One In A Million
You're one in a million, my most special one;
Your radiant smile is as bright as the sun;
You're smart and caring and have many great charms,
And my heart really sings when you're in my arms.
I'm happy you chose me from all of the rest,
And I'm proud 'cause I know that I got the best.
You're so gentle and so perfect, and you glow like a pearl under rain;
I just love you so much, my most wonderful man!
I Think Of You
When I think of you, you fill my mind;
There’s no more thinking room I find.
I’ve never had such thoughts before;
I’m lost in you, whom I adore.
I think no more of mundane things,
Like common pleasures that living brings.
I just think of you, and I’m filled with dreams;
To keep your love fills all my schemes.
If Not For You
If not for you, I wouldn’t know
What true love really meant.
I’d never feel this inner peace;
I couldn’t be content.
If not for you, I’d never have
The pleasures of romance.
I’d miss the bliss, the craziness,
Of love’s sweet, silly dance.
I have to feel your tender touch;
I have to hear your voice;
No other one could take your place;
You’re it; I have no choice.
If not for you, I’d be a drift;
I don’t know what I’d do;
I’d be searching for my other half,
Incomplete, if not for you.
Safe Within Our Love
How did this miracle happen
That we're so very blessed,
So close…and more contented,
Than I ever would have guessed.
I never thought that I
Could spend each precious minute
With just one special person
And find happiness within it.
I've learned so much from you
About loving, sharing, giving;
I know if I hadn't met you,
I wouldn't be really living.
We're facing life together;
We're handling joy and sorrow;
I'm glad you're on my side,
Whatever comes tomorrow.
You're my perfect partner,
Sweet lover, trusted husband.
We're safe within our love,
A love that will never end.
You're every single breath i take. and plz remember, no one elses shall come close and have your place. Two hearts that beat as one!
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