

Top 10 Tips for a Successful Job Interview

Job interviews in many organizations are getting sophisticated these days. Psychological tests, role plays, and challenges to one's "quick intelligence" and street smarts are often part of the package. While it's impossible to anticipate everything you may encounter, here are ten tips that will help you negotiate the interview process successfully.

1. Prepare and over-prepare.

2. Be particularly clear on what you know and what you want to achieve.

3. Make sure your responses match your claims.

4. Be clear about your strengths.

5. Describe your weaknesses as strengths.

6. If you've been fired, be forthright about it.

7. Be clear where you want to go.

8. Have clear personal standards.

9. Interview the interviewer.

*** The applicant who will take anything offered is unlikely to win any but the most temporary of positions. A competent interviewer (there are some) will respect your efforts to assess the organization and the position in terms of whether or not it meets YOUR requirements. And you owe it to yourself to have defined before hand, what you ideally want and what you are willing to settle for, under certain conditions. For example, you might really want a salary of $75,000 to begin with, but you'd be willing to take less if the opportunities for growth are clearly in the picture. (coachville, 1996)

10. Don't allow yourself to be badgered by the salary issue.

I hope you the above text could give you some ideas on how to win a job interivew or you will spend lots of time repeating the job interview and success and nowhere.
Be smart :)
Or shall you might have any doubts regarding to recruitment matters; feel free to reach me i'll be happy to answer your question :)

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