

Success in school + career = success in life?

Does anyone of you can really answer to yourself of what is Success?
Does everyone of us define Success in the same way? people born differently and therefore, the conception of ours toward success is sure gonna be different; at least in some ways.
So, what is success? does success in life refers to how you success in school plus career?
Now, let's read these article, then you will see what is success in life really is!!!

What is success in life? If you are in a happy relationship and making money doing something you enjoy, are you less successful than someone who happens to make more money? Of course not! Life is not a competition against others, to be fought on their terms. Two businessmen can be compared for their success in business, but this doesn't tell us about their entire lives.

Next question: If you will be happier, wealthier and healthier in the future, does this mean you are a failure now? Absolutely not. Success in life is about the process, not current lists of accomplishments. A happy poor person who is going to school to get a degree, or otherwise bettering his life is more successful than a miserable rich man who is falling into destructive habits.

Success In Life Right Now

Personal success is in the actions of this moment. Maybe this is a new idea to you, but doesn't it make intuitive sense? Even if you fail at the specific goals you are currently working on, if the attempt is honest, and you are willing to learn from your mistakes, isn't this personal success?

This idea may be discouraging for some. Sometimes the thought of success being somewhere in the future is just a way to excuse the actions of the moment. You can continue "waiting for your ship to come in," and delay taking the actions you need to take to fulfill yourself. You can keep that future in mind - and always push it a little further forward. If you think this way, you may not like the idea that you can be a success right now, because it reminds you that it is your responsibility.

On the other hand, it can be a very liberating thought. No longer do you have to wait for the future. If you find your inspiration in the work of the moment, and you do it honestly and with acceptance of the need to continually correct course and enjoy the journey, you are successful right now. There is no guarantee that you won't get lazy or discouraged, but the moment you begin again to work towards your true values, you are living a successful life.

Success is Personal

What, then do you want out of life. To get rich? To help others? To have great relationships? To travel the world? To be healthier? All of the above? Success in life is personal and unique. Whatever your best course is in life (and this is only for you to decide), when you start honestly in that direction, in that moment you are succeeding as a human being.

The outward manifestations of success are nice - the money, things and opportunities. You'll surely have some of these, but you will also fail at many things. We all do, and that's okay. The important question is the moment-to-moment and day-to-day question: will you start again in the right direction?

But remember that this internal process of choosing again and taking action is what defines success in life. [Selfimprovement, 2009]

Define your own success first...what are the things that mean success to you? is it success in business and career? or is it how you can earn a lot of money? is it how you live your lives happily? is that how you live your lives wealthy and healthy or is it only when you can live with treasury? Make sure you understand what are the things that you want to get success in... then, there you go to step forth for it... :) Understand yourself, understand your own needs, then there will be a path to go for ur own success, and this is the key to success!!!

Stock market is +/-? Cambodia!!!

What is stock market? any ideas comes in to your mind yet? If you are interested in financial stuffs, its activities over market today, and especially how you want to gain knowledge about stock market, I hope the below article will sure can help you; though, not 100% details information.

Obviously, stocks and the stock market are important, but you may find that you know very little about them. What is a stock? What is a stock market? Why do we need a stock market? Where does the stock come from to begin with, and why do people want to buy and sell it?

A stock market is a public market for the trading of company stock and derivatives at an agreed price; these are securities listed on a stock exchange as well as those only traded privately. A single figure that sums up the overall performance of the market on a daily basis is the Stock Index. A good Stock Index captures the movement of the well diversified and highly liquid stocks and it is calculated by finding the weighted average of the prices of the most actively traded companies in the market, where the weights are generally in proportion to the market capitalization of the company.
But when and where did it all start?

Stock Exchanges as a centre for trading were established as early as the 16th century. In Antwerp, a major financial hub in Belgium, traders gathered together in 1531 to speculate in shares and commodities. This was the world's first Stock Exchange. London and Paris set up Exchanges sometime near the end of the 17th century. Close to hundred years later, in 1792, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) was established, which is still one of the world’s most powerful exchanges today. The reason for establishment was primarily the need for financing businesses and for providing returns for the finances. [Agarwal. N, Goplani. A, et al.]

Personally, i still cannot say whether stock market is a good thing or a bad thing and especially for Cambodia. Toward the additional research studies, it is come to realized that, stock market is unpredictable and no one dares to come up in public and shout that "hey people, i am the master of stock market, and i know exactly whether the stock will grow or fall" see? Hence, i still find myself so confusing whenever i heard people talk about stock market, and i really wonder why they decided to risk that much.
In contrary, stock market is also one factor that help grow company profit and it can raise money by selling shares or whatever; though, it is still risky for either low or middle class people to get themselves to become a stock trader; while, rich people can risk their treasures in playing around with these unpredictable thing "stock market".

Tips: if any of you want to keep yourself updated about stock market information or current stock prices whether NYSE or FTSE, etc... below are a few websites that i have been stick with for months.

4. (this address can be use once you are interested in get urself in stock market, real market situation, real win, real lose, but with fake account, fake money. If you win the market, just try to beat the top 10 traders who occurs in the listed. the winner will be those who earn a lot of money from stock market by buying or selling any shares they are holding in hands. "this is called a Fantasy trader".

Remember: if you wanna win, you need to keep your head straightly at all details of current market activity; especially try to find out as much details of the company you are trying to buy their shares before you walk yourself to be a fantasy beggar. so, don't careless... check out company profile, their income statement, history, their market activity, their market shares, market prices, dividend, debts, Current ratio, and other important indexes.

Stock market is not about money, is not about your intelligent but about your personality. personality of yours will lead you to where you meant to be "millionaire or beggar" is for you, yourself to choose. Think wisely,then!


Unique world among the world on earth...

What comes up to your mind once you see the below pictures? What's wrong? Why so crowded? why so risky? why so different? is this how they want to show the world about their unique?

1. Nowhere else but India
2. Why Pakistan???
3. Life in Bangladesh???
4. Freak shape? Japan !!!
5. Indonesia have no market or what???
6., life of stylish!
7. too relax? Hawaii...
8. China!!! lifestyle? Fresh?
9. need open air? Why Cambodia...!

Question: is it fun to take a glance at or this is what we, people, should pay more attention to?


Emotional Intelligent (EI)? Successful people have high EI?

Everyone of us might probably have known some people; either at work or in our personal lives, who are really good listeners. No matter what kind of situation we're in, they always seem to know just what to say, and how to say it, so that we're not gotta be offended or upset. Most of them are caring and considerate, and even if they don't find a solution to the problem, they never gonna lose hope but just maintain being optimistic.
We probably also know people who are really good at managing their own emotions. They are not going to be angry; though, they are in a very stressful and pressure circumstances. Instead, they have the ability to look at that problem and calmly try to find a solution. We can say that they're an excellent decision maker, because they know exactly when they should trust the fact and when they better trust their guts, and they know very well when to trust their intuition. Regardless of their strengths, however, they're usually willing to look at themselves honestly in order to find out deeply of who they really are, before they start to look at other people, and make judgment on other people's weaknesses. What is more, they seem to take criticism pretty well and always find way in using it to their own performance.

Toward the additional research studies, it is said that, people like this have a very high degree of emotional intelligence (EI). Moreover, they are not only know themselves clearly but they're also able to sense the emotional needs of others.

What Is Emotional Intelligence?

We all have different personalities, different wants and needs, and different ways of showing our emotions. Navigating through this all takes tact and cleverness - especially if we hope to succeed in life. This is where emotional intelligence becomes important.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize your emotions, understand what they're telling you, and realize how your emotions affect people around you. Emotional intelligence also involves your perception of others: when you understand how they feel, this allows you to manage relationships more effectively.

People with high emotional intelligence are usually successful in most things they do. Why? Because they're the ones that others want on their team. When people with high EI send an email, it gets answered. When they need help, they get it. Because they make others feel good, they go through life much more easily than people who are easily angered or upset.


Although "regular" intelligence is important to success in life, emotional intelligence is key to relating well to others and achieving your goals. Many people believe that emotional intelligence is at least as important as regular intelligence, and many companies now use EI testing to hire new staff.
Emotional intelligence is an awareness of your actions and feelings – and how they affect those around you. It also means that you value others, listen to their wants and needs, and are able to empathize or identify with them on many different levels.
For details information about EI - Characteristics of Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman, an American psychologist, and How to improve your EI? , please visit:


Dressing behavior can shows your personality...really!!!

It is said that, people is always different from one another; though, some people says they are having many things in common, but there will always be at least one thing that show their differences and who knows!
Most people are very concern about their outfit and stuffs; especially they do care most on how others people see them. By the way, some people just think that the outlook or all those expensive clothes, make up, jewelry, and the way they dress is just a secondary stuffs; while they just pay attention to their character, personality, behavior rather than how they will be looked at their dresses.
As a matter of fact, the way we dress up or how we dress off can also show about our personality and behavior of oneself to self and how we see the world. Just a small part of our everyday's lives "Dressing personality" can illustrates who we are in some ways:

Now...let see and find out what is your personality as per your own style:

1] if u throw ur clothes all over the place, U're friendly, party type.
ur free with ur thoughts and opinions and don't care about what others think about u.
it represents ur happy individualistic nature. keep stay that way.

2] if u remove each piece of clothing carefully, u r a serious person who likes 2be very calm.
u're comfortable with routine work, and u believe that the best way 2 deal with life problem is to prevent them in the first place.
u r perfectionist and by nature quite shy. u r dependable and sometimes intense. u think carefully before making any decision and u always go about ur tasks with concentration.

3] if u take off the shirt and 10 minutes later just get around the pants, u're extremely self confident person. u r naturally bright and intellectual. u r also a deep thinker who loves 2ask query and concern over the meaning of them.
u hate being rushed and u don't like 2 b hashed. usually u like a lot of free time for urself.

4] if u get out ur clothes as quickly as possible, unconcerned about others and what they expect from u. but u're worried about ur own needs.
u r family oriented and stay extremely busy.
u often feel stressed, but most of those heavy expectations come from ur own head.
give urself a break and u don't have 2be perfect.

5] if u take off ur rings, earring, necklace,watch etc before nothing else, then u're a warm and sensitive person.
u r considerate and thoughtful and u give good advice to your friends.
u r naturally born romantic. helping friends or nobody is your second nature.
u hate liars and u would love the world to become a better place.

6] if u don't have any undressing routine and u never do it the same way twice, U're very curious and interesting person.
u enjoy a broad range of activities.
u take risks and enjoy fun and adventure. the word monotony cannot dampen ur spirits at any cost, as u live life king size. having fun is as much apart of your routine as slogging it out of office.

Which one of the six types of dressing personality listed above is Yours? Is that what you think you are? :) great luck, guys!

Source: Available from:


Things you should know about Human Resources...

When it comes to getting a job in the Human Resource department, one must be able to fully grasp and understand the basic concept of Human Resources. There is no doubt that Human Resources are a major function in many businesses; while, nearly every business out there has a Human Resource department; it does not matter where you are located.

Today, you should know that Human Resources is the department that helps maintain a supply of workers. When it comes to these workers, the Human Resources Department must make sure they are the ones that are qualified when it comes to fueling the needs of the business. When it comes to Human Resources, you will find they are professionals from a number of organizations that train, hire and even fire employees. The Human Resources are the ones that take care of all of the issues such as the leave policy, payroll and employee benefits.

When it comes to those large companies that have a large number of employees, you will find that Human Resource is even more important than ever before. Human Resources involve sorting through employees they believe are not qualified for the job with employees that are qualified for the job. If you think Human Resource personnel has an easy going job that is laid back, then you are wrong.

In the end, Human Resource personnel must have a personality that is great to be around and excellent computer skills. Human Resource personnel will have to interact with individuals both inside and outside the office everyday, so those communication skills play a crucial role. Human Resource personnel will be training and supervising employees from different backgrounds.[DeShea Witcher, 2008]


US dollar continues to slide

According to the script posted on The Sydney Morning Herald, it is said that: The US dollar dropped further against major currencies as a jump in pending home sales added to optimism about the US economy and investors traded in their "safe-haven" positions for higher-yielding assets.

Hope of an economic recovery has undercut the dollar as investors trade it in for foreign equities and bonds. Worries over US deficits and debt loads also added to investors' wariness of the greenback.

The 16-nation euro surged to $US1.4318 from $US1.4171, earlier trading at a five-month high of $US1.4330. Meanwhile, the British pound jumped to $US1.6572 from $US1.6446 and reached $US1.6596 earlier in the session, its highest point since November. The dollar fell to 95.66 Japanese yen from 96.52 yen late Monday.

A report showing pending US home sales logged the biggest monthly jump in nearly eight years in April added to investors' confidence about the economy.
Better-than-anticipated data on manufacturing, consumer spending and construction spending sent the Dow and other major indexes up more than 2 per cent on Monday. Both the Standard & Poor's 500 and Nasdaq composite indexes rose to their highest levels this year.

A market rally continues to be negative for the US dollar, as it drives investors to riskier assets.
Investors also drew some confidence Tuesday from reports on May auto sales that showed month-to-month improvements despite bankruptcy filings by Chrysler and General Motors.
Oil prices briefly passed $US69 per barrel in a week-long rally as investors are betting that increased demand for goods will jump-start a demand for oil. They also often buy crude as a hedge against a dropping dollar.

Meanwhile, massive government borrowing to cover record federal deficits is worrying investors. The Obama administration has estimated a record $US1.84 trillion for the current budget year.

The fear is that rising government debt, which requires more borrowing and bond sales, could trigger rising long-term interest rates and possibly inflation when the economy recovers. Inflation would eat away at the dollar's value, and foreign investors may no longer be willing to buy up all the US government's debt.
In other late trading in the US on Tuesday, the dollar fell to 1.0608 Swiss francs from 1.0703 francs, and slipped to 1.0811 Canadian dollars from 1.0892 Canadian dollars.

Gold for current delivery closed at $US983.20 per troy ounce Tuesday on the New York Mercantile Exchange, up from $US978.60 Monday.

2009. US Dollar continues to slide [online]. Available from: [Assessed 07 June 2009]


Why Recruitment Consultants Exist?

According to Rich Wooten, Recruitment Consultant exists to fill the jobs of their client’s. What will normally happen is that recruitment consultant will call companies asking if they have any jobs that he/she can fill. They finally get one and then the set the wheels in motion to finding the candidate.

Normally they’ll advertise the job and search through their database. This is why you get calls out of the blue. Though, the recruitment consultant never gives any guarantees that you "candidate" will find a job or the company will find the employee.

Candidate condition

If you have ever looked for a job you will know, unless you work in a very specialized field, that it is very difficult to think of, say, 100 companies would be able to employ you.

Recruitment consultants do know this, good ones read newspapers, keep themselves up to date with what’s happening in their local area or specialist field.
If you are currently working, you will find out how time consuming finding a job is. Firstly you need to identify the companies you wish to target, and then you need to find the person you need to speak to.
Then the hard part, you need to speak to that person and find out if they are looking for someone like you, 9 times out of 10 the answer will be "no".

Speculative's CV

Posted speculative CVs are rarely filled for viewing later when they are there is usually no mechanism for a company to retrieve that CV. I.E. a database.

Once they have said "yes", then no doubt want you to sell yourself a little, most people feel a little nervous about this. Hence the recruitment consultant steps in, as it is easier for a third party to do the "selling".

The reason companies use them is purely for convenience since they charge anything between 15% to 20%; so they are expensive but as any employer knows placing a job in the paper is a costly affair.

Not simply the actual cost of the advert but managing the response, writing the ad copy and spending time getting the advert just right to portray the company in the best light etc. It is far easier to give the job to an agency and then look at 3 or 4 CVs rather than 100-200 inappropriate ones.

So until Job-seekers have either the time or the confidence to get jobs for themselves and until employers stop using Recruitment Consultants for convenience, the Recruitment Consultant is here to stay.