

Great Alliances - Training and Capacity Building

Importance of Training and Capacity Building

According to the UN Development Programme, "capacity" has been defined as "the ability of individuals, institutions and societies to perform functions, solve problems, and set and achieve objectives in a sustainable manner". The terms "capacity building" or "capacity development" describe the task of developing levels of human and institutional capacity. Whatever the terminology, capacity building remains one of the most challenging functions of development.

Due to Training and capacity building has provides a lot of useful activities and is considered as the importance process of getting one individual or organization to the level of improving or having their skills/ ability developed; Great Alliances- HR company has come to the decision of developing the new programme/ service- Training and Capacity Building.

In two months, Great Alliances will publicly announce theirs courses and training schedule and we believe that this training and capacity building program shall be a purposeful, positive and productive experience for not only individuals but to the whole society since Human Resources is known as one of the main factor to help in country development.

As we are specialists in executive search and selection/ Recruitment, we have found out that there are still a lack of capacity- our Human Resources are still limited. Hence, our focus is on providing relevant programs, Skills, and services that reflect the realities of today’s working and market needs.

Whether you’re a fresh graduates, an experienced individuals or whom found oneself having a limit in capacity to reflect to oneself career, Great Alliances is getting and bringing what you need to move forward with Confidence and Success!

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or i can be reached at (855) 12 495 666

Great Alliances - Partnership for Success

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