keep you from making mistakes over and over again. Last but not least simply have fun; giving a great presentation speech isn’t possible if you’re not enjoying what you’re doing.
Without self confident- nothing could ever work. :)
Top 10 Tips for a Successful Job Interview
Job interviews in many organizations are getting sophisticated these days. Psychological tests, role plays, and challenges to one's "quick intelligence" and street smarts are often part of the package. While it's impossible to anticipate everything you may encounter, here are ten tips that will help you negotiate the interview process successfully.
1. Prepare and over-prepare.
2. Be particularly clear on what you know and what you want to achieve.
3. Make sure your responses match your claims.
4. Be clear about your strengths.
5. Describe your weaknesses as strengths.
6. If you've been fired, be forthright about it.
7. Be clear where you want to go.
8. Have clear personal standards.
9. Interview the interviewer.
*** The applicant who will take anything offered is unlikely to win any but the most temporary of positions. A competent interviewer (there are some) will respect your efforts to assess the organization and the position in terms of whether or not it meets YOUR requirements. And you owe it to yourself to have defined before hand, what you ideally want and what you are willing to settle for, under certain conditions. For example, you might really want a salary of $75,000 to begin with, but you'd be willing to take less if the opportunities for growth are clearly in the picture. (coachville, 1996)
10. Don't allow yourself to be badgered by the salary issue.
I hope you the above text could give you some ideas on how to win a job interivew or you will spend lots of time repeating the job interview and success and nowhere.
Be smart :)
Or shall you might have any doubts regarding to recruitment matters; feel free to reach me i'll be happy to answer your question :)
1. Prepare and over-prepare.
2. Be particularly clear on what you know and what you want to achieve.
3. Make sure your responses match your claims.
4. Be clear about your strengths.
5. Describe your weaknesses as strengths.
6. If you've been fired, be forthright about it.
7. Be clear where you want to go.
8. Have clear personal standards.
9. Interview the interviewer.
*** The applicant who will take anything offered is unlikely to win any but the most temporary of positions. A competent interviewer (there are some) will respect your efforts to assess the organization and the position in terms of whether or not it meets YOUR requirements. And you owe it to yourself to have defined before hand, what you ideally want and what you are willing to settle for, under certain conditions. For example, you might really want a salary of $75,000 to begin with, but you'd be willing to take less if the opportunities for growth are clearly in the picture. (coachville, 1996)
10. Don't allow yourself to be badgered by the salary issue.
I hope you the above text could give you some ideas on how to win a job interivew or you will spend lots of time repeating the job interview and success and nowhere.
Be smart :)
Or shall you might have any doubts regarding to recruitment matters; feel free to reach me i'll be happy to answer your question :)
How to win the job interview
When you have identified a possible job and set an appointment for a personal interview, congratulate yourself! You've done your homework. Everything you've done was preparation for this event. It's the most critical stage of your job-search because, there's no payoff unless you make a sale.
Little Things That Make A Difference
The most important non-verbal communication you make about yourself is your appearance and grooming. In the first few minutes the person with whom you are talking will form an impression of you which will affect his/her opinion.
Dressing for success means dressing appropriately for the environment for which you are interviewing. By wearing the quality and style of clothing you would wear if hired, you help the interviewer visualize you on the job. Your appearance should make the interviewer think, "This person will fit in well."
You should be mentally prepared to describe briefly specific personal accomplishments you want the interviewer to remember.
Plan to be on time. In fact, it is good to be early. Check out the situation in terms of location and parking before the appointment.
Make sure you've done your homework. There is certain factual information you should be expected to possess. This is one of the best ways to ensure a successful interview. Investigate the company before you interview (size, product-line, major problems, programs, needs, etc.). This will gain you credibility. For example, if you are seeking a position with a major hardware manufacturer, discover how the product is sold locally. If asked, you will be able to make tactful comments regarding displays, sales approaches, advertising, etc. If not asked, bring it into the conversation to let the interviewer know that you've done some study on the subject.
Sources of information for such homework would be web sites, annual reports, trade journals, news magazines, the company newspaper, people in the field, brokerage houses, Chamber of Commerce publications, and industrial directories.
In a small company, the top people will usually control the hiring procedures. Use your network to gather as much information as possible about these key decision makers and their role in the company. Decide if you will contact Human Resources or the person directly responsible for the hiring. Learn the correct name and exact title and discover the person's background with the company, education, interests, etc.
The interviewer's task is to find out just how effective you might be in a specific job. Prepare answers for the following questions in as clear a manner as possible. Make your responses upbeat and positive. Make sure you've done your research on this company, and it will pay off. Also, always remember that an interview is a "two-way street." You are entitled to ask the interviewer questions in order to determine whether or not you want the job. An easy formula to remember is Q = A + P, which simply means "Q" (the interviewer's question) = "A" (your answer) + "P" (probe -- in other words, you now ask a question). vFor example, suppose the interviewer were to ask you, "Are you free to travel?" You might answer, "Yes," but then follow up your answer with the question, "How much travel does the job require?" Q = A + P. The interviewer's answer to your question could certainly have some bearing on whether or not you want the job.
Typical Interview Questions
Here are some questions you're likely to be asked in an interview, along with some suggested responses.
* Q. Tell me about yourself.
A. Pre-plan your answer to this question, it's usually the first one asked. Talk about your work experience, skills, and accomplishments, not personal statistics such as where or when you were born, or whether or not you are married. Keep it brief.
* Q. What do you know about this company?
A. Be prepared with as much information about the company as possible, especially its products or services. Do some homework on the company's web site, in the research department of your local library, or talk with friends who may work for =or have knowledge of the company.
* Q. Why do you want to work for this company?
A. If you've done some research, this should be easy. Refer to the company's fine reputation, growth opportunities, etc.
* Q. What kind of benefits are you looking for?
A. Answer this question honestly, otherwise you'll be unhappy and less than productive.
* Q. Describe your value to your past (or current) employer.
A. Refer to your resume and your accomplishments.
* Q. You've changed jobs frequently. Why?
A. Unless you've been a victim of layoffs, talk about better opportunities and more money.
* Q. Have you ever been fired?
A. This can be checked, so be truthful. If the answer is yes, you might want to describe the circumstances, and your side of it. Whatever you do, don't bad mouth your boss or the company.
* Q. What did you like best in your last (or current) job?
A. Pre-plan your answer because this question is often asked.
* Q. What direct supervisory experience have you had?
A. Refer to your resume.
Types of Questions to Ask in the Interview
When it is appropriate, ask questions during the interview.
The following questions are guidelines only. Use them when and if it is comfortable for you.
1. Do you have a job description available?
2. With whom would I be working if I accepted a position here?
3. What is the most important qualification for this position?
4. To whom would I be responsible?
5. When will you be making a decision regarding this position?
When the interview comes to an end, be sure to leave in a professional manner
1. Stand
2. Thank them for their time.
3. Shake hands, look them in the eyes and smile.
4. Ask for a business card (from them or the secretary).
5. Ask them when they will make their decision.
6. Tell them you will call at that time to hear their plans.
After leaving, write a short thank you letter. Thank them for seeing you. Restate your interest in the position and tell them why you feel qualified for it. Tell them you look forward to talking with them again and will call on the agreed upon date.
Have a great luck with your job interview, gusy! :)
Source: available at
Little Things That Make A Difference
The most important non-verbal communication you make about yourself is your appearance and grooming. In the first few minutes the person with whom you are talking will form an impression of you which will affect his/her opinion.
Dressing for success means dressing appropriately for the environment for which you are interviewing. By wearing the quality and style of clothing you would wear if hired, you help the interviewer visualize you on the job. Your appearance should make the interviewer think, "This person will fit in well."
You should be mentally prepared to describe briefly specific personal accomplishments you want the interviewer to remember.
Plan to be on time. In fact, it is good to be early. Check out the situation in terms of location and parking before the appointment.
Make sure you've done your homework. There is certain factual information you should be expected to possess. This is one of the best ways to ensure a successful interview. Investigate the company before you interview (size, product-line, major problems, programs, needs, etc.). This will gain you credibility. For example, if you are seeking a position with a major hardware manufacturer, discover how the product is sold locally. If asked, you will be able to make tactful comments regarding displays, sales approaches, advertising, etc. If not asked, bring it into the conversation to let the interviewer know that you've done some study on the subject.
Sources of information for such homework would be web sites, annual reports, trade journals, news magazines, the company newspaper, people in the field, brokerage houses, Chamber of Commerce publications, and industrial directories.
In a small company, the top people will usually control the hiring procedures. Use your network to gather as much information as possible about these key decision makers and their role in the company. Decide if you will contact Human Resources or the person directly responsible for the hiring. Learn the correct name and exact title and discover the person's background with the company, education, interests, etc.
The interviewer's task is to find out just how effective you might be in a specific job. Prepare answers for the following questions in as clear a manner as possible. Make your responses upbeat and positive. Make sure you've done your research on this company, and it will pay off. Also, always remember that an interview is a "two-way street." You are entitled to ask the interviewer questions in order to determine whether or not you want the job. An easy formula to remember is Q = A + P, which simply means "Q" (the interviewer's question) = "A" (your answer) + "P" (probe -- in other words, you now ask a question). vFor example, suppose the interviewer were to ask you, "Are you free to travel?" You might answer, "Yes," but then follow up your answer with the question, "How much travel does the job require?" Q = A + P. The interviewer's answer to your question could certainly have some bearing on whether or not you want the job.
Typical Interview Questions
Here are some questions you're likely to be asked in an interview, along with some suggested responses.
* Q. Tell me about yourself.
A. Pre-plan your answer to this question, it's usually the first one asked. Talk about your work experience, skills, and accomplishments, not personal statistics such as where or when you were born, or whether or not you are married. Keep it brief.
* Q. What do you know about this company?
A. Be prepared with as much information about the company as possible, especially its products or services. Do some homework on the company's web site, in the research department of your local library, or talk with friends who may work for =or have knowledge of the company.
* Q. Why do you want to work for this company?
A. If you've done some research, this should be easy. Refer to the company's fine reputation, growth opportunities, etc.
* Q. What kind of benefits are you looking for?
A. Answer this question honestly, otherwise you'll be unhappy and less than productive.
* Q. Describe your value to your past (or current) employer.
A. Refer to your resume and your accomplishments.
* Q. You've changed jobs frequently. Why?
A. Unless you've been a victim of layoffs, talk about better opportunities and more money.
* Q. Have you ever been fired?
A. This can be checked, so be truthful. If the answer is yes, you might want to describe the circumstances, and your side of it. Whatever you do, don't bad mouth your boss or the company.
* Q. What did you like best in your last (or current) job?
A. Pre-plan your answer because this question is often asked.
* Q. What direct supervisory experience have you had?
A. Refer to your resume.
Types of Questions to Ask in the Interview
When it is appropriate, ask questions during the interview.
The following questions are guidelines only. Use them when and if it is comfortable for you.
1. Do you have a job description available?
2. With whom would I be working if I accepted a position here?
3. What is the most important qualification for this position?
4. To whom would I be responsible?
5. When will you be making a decision regarding this position?
When the interview comes to an end, be sure to leave in a professional manner
1. Stand
2. Thank them for their time.
3. Shake hands, look them in the eyes and smile.
4. Ask for a business card (from them or the secretary).
5. Ask them when they will make their decision.
6. Tell them you will call at that time to hear their plans.
After leaving, write a short thank you letter. Thank them for seeing you. Restate your interest in the position and tell them why you feel qualified for it. Tell them you look forward to talking with them again and will call on the agreed upon date.
Have a great luck with your job interview, gusy! :)
Source: available at
The Science of Kissing
Study of Kissing
The study of kissing is called philematology. While it is not an extensively covered field, there are some important things to take into consideration from it. Kissing involves very sensual parts of the body, namely the lips and tongue. These parts of the body are packed with nerves and are very sensitive to stimulation. There is a good reason it hurts to high-hell when you bite your tongue or bust the inner lip area. In the same sense, stimulation in these areas can cause great pleasurable sensations within the nervous system.
From a learned response over time (likely from seeing others kiss and oral stimulation), people have created a habit of stimulating pleasure and “thrill” centers of the brain from what humanity has made a sensual act. Many scientists feel that kissing is more sociological in origin, though physically the pleasures it can cause are very biologically based. This could explain why people may, on average, spend more than two weeks of their lives kissing.
Given the nature of the nerve receptors in the area, people deemed as good kissers are likely ones who habitually alternate pressure upon the lips and tongue. (,2007)
The study of kissing is called philematology. While it is not an extensively covered field, there are some important things to take into consideration from it. Kissing involves very sensual parts of the body, namely the lips and tongue. These parts of the body are packed with nerves and are very sensitive to stimulation. There is a good reason it hurts to high-hell when you bite your tongue or bust the inner lip area. In the same sense, stimulation in these areas can cause great pleasurable sensations within the nervous system.
Given the nature of the nerve receptors in the area, people deemed as good kissers are likely ones who habitually alternate pressure upon the lips and tongue. (,2007)
Love isn't about one sacrify, unless, it is worth!
No matter how different LOVE can be defined – the only one thing that must be in common is “HONESTY”. Without Honesty, there is a less in percentages that love could be long lasting.
Tips: Please don’t let someone be a priority in your life; when you are just their options. The only people you need in your life, are the ones that need you in theirs…so, be careful..guys!
If you fail, and come to a broken heart… please stand up and show the world you are strong enough to move on for where you are belongs (happiness). If someone crumbled your heart, let’s fixed it urself… “embrace those who love you & whom you love, and try to get yourself rid of those who will only bring you down and put only tears in your eyes”. Life is more precious, not just waste it living with pain and tears due to broken heart that caused by those who don't even worth and value our sacrify.
Hence, I hope this could give you guys some ideas of what should be the core of true love!!!
Love isn't love unless it is expressed;
caring isn't caring unless the other person knows;
sharing isn't sharing unless the other person is included;
Loving, caring, and sharing can make for a very happy marriage.
And together – this is how marriage should be defined.
Wish y'all success in life; love, and whatever u defined ur success is... go for it. :)
Tips: Please don’t let someone be a priority in your life; when you are just their options. The only people you need in your life, are the ones that need you in theirs…so, be careful..guys!
Hence, I hope this could give you guys some ideas of what should be the core of true love!!!
Love isn't love unless it is expressed;
caring isn't caring unless the other person knows;
sharing isn't sharing unless the other person is included;
Loving, caring, and sharing can make for a very happy marriage.
And together – this is how marriage should be defined.
Wish y'all success in life; love, and whatever u defined ur success is... go for it. :)