

What is Sage CRM? - contact BIZDIMENSION!

Drive Your Front End Operation Effectively

SageCRM is an easy to use, fast to deploy, feature-rich CRMsystem providing enterprise-wide access to vital customer information—anytime, anywhere. With SageCRM, you can better manage your business by integrating field sales, internal sales, customer care, and marketing information.

Sales Automation
Take complete control of your sales pipeline by empowering sales teams to effectively manage, forecast and report on all phases of the sales cycle.

Marketing Automation
Track the ROI of your marketing programs by automating, tracking and analyzing every marketing campaign, from one-time e-mail communications to multi-faceted marketing programs.

Customer Care
Make the most of every customer interaction by ensuring customer satisfaction and even allowing your customers to help themselves.

If your company is looking for a dependable, results-oriented professional with a solid performance track; contact our professional business solution and software consultancy at:
For more details info about BIZDIMENSION company or to find out how their products and services could really benefit your and your company, please visit their website at or email them at then one of the experienced consultant will be in touch.

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