When you receive a job offer, it's important to take the time to carefully evaluate the offer so you are making an educated decision to accept, or to reject, the offer. The last thing you want to do is to make a hasty decision that you will regret later on.
Consider the entire compensation package - salary, benefits, perks, work environment - not just your paycheck. Weigh the pros and cons and take some time to mull over the offer. It is perfectly acceptable to ask the employer for some time to think it over.
Money Matters
Money isn't the only consideration, but, it is an important one. Is the offer what you expected? If not, is it a salary you can accept without feeling insulted? Will you be able to pay your bills? If your answer is no, then don't accept the offer, at least right away. Make sure that you are getting paid what you're worth and you are happy with the compensation. Nobody wants to be in a position where they realize that the salary isn't enough - after they have accepted the job offer. If the compensation package isn't what you expected, consider negotiating salary with your future employer.
Benefits and Perks
In addition to salary, review the benefits and perks offered. Sometimes, the benefit package can be as important as what you get in your paycheck. If you're not sure about the benefits that are offered, ask for additional information or clarification. Find out details on health and life insurance coverage, vacation, sick time, disability, and other benefit programs. Inquire about how much of the benefits costs are provided by the company, in full, and how much you are expected to contribute. If there are a variety of options available, request copies of the plan descriptions so you can compare benefit packages.
Your Personal Circumstances
The bottom line in accepting a job offer, is that there really isn't one. Everyone has a different set of personal circumstances. What might be the perfect job for you could be an awful job for someone else. Take the time to review the pros and cons. Making a list is always helpful. Also, listen to your gut - if it's telling you not to take the job, there just might be something there. Keep in mind, that if this isn't the right job for you, it's not the end of the world. The next offer might just be that perfect match.
It's much easier to turn down an offer than it is to leave a job that you have already started. The employer would prefer that you decline, rather than having to start over the hiring process a couple of weeks down the road if you don't work out. So, do take the time to thoroughly evaluate the offer. Ask questions, if you have them. Take the time you need to make an educated, informed decision so you feel as sure as possible that you, and the company, have made an excellent match. [jobsearch, 2010]
Don't ever think that others are better than yourself, no one are perfect. Learn to believe in yourself, do what you wanna do, don't ever give up and; as long as it is harmless, just keep doing it. If you believe in yourself, grasp the opportunity, don't waste a minute useless, keep struggling, never step back, learn from failure, be self-motivated and these is where the success comes from. Live your life as if there's no tomorrow.
It might not be terrible like it sounds!!!
Understanding your beloved women...

Below is the short joke story that my mom has forwarded to me. Let see, how you think about your beloved woman???
Most of women like to say the below three words but not all of them really mean it; they just having sth in their heart that they may wants their Men to find out.
So, gentlemen, let's try to figure out what does your lady really mean when she says any of that three words!!!
"Whatever" "Anything" OR "You Decide"
1 . (Whatever)
Men: What should we have for dinner?
Women: Whatever..
Men: Why don't we have Mexican?
Women: No not Mexican, the last time I got pimples on my face
Men: All right, why don't we have Szechwan cuisine
Women: Yesterday we ate Szechwan, today too?
Men: Hmm..... I suggest we have seafood
Women: Seafood is not good, I got diarrhea
Men: Then what do you suggest?
Women : Whatever..
2. (Anything)
Men: So what should we do now?
Women: Anything
Men: How about watching a movie? It's been a long time
Women: Watching movie is no good, it's a waste of time
Men: How about we go for bowling, or some exercises?
Women: Exercise on such a hot day?
Men: Then find a cafe and have a drink
Women: I am off caffeine
Men: Then what do you suggest?
Women: Anything
3. (You decide)
Men: Then do we just go home?
Women: You decide
Men: Let's take the bus, I will accompany you
Women: The bus is dirty and crowded.
Men: OK; we will take a cab
Women: Not worth it... For such a short distance
Men: All right, then we can walk. We can enjoy the weather
Women: I am hungry, can't walk.
Men: Then what do you suggest?
Women: You decide
Men: Let's have dinner first?
Women: Whatever...
Men: What shall we eat?
Women: Anything..
It is not that Terrible like it sound!!!!! Isn’t it????? but you just need to understand them or that three words are alot more than a nightmare :P
Tips: the thinnest book in the world is " How much Men understanding about WOMEN" haha... girls are complicated rite? actually, we are NOT. but most of Men may need to spend a life time to understand thiers beloved women.
Below is the short joke story that my mom has forwarded to me. Let see, how you think about your beloved woman???
Most of women like to say the below three words but not all of them really mean it; they just having sth in their heart that they may wants their Men to find out.
So, gentlemen, let's try to figure out what does your lady really mean when she says any of that three words!!!
"Whatever" "Anything" OR "You Decide"
1 . (Whatever)
Men: What should we have for dinner?
Women: Whatever..
Men: Why don't we have Mexican?
Women: No not Mexican, the last time I got pimples on my face
Men: All right, why don't we have Szechwan cuisine
Women: Yesterday we ate Szechwan, today too?
Men: Hmm..... I suggest we have seafood
Women: Seafood is not good, I got diarrhea
Men: Then what do you suggest?
Women : Whatever..
2. (Anything)
Men: So what should we do now?
Women: Anything
Men: How about watching a movie? It's been a long time
Women: Watching movie is no good, it's a waste of time
Men: How about we go for bowling, or some exercises?
Women: Exercise on such a hot day?
Men: Then find a cafe and have a drink
Women: I am off caffeine
Men: Then what do you suggest?
Women: Anything
3. (You decide)
Men: Then do we just go home?
Women: You decide
Men: Let's take the bus, I will accompany you
Women: The bus is dirty and crowded.
Men: OK; we will take a cab
Women: Not worth it... For such a short distance
Men: All right, then we can walk. We can enjoy the weather
Women: I am hungry, can't walk.
Men: Then what do you suggest?
Women: You decide
Men: Let's have dinner first?
Women: Whatever...
Men: What shall we eat?
Women: Anything..
It is not that Terrible like it sound!!!!! Isn’t it????? but you just need to understand them or that three words are alot more than a nightmare :P
Tips: the thinnest book in the world is " How much Men understanding about WOMEN" haha... girls are complicated rite? actually, we are NOT. but most of Men may need to spend a life time to understand thiers beloved women.
CIMB group penetrating Cambodia market - Banking!
CIMB Group has obtained approval-in-principle to offer banking services in Cambodia by its central bank, the National Bank of Cambodia.
It said the approval allowed CIMB Bank to establish and operate a 100%-owned subsidiary to offer banking products and services to the nation of 14 million people.
“The approval also requires the group to set up operations within six months. The group plans to establish its headquarters in Phnom Penh as soon as possible,” the company said in a statement yesterday.
CIMB group chief executive Datuk Seri Nazir Razak said he was pleased to be granted the approval-in-principle and excited about the long-term prospects for the Cambodian economy. “The move further cements our position as a leading Asean franchise. We are now in eight out of 10 Asean countries,” he said in the statement. [thestar,2010]
It said the approval allowed CIMB Bank to establish and operate a 100%-owned subsidiary to offer banking products and services to the nation of 14 million people.
“The approval also requires the group to set up operations within six months. The group plans to establish its headquarters in Phnom Penh as soon as possible,” the company said in a statement yesterday.
CIMB group chief executive Datuk Seri Nazir Razak said he was pleased to be granted the approval-in-principle and excited about the long-term prospects for the Cambodian economy. “The move further cements our position as a leading Asean franchise. We are now in eight out of 10 Asean countries,” he said in the statement. [thestar,2010]
Bank of China is now in Cambodia. is it true???
Bank of China (BOC) has been given the approval in principle by the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) to open its branch in Phnom Penh, Thai Saphear, deputy director of the NBC's cabinet and head of the NBC governor's office, said Thursday.
Thai Saphear said that NBC's Governor Chea Chanto told the new Chinese ambassador to Cambodia Pan Guangxue during a meeting on Wednesday that NBC has approved in principle for the Bank of China to open branch in Cambodia.
Moreover, the governor also suggested the ambassador to try to attract more commercial banks from China to invest in Cambodia in order to boost the development of the economy of Cambodia.
It would be the first commercial bank from China in Cambodia.
According to the NBC's rule, after the approval in principle, the bank has six months to fill the requirements of registered capital, location, staff and statutes before getting the operating license.
Currently, Cambodia has 27 commercial banks. Early last month, CIMB of Malaysia and Agribank of Vietnam have been approved in principle to open branch in Cambodia.
The Agribank of Vietnam may open its branch in Cambodia late this month and CIMB would open its branch in Phnom Penh at the end of this year.
Analysts said that new banks would bring Cambodia new capital, new high-technology to develop Cambodia economy; however, there will be tougher competition among the players as there are a lot of banks in the small extent of economy of Cambodia.
Bank of China is the most internationalized commercial bank in China, the bank said on its website. BOC London Branch, the first overseas branch of the Chinese banks, was established in 1929. From then on, the Bank successively opened branches in global financial centers, and has built up its network in 27 countries and regions. Currently, it had over 10,000 domestic operations and over 600 overseas operations, according to the website of BOC.[english.people.com, 2010]
Thai Saphear said that NBC's Governor Chea Chanto told the new Chinese ambassador to Cambodia Pan Guangxue during a meeting on Wednesday that NBC has approved in principle for the Bank of China to open branch in Cambodia.
Moreover, the governor also suggested the ambassador to try to attract more commercial banks from China to invest in Cambodia in order to boost the development of the economy of Cambodia.
It would be the first commercial bank from China in Cambodia.
According to the NBC's rule, after the approval in principle, the bank has six months to fill the requirements of registered capital, location, staff and statutes before getting the operating license.
Currently, Cambodia has 27 commercial banks. Early last month, CIMB of Malaysia and Agribank of Vietnam have been approved in principle to open branch in Cambodia.
The Agribank of Vietnam may open its branch in Cambodia late this month and CIMB would open its branch in Phnom Penh at the end of this year.
Analysts said that new banks would bring Cambodia new capital, new high-technology to develop Cambodia economy; however, there will be tougher competition among the players as there are a lot of banks in the small extent of economy of Cambodia.
Bank of China is the most internationalized commercial bank in China, the bank said on its website. BOC London Branch, the first overseas branch of the Chinese banks, was established in 1929. From then on, the Bank successively opened branches in global financial centers, and has built up its network in 27 countries and regions. Currently, it had over 10,000 domestic operations and over 600 overseas operations, according to the website of BOC.[english.people.com, 2010]
Is it a Coincidence or a Destiny???
Plz go thru these and answer to yourself " is it a coincidence or a destiny?"
Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.
Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.
The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contain seven letters.
Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.
Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.
Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.
Both were shot in the head.
Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy.
Kennedy's secretary was named Lincoln.
Both were assassinated by Southerners.
Both were succeeded by Southerners.
Both successors were named Johnson.
Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in1808.
Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.
John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in1939.
Both assassins were known by their three names.
Both names comprise fifteen letters.
Booth ran from the theatre and were caught in a warehouse.
Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theatre.
Booth and Oswald were both assassinated before their trials.
A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe, Maryland.
A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe....
Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.
Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.
The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contain seven letters.
Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.
Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.
Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.
Both were shot in the head.
Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy.
Kennedy's secretary was named Lincoln.
Both were assassinated by Southerners.
Both were succeeded by Southerners.
Both successors were named Johnson.
Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in1808.
Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.
John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in1939.
Both assassins were known by their three names.
Both names comprise fifteen letters.
Booth ran from the theatre and were caught in a warehouse.
Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theatre.
Booth and Oswald were both assassinated before their trials.
A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe, Maryland.
A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe....
Take a quick look... funny! ^__^
Latest from Udurawana Series
Have you heard of Mr. Udurawana applying to a medical school to become a doctor?
Needless to say he never made it. You know why?
These are the answers he wrote in his entrance exam.
Antibody - against everyone
Artery - The study of the paintings.
Bacteria - back door to a cafeteria.
Caesarean section - a district in Rome.
Cardiology - advance study of poker playing.
Cat scan - searching for lost kitty.
Chronic - neck of a crow.
Coma - punctuation mark. ; Cortisone - area around local court. ; Cyst - short for sister.
Diagnosis - person with slanted nose. ; Dilate - the late British Princess Diana.
Dislocation - in this place. ; Duodenum - couple in blue jeans.
Enema - not a friend. ; Fake labour - pretending to work.
Genes - blue denim. ; Hernia - she is close by.
Impotent - distinguished/well known. ; Labour pain - hurt at work.
Lactose - people without toes. ; Lymph - walk unsteadily.
Microbes - small dressing gown. ; Obesity - city of Obe.
Pacemaker - winner of Nobel peace prize. ; Proteins - in favor of teens.
Pulse - grain. ; Pus - small cat.
Red blood count - Dracula. ; Secretion - hiding anything.
Tablet - small table. ; Ultrasound - radical
Have you heard of Mr. Udurawana applying to a medical school to become a doctor?
Needless to say he never made it. You know why?
These are the answers he wrote in his entrance exam.
Antibody - against everyone
Artery - The study of the paintings.
Bacteria - back door to a cafeteria.
Caesarean section - a district in Rome.
Cardiology - advance study of poker playing.
Cat scan - searching for lost kitty.
Chronic - neck of a crow.
Coma - punctuation mark. ; Cortisone - area around local court. ; Cyst - short for sister.
Diagnosis - person with slanted nose. ; Dilate - the late British Princess Diana.
Dislocation - in this place. ; Duodenum - couple in blue jeans.
Enema - not a friend. ; Fake labour - pretending to work.
Genes - blue denim. ; Hernia - she is close by.
Impotent - distinguished/well known. ; Labour pain - hurt at work.
Lactose - people without toes. ; Lymph - walk unsteadily.
Microbes - small dressing gown. ; Obesity - city of Obe.
Pacemaker - winner of Nobel peace prize. ; Proteins - in favor of teens.
Pulse - grain. ; Pus - small cat.
Red blood count - Dracula. ; Secretion - hiding anything.
Tablet - small table. ; Ultrasound - radical
Pay attention to what you say
It is always a bad idea to speak your mind without taking the time "to think before you speak." Remember, once the words come out of your mouth, there is no way to put them back in. If you say something which hurts someone, you may try to repair the damage by apologizing, but depending on the circumstances, the damage may be done.
Therefore, the best way to speak your mind effectively is to think carefully about what you say. You can become a master of getting your point across to others without being rude in the process.
Many people are not assertive because they are too aggressive. They are quick to insult others, and some even resort to using foul language in order to make sure they get their point across. Behaving in this manner will almost always drive people away.
In many cases, when you are blatantly rude when speaking your mind, your words will simply "go in one ear and come out the other." While people will hear you, they will not listen with attention, or if they do, they will only hear the negative things that you said.
The ability to speak your mind properly is a critical skill that should never be taken for granted. In this world, there will be times when you will need to get your point across, and depending on the field you work in, this could be daily.
By thinking about the things you say before you say it, you will save yourself a lot of headaches, and you will often be able to maintain relationships which would otherwise be lost. It is also important to make sure you avoid "not saying anything," as this will only cause feelings to build up inside you.
Not saying anything is just as bad as saying the wrong thing. If someone or something is bothering you, not saying anything for fear of causing conflict will not help the situation. In most cases, the person offending you may not realize they are doing it, and if you do not tell them anything, they will keep doing it. But if you explode, or tell them something that is harsh, this is equally as bad.
The assertive person is someone who explains themselves to others and they will do so in a way that is not offensive.
Therefore, the best way to speak your mind effectively is to think carefully about what you say. You can become a master of getting your point across to others without being rude in the process.
In many cases, when you are blatantly rude when speaking your mind, your words will simply "go in one ear and come out the other." While people will hear you, they will not listen with attention, or if they do, they will only hear the negative things that you said.
The ability to speak your mind properly is a critical skill that should never be taken for granted. In this world, there will be times when you will need to get your point across, and depending on the field you work in, this could be daily.
By thinking about the things you say before you say it, you will save yourself a lot of headaches, and you will often be able to maintain relationships which would otherwise be lost. It is also important to make sure you avoid "not saying anything," as this will only cause feelings to build up inside you.
Not saying anything is just as bad as saying the wrong thing. If someone or something is bothering you, not saying anything for fear of causing conflict will not help the situation. In most cases, the person offending you may not realize they are doing it, and if you do not tell them anything, they will keep doing it. But if you explode, or tell them something that is harsh, this is equally as bad.
The assertive person is someone who explains themselves to others and they will do so in a way that is not offensive.
The Four Ways to Test Your Thinking and Anger
The following are the considerations you need to think of to clearly see the effects of your negative thinking and anger. This is also a good measurement if you have already achieved positive thinking and have controlled your anger.
• Look at the results – The biggest indicator of positive thinking and controlled anger is to know what you have done lately. Have been aggressive lately or have failed miserably in a project that you could have done? You will be able to gauge your disposition based on your success. Being grumpy and feeling bad about the situation will most likely get you nowhere.
• In case of failure, know the causes – Of course, a positive attitude does not give you immediate and positive results. Some things cannot just be pushed through. Take a look at some of the causes of failure and see whether you have done the best you can and easily gave up because you got frustrated easily.
• Put yourself on other’s perspective – A good measurement of your attitude towards work and family is to put yourself in other’s perspective. What could be the current feeling of your friends, family and co-workers regarding your current actions? Their perspective will provide you with an even more objective measurement if you are already been more positive and have controlled your anger.
• Your personal philosophy – What is your current motto or belief in life? This is just a simple and could even be a silly question but everyone has a belief system. Scrutinize your belief system and know if they have worked for your advantage lately. [exforsys Inc,2010]
• Look at the results – The biggest indicator of positive thinking and controlled anger is to know what you have done lately. Have been aggressive lately or have failed miserably in a project that you could have done? You will be able to gauge your disposition based on your success. Being grumpy and feeling bad about the situation will most likely get you nowhere.
• In case of failure, know the causes – Of course, a positive attitude does not give you immediate and positive results. Some things cannot just be pushed through. Take a look at some of the causes of failure and see whether you have done the best you can and easily gave up because you got frustrated easily.
• Put yourself on other’s perspective – A good measurement of your attitude towards work and family is to put yourself in other’s perspective. What could be the current feeling of your friends, family and co-workers regarding your current actions? Their perspective will provide you with an even more objective measurement if you are already been more positive and have controlled your anger.
• Your personal philosophy – What is your current motto or belief in life? This is just a simple and could even be a silly question but everyone has a belief system. Scrutinize your belief system and know if they have worked for your advantage lately. [exforsys Inc,2010]
How to speak your mind...
There are times when you need to make a point, but you have to do it right. When it comes to speaking their minds, the vast majority of people in this world fall under either one of two categories: they either speak their minds without considering the feelings of others, or they do not speak their minds at all. To become successful, you must be different from these people.
You must know how to speak your mind without offending a lot of people at the same time. However, one thing that you have to accept is that you will sometimes ruffle the feathers of others when speaking your mind, and the reason for this is because there will always be people who do not agree with you.
When it comes to speaking your mind, the last thing you want to be is a coward. A coward tries to avoid speaking his mind "in order to avoid conflict." Trying to avoid conflict is worthless and meaningless, simply because it is a fact of life.
We live in a world full of non-altruistic humans who think first and foremost of themselves. What this means is that they will be quick to impose their ways of life on you, and many of them will try to control you. Your goal should be to make sure this does not happen.
The best way to accomplish this is by knowing how to speak your mind. The first step in speaking your mind properly is to monitor your tone of voice. Even if someone is doing something that angers you, you will want to tell them this is in a calm manner.
Your tone of voice communicates a lot, and if it conveys anger or similar emotions, it will hurt others or push them away. Your goal should be to maintain a calm demeanor and tone of voice at all times. The second step in effectively speaking your mind is to pay attention to the words you use. [exforsys Inc, 2010]
You must know how to speak your mind without offending a lot of people at the same time. However, one thing that you have to accept is that you will sometimes ruffle the feathers of others when speaking your mind, and the reason for this is because there will always be people who do not agree with you.
We live in a world full of non-altruistic humans who think first and foremost of themselves. What this means is that they will be quick to impose their ways of life on you, and many of them will try to control you. Your goal should be to make sure this does not happen.
The best way to accomplish this is by knowing how to speak your mind. The first step in speaking your mind properly is to monitor your tone of voice. Even if someone is doing something that angers you, you will want to tell them this is in a calm manner.
Your tone of voice communicates a lot, and if it conveys anger or similar emotions, it will hurt others or push them away. Your goal should be to maintain a calm demeanor and tone of voice at all times. The second step in effectively speaking your mind is to pay attention to the words you use. [exforsys Inc, 2010]
the world most Venomous creatures
It is really hard to tell which animal is the most poisonous in the world. The one that has the most toxic chemicals? The one that kills the biggest amount of people a year? Or maybe the one with the biggest amount of poison?
First of all, I have to admit that the title is a bit incorrect, because there is a difference between poisonous and venomous animals. A poisonous animal carries harmful chemicals called toxins primarily used for self defense. Therefore venomous animals deliver their toxins by stinging, stabbing, or biting. So poisonous animals are passive killers, while venomous animals are active killers.
Nevertheless, theory aside, they are all really dangerous. So look really closely at each photo, cause next time you meet them can be the last thing you ever see.
1. Box jellyfish
The top prize for “The World Most Venomous Animal,” would go to the Box Jellyfish. It has caused at least 5,567 recorded deaths since 1954. Their venom is among the most deadly in the world. It’s toxins attack the heart, nervous system, and skin cells. And the worst part of it is that jelly box venom is so overpoweringly painful, that human victims go in shock, drown or die of heart failure before even reaching shore. Survivors experience pain weeks after the contact with box jellies.
You have virtually no chance to survive the venomous sting, unless treated immediately. After a sting, vinegar should be applied for a minimum of 30 seconds. Vinegar has acetic acid, which disables the box jelly’s nematocysts that have not yet discharged into the bloodstream (though it will not alleviate the pain). Wearing panty hose while swimming is also a good prevention measure since it can prevent jellies from being able to harm your legs.
Jelly box can be found in the waters around Asia and Australia.
2. the King Cobra
The King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) is the world’s longest venomous snake – growing up to 5.6 m (18.5 ft) in length. Ophiophagus, literally means “snake-eater” as it eats other snakes. One single bite of this deadly snake can easily kill a human. This snake is even capable of killing a full-grown Asian Elephant within 3 hours if the larger animal is bitten in a vulnerable area such as the trunk.
It’s venom is not as toxic as other venomous snakes, but King Cobra is capable of injecting 5 times more venom than black mamba and can result in mortality up to 5 times faster than that of the black mamba. It is quite widespread, ranging across South and South-east Asia, living in dense highland forests.
3. Marbled Cone snail
This little beautiful looking Marbled Cone snail can be as deadly as any other animal on this list. One drop of its venom is so powerful that it can kill more than 20 humans. If you ever happen to be in warm salt water environment (where these snails are often found) and see it, don’t even think of picking it up. Of course, the true purpose of its venom is to catch its prey.
Symptoms of a cone snail sting can start immediately or can be delayed in onset for days. It results in intense pain, swelling, numbness and tingling. Severe cases involve muscle paralysis, vision changes and breathing failure. There is no anti-venom. However, only about 30 human deaths have been recorded from cone snail economization.
4. Blue-ringed Octopus
The Blue-Ringed Octopus is very small, only the size of a golf ball, but its venom is so powerful that can kill a human. Actually it carries enough poison to kill 26 adult humans within minutes, and there is no antidote. They are currently recognized as one of the world’s most venomous animals.
Its painless bite may seem harmless, but the deadly neurotoxins begin working immediately resulting in muscular weakness, numbness, followed by a cessation and breathing and ultimately death.
They can be found in tide pools in the Pacific Ocean, from Japan to Australia.
5. Death Stalker scorpion
Contrarily to the popular belief most of the scorpions are relatively harmless to humans as stings produce only local effects (pain, numbness or swelling). However, the Death Starker Scorpion is highly dangerous species because its venom is a powerful cocktail of neurotoxins which causes an intense and unbearable pain, then fever, followed by coma, convulsions, paralysis and death. Fortunately, while a sting from this scorpion is extremely painful, it would be unlikely to kill a healthy, adult human. Young children, the old, or infirm (with a heart condition) are at the biggest risk.
Death stalker scorpions are spread in North Africa and Middle East.
6. Stone fish
Maybe Stonefish would never win a beauty contest, but it would definitely win the top prize for being “The World Most Venomous Fish”. Its venom causes such a severe pain that the victims of its sting want the affected limb to be amputated. It is described as the worst pain known to man. It is accompanied with possible shock, paralysis, and tissue death. If not given medical attention within a couple of hours It can be fatal to humans.
Stone-fish stores its toxins in gruesome-looking spines that are designed to hurt would-be predators.
Stone-fish mostly live above the tropic of Capricorn, often found in the shallow tropical marine waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans, ranging from the Red Sea to the Queensland Great Barrier Reef.
7. The Brazilian Wandering Spider
The Brazilian Wandering Spider (Phoneutria) or banana spider appears in the Guinness Book of World Records 2007 for the most venomous spider and is the spider responsible for most human deaths.
This spider is believed to have the most potent neurotoxic venom of any living spider. Only 0.006mg (0.00000021oz) is sufficient to kill a mouse. They are also so dangerous because of their wandering nature. They often hide during daytime in highly populated areas inside houses, clothes, boots, and cars.
Its venomous bite causes not only intense pain, the venom of the spider can also cause priapism – uncomfortable erections lasting for many hours that lead to impotence.
8. Indian Taipan
The prize for “The World’s Most Venomous Snake” goes to the Inland Taipan of Australia. Just a single bite from this snake contains enough venom to kill 100 human adults or an army of 250,000 mice. Its venom is at least 200 – 400 times more toxic than a common cobra. The Inland Taiwan’s extremely neurotoxic venom can kill an adult human in as little as 45 minutes. Fortunately this snake is very shy and there have been no documented human fatalities (all known bites were treated with antivenin).
9. Poison Dart frog
If you ever happen to be running through the rain forests somewhere in Central or South America, do not ever pick up beautiful and colorful frogs – it can be the Poison Dart Frog. This frog is probably the most poisonous animal on earth.The 2 inch long (5cm) golden poison dart frog has enough venom to kill 10 adult humans or 20,000 mice. Only 2 micrograms of this lethal toxin (the amount that fits on the head of a pin) is capable of killing a human or other large mammal. They are called “dart frogs” because indigenous Amerindians’ use of their toxic secretions to poison the tips of their blow-darts. Poison dart frogs keep their poison in their skins and will sicken or kill anybody who touches or eats it.
10. Puffer fish
Puffer Fish are the second most poisonous vertebrate on earth (the first one is golden dart Frog). The meat of some species is a delicacy in both Japan (as fugu) and Korea (as bok-uh) but the problem is that the skin and certain organs of many puffer fish are very poisonous to humans.
This puffy fish produce rapid and violent death..Puffer’s poisoning causes deadening of the tongue and lips, dizziness, vomiting, rapid heart rate, difficulty breathing, and muscle paralysis. Victims die from suffocation as diaphragm muscles are paralyzed. Most of the victims die after four to 24 hours. There is no known antidote, Most deaths from fugu happen when untrained people catch and prepare the fish.
Statistics show that there were 20 to 44 incidents of fugu poisoning per year between 1996 and 2006 in all of Japan and up to six incidents per year led to death. Since Fugu’s poison can cause near instantaneous death, only licensed chefs are allowed to prepare it. [villageofjoy,2010]
First of all, I have to admit that the title is a bit incorrect, because there is a difference between poisonous and venomous animals. A poisonous animal carries harmful chemicals called toxins primarily used for self defense. Therefore venomous animals deliver their toxins by stinging, stabbing, or biting. So poisonous animals are passive killers, while venomous animals are active killers.
Nevertheless, theory aside, they are all really dangerous. So look really closely at each photo, cause next time you meet them can be the last thing you ever see.
1. Box jellyfish

The top prize for “The World Most Venomous Animal,” would go to the Box Jellyfish. It has caused at least 5,567 recorded deaths since 1954. Their venom is among the most deadly in the world. It’s toxins attack the heart, nervous system, and skin cells. And the worst part of it is that jelly box venom is so overpoweringly painful, that human victims go in shock, drown or die of heart failure before even reaching shore. Survivors experience pain weeks after the contact with box jellies.
You have virtually no chance to survive the venomous sting, unless treated immediately. After a sting, vinegar should be applied for a minimum of 30 seconds. Vinegar has acetic acid, which disables the box jelly’s nematocysts that have not yet discharged into the bloodstream (though it will not alleviate the pain). Wearing panty hose while swimming is also a good prevention measure since it can prevent jellies from being able to harm your legs.
Jelly box can be found in the waters around Asia and Australia.
2. the King Cobra

It’s venom is not as toxic as other venomous snakes, but King Cobra is capable of injecting 5 times more venom than black mamba and can result in mortality up to 5 times faster than that of the black mamba. It is quite widespread, ranging across South and South-east Asia, living in dense highland forests.
3. Marbled Cone snail

Symptoms of a cone snail sting can start immediately or can be delayed in onset for days. It results in intense pain, swelling, numbness and tingling. Severe cases involve muscle paralysis, vision changes and breathing failure. There is no anti-venom. However, only about 30 human deaths have been recorded from cone snail economization.
4. Blue-ringed Octopus

Its painless bite may seem harmless, but the deadly neurotoxins begin working immediately resulting in muscular weakness, numbness, followed by a cessation and breathing and ultimately death.
They can be found in tide pools in the Pacific Ocean, from Japan to Australia.
5. Death Stalker scorpion

Contrarily to the popular belief most of the scorpions are relatively harmless to humans as stings produce only local effects (pain, numbness or swelling). However, the Death Starker Scorpion is highly dangerous species because its venom is a powerful cocktail of neurotoxins which causes an intense and unbearable pain, then fever, followed by coma, convulsions, paralysis and death. Fortunately, while a sting from this scorpion is extremely painful, it would be unlikely to kill a healthy, adult human. Young children, the old, or infirm (with a heart condition) are at the biggest risk.
Death stalker scorpions are spread in North Africa and Middle East.
6. Stone fish

Stone-fish stores its toxins in gruesome-looking spines that are designed to hurt would-be predators.
Stone-fish mostly live above the tropic of Capricorn, often found in the shallow tropical marine waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans, ranging from the Red Sea to the Queensland Great Barrier Reef.
7. The Brazilian Wandering Spider

The Brazilian Wandering Spider (Phoneutria) or banana spider appears in the Guinness Book of World Records 2007 for the most venomous spider and is the spider responsible for most human deaths.
This spider is believed to have the most potent neurotoxic venom of any living spider. Only 0.006mg (0.00000021oz) is sufficient to kill a mouse. They are also so dangerous because of their wandering nature. They often hide during daytime in highly populated areas inside houses, clothes, boots, and cars.
Its venomous bite causes not only intense pain, the venom of the spider can also cause priapism – uncomfortable erections lasting for many hours that lead to impotence.
8. Indian Taipan

9. Poison Dart frog

10. Puffer fish

This puffy fish produce rapid and violent death..Puffer’s poisoning causes deadening of the tongue and lips, dizziness, vomiting, rapid heart rate, difficulty breathing, and muscle paralysis. Victims die from suffocation as diaphragm muscles are paralyzed. Most of the victims die after four to 24 hours. There is no known antidote, Most deaths from fugu happen when untrained people catch and prepare the fish.
Statistics show that there were 20 to 44 incidents of fugu poisoning per year between 1996 and 2006 in all of Japan and up to six incidents per year led to death. Since Fugu’s poison can cause near instantaneous death, only licensed chefs are allowed to prepare it. [villageofjoy,2010]
Global Warming and the Climate change...
Global warming is one of the most dangerous challenges that all of humanity has ever faced. Its multiple effects will cause disruptions in everything from natural habitat to drinking water and food supply. And even more dangerously, it will give birth to some of the most powerful natural disasters ever known to mankind.
And it is also know that Global warming and climate change refer to an increase in average global temperatures. Natural events and human activities are believed to be contributing to an increase in average global temperatures.
This is caused primarily by increases in “greenhouse” gases such as Carbon Dioxide (CO2).
The climate is changing. The earth is warming up, and there is now overwhelming scientific consensus that it is happening, and human-induced. With global warming on the increase and species and their habitats on the decrease, chances for ecosystems to adapt naturally are diminishing.
Many are agreed that climate change may be one of the greatest threats facing the planet. Recent years show increasing temperatures in various regions, and/or increasing extremities in weather patterns.
And it is also know that Global warming and climate change refer to an increase in average global temperatures. Natural events and human activities are believed to be contributing to an increase in average global temperatures.

The climate is changing. The earth is warming up, and there is now overwhelming scientific consensus that it is happening, and human-induced. With global warming on the increase and species and their habitats on the decrease, chances for ecosystems to adapt naturally are diminishing.
Many are agreed that climate change may be one of the greatest threats facing the planet. Recent years show increasing temperatures in various regions, and/or increasing extremities in weather patterns.