

Why should we celebrate Birthday party?

Birthdays should be celebrated - here's some why's:

Acknowledge individual's existence on this planet. No matter in what kind of family we are destined to be born, we are here, we are here to live the life to its fullest. Each individual has only one chance in a one's
life's time to be sent to this Earth. One body, one life, one chance - Tell the world we are already here!

We still have a chance to make changes in our lives - if it has not been good so far. Take the chance to improve. Include the hopes and wishes in your checklist for your next birthdays to come - Good for you if you did managed to fulfill the dreams... [assocaitedcontent,2010]

Individual's life is a unique story, you are a part of somebody's life - one's life story is part of another's. Celebrate!

Birthday celebration bonds the family and friends - let it be a way to remember that your family and friends are worth loving. Show your love to your spouse, parents, children, brothers, sisters, friends, teachers and just anybody who is part of your life. There's nothing to lose in showing how much you care.

Birthday presents are good, but a wish that comes from your heart is worth all the presents in this world to those who love you. It's the thought that counts.

Birthday celebration does not mean that you have to have a big party each time. A simple dinner for your family or a few close friends will do, say your prayers - that would be just fine and will be remembered all the same.

So, take your time to celebrate birthdays for that special someone or any important people in your life.

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