


Most people didn’t realize how precious to be born as a human being and to be able to find someone who really matter to us.

Since it is known that, Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So, Love the people who treat us right, forgive the ones who don’t and believe that everything always happens for reason.

If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Because we, people, would never know how strong we are…until being strong is the only choice we have.

Do you think you know clearly what LOVE is really are? Just answer this question with yourself…and see, how u might feel to urself with the own definition you have over LOVE!!!

Having no doubts; people always say that LOVE is blind, but why some people says LOVE is the priceless things on earth? Why some says LOVE is hell; while, others says LOVE is the meaning of life? Why there are so many definitions for LOVE, and why it is always show opposite meaning between people?

But, no matter how different LOVE can be defined – the only one thing that must be in common is “HONESTY”. Without Honesty, there is a less in percentages that love could be long lasting.

Tips: When Life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have millions reasons to smile… and you know why? Simple is this, because LIFE is too precious to worry about stupid stuff. So, say what you wanna say, and do what you wanna do. When you come to a decision, believe in yourself, regret nothing (if no impacts on others) and don’t let people who don’t matter, bring you down.

Please don’t let someone be a priority in your life; when you are just their options. The only people you need in your life, are the ones that need you in theirs…so, be careful..guys!

If you fail, and come to broken heart… please stand up and show the world you are strong enough to move on for where you are belongs (happiness). If someone crumbled your heart, let’s fixed it urself… “embrace those who love you & whom you love, and rid yourself of those who will only bring you down”. Life is more precious, not just waste it living with pain and tears due to broken heart.

Hence, I hope this could give you guys some ideas of what should be the core of true love!!!

Love isn't love unless it is expressed;
caring isn't caring unless the other person knows;
sharing isn't sharing unless the other person is included;
Loving, caring, and sharing can make for a very happy marriage.

And together – this is how marriage should be defined.

All the best wishes to y’all!!!

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